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Albaha University Journal of Human Sciences (BUJHS)

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  • Jawaher Ibrahim Abdo Zubaidi
  • Reseived: 5/5/2023 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 2/2/2024

The current study aimed to reveal the level of Nomophobia among males and females at Holy Makkah, and to reveal the differences in Nomophobia between males and females at Holy Makkah due to the variables of gender, age and educational level. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher applied the Nomophobia Scale - prepared by Yildirim (2014), translation and codification of Al-Akoum (2017) - on a sample that consisted of (992) males and females, their ages ranged from 13 - 60 years, from all educational levels at Holy Makkah, for the year 2023 – 1444 AH. The researcher used the descriptive method. The results of the study showed that the level of Nomophobia among males and females at Holy Makkah was moderate. The results of the study resulted in the presence of statistically significant differences in Nomophobia between males and females at Holy Makkah due to the gender variable and in favor of males. The results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences in Nomophobia between males and females in Holy Makkah due to the age variable and in favor of the age group 39-23 years. The results of the study revealed that there were no statistically significant differences in Nomophobia between males and females at Holy Makkah due to the educational level variable. In light of these results, the researcher advised a set of recommendations: The need to enlighten the society about Nomophobia and its negative effects on the individual and society, and the many problems associated with it in various aspects of psychological, academic, social and family life. And the inclusion of Nomophobia within the preventive and treatment programs to reduce the exacerbation of Its symptoms in males and females of all educational levels.

  • Dr. Waleed bin Abdul Mohsen bin Ahmed Al-Omari
  • Reseived: 29/4/2023 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 6/11/2023

Praise be to Allah, and peace blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and then: Surah Al-Mumtahanah included general rules and purposes, in accordance with the subject of the surah, and the circumstances of its events, and these purposes included a number of rulings related to Sharia policy, some of which were contrary to the prevailing of their general counterparts in the Holy Qur’an, and in Sharia, in general. So, these rulings were like exceptions to their origins prevailing; due to their relevance to pledge and covenants. The Qur’an which is the word of Allah, the All-Wise, the All-Aware, and His Sharia have no contradiction or disagreement; Allah Almighty says: “Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein many a contradiction” [An-Nisa': 82] Some rulings of this Surah verses are claimed to be abrogated and the others are supposed to be invalid due to their times long gone. Given that these rulings are considered divine guidance for Muslims to worship Allah – Almighty – in addition to the fact that these rulings affect contemporary Muslims’ lives, as well as the interest of reinforcement of their various implications and clarifying the truth regarding the various claims limiting their impacts on Muslims lives, indicating that these rulings are not restricted to those for whom these verses are revealed despite some scholars’ claims contradicting to this opinion; they said that these rulings shall be invalid or abrogated with the scientific consensus! The most prominent objectives of the research are as follows: - Clarifying these topics, tackling these claims, indicating the invalidity of the abrogation opinion along with consensus. - Response to those who claim that some Quran verses shall be invalid due to their times long gone. I hope to successfully tackle this topic. - Preserving the Quran against contradiction and differentiation. Indeed, it is exalted above them; indicating that limitation or restriction in some rulings are related only to such rulings and separated from the predominant opinion. The study applies the descriptive, analytical, and comparative approaches. The research concluded a number of results, the most important of which are: The close connection between the topics of the surah and its purposes. - The appearance of the features of justice in Islamic law, whether in differentiating between the enemies of God in dealings, or in the performance of their rights if some legal rulings result in the loss of those rights, and the misunderstanding of this differentiation results negatively in Muslims’ dealings with people with different religions. - Explaining the verse of the women’s examination, explaining the nature of the examination, its purpose, and the issues derived from this examination, most notably: the constancy of this ruling in similar cases with the change of time. The pledge of allegiance is a covenant that is understood in its context and is not objected to by reconvened independent rulings. Because covenants have another way, whose conditions and reasons are understood in their context, and therefore it is not correct to say that any of these conditions are abrogated, or that they are not binding. The binding character is fulfilled since the pledge of allegiance is ordained to be binding in the Sharia context, which is one of the topics honored in Sharia for the reason of realizing society’s unity and security. In conclusion, the researcher recommends objectively highlighting inferences of interpreters from the Holy Quran; editing gaps of interpretation such as claims of abrogation upon any contradiction even if weak, or claims of invalidating some Sharia texts due to their purposes and intention long gone; and seeking the reasons for impediments of terms, guiding them to a controlled scientific approach. Our intention is for the sake of Allah.

  • Dr. Fahad salem rafea alghamdi
  • Reseived: 31/10/2023 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 27/1/2024

This research introduces important grounds in the life of individuals and societies; based on the concept of goal and relevant study in the Holy Quran through a study applied to the Debt verse. The research consists of three investigations. The first introduces goal definition, sources, and importance. The second section: Explain the reasons for choosing Ayat al-Din for study. The third introduces the core of the study grounds of goal establishment through the Debt verse; identification of the goal, its clarity, availability of measurement criteria, reality and achievability, determination of time/duration, the availability of alternatives, and progressiveness and graduality. This research concludes with results showing the importance of including the above mentioned criteria in a successful goal, and that Islam reached this point with its legislations, verdicts, and judgment

  • Nouf M Alotaibi
  • Reseived: 1/10/2023 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 28/1/2024

The current study aimed to identify the role of university education in developing future skills from the point of view of faculty members at Shaqra University, and to discover the challenges facing University education in developing future skills from their point of view. The research adopted the descriptive and analytical approach. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was designed, then codified and applied to a sample of (72) faculty members at Shaqra University. The results of the study concluded that university education at Shaqra University plays its role in developing future skills to a great extent. Higher thinking skills is ranked first, followed by emotional and social skills, then physical and practical skills. Also, it revealed the existence of challenges facing university education in developing future skills, including: weak requirements for developing future skills such as funding, faculty, facilities, laboratories, weak professional development programs for faculty members in the field of future skills, and the weakness of university’s participation with the private sector in the field of developing future skills.

  • Dr. Ibrahim Elagbash Elamen Abdeldafi
  • Reseived: 21/9/2023 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 9/2/2024

This research aims to conduct a semiotic study of the title in Ghazi Al-Qusaibi's collection ("A Battle Without a Banner"), to uncover the semiotic dimensions in the collection's titles through the employment of semiotic mechanisms of the title to interrogate it, considering them as the first sign that confronts the recipient in the text. The researcher adopted a semiotic approach to achieve the research objectives. The researcher concluded that the title in Al-Qusaibi's collection represents an important introductory threshold and is a clear product of the interaction between the author and the artistic work. The form of the title serves as a building block for textual communication, giving the recipient a breadth of interpretation. The forms of the collection's titles varied between singular and compound and between whole and partial, with their sentences varying between nominal and verbal. Nominal sentences were frequently employed in titling the poems. The title of the collection broke the reader's expectations, transforming from a positive to a negative connotation. A dialectic appears between the title of the poem and the poetic introduction and between the title and the conclusion of the poem. The poet used different methods to attract the recipient; the research revealed the poet's intentionality in using the title and the title's complete association with the poetic text in most of the collection's titles. The researcher recommends a stylistic and pragmatic study of the collection to highlight more creative aspects of it.

  • Dr. Amira bint Muharib Al-Otaibi
  • Reseived: 11/9/2023 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 15/2/2024

The research examined the urge of fear in the novel "Black Foam,” authored by Hajji Jabir, at the level of discourse and structure, which necessitated studying it according to the semiotics of the passions of the semiotic critics, Jacques Fontanille and A. J. Algirdas Julien Greimas, and adopting their approach to the emotional systemic scheme in analysis and application. Passion establishment was clearly observed in the novel; where the erotic meaning was monitored in its first gelatinous formation through the threshold of the title, the cover, the narrative approach, and the modeling of the hero in the images of others, and his sense of poverty and destitution, the absence of tranquility, and the ignorance that surrounds the self, which is classified as a raw material from which passion is composed; which paves the way for the release of the urge of fear after achieving sufficiency and updating the formulas of passion disposition, which manifested itself in the forms of emotional and physical emotion, which represented the levels of intensity, extension, and passion’s diffusion power, till the passion reached the point of refinement, i.e. moral judgment on passion. It manifested itself positively in more than one place in the form of acts of resistance explained by self-rejection of its reality, and refinement manifested negatively in the death and nihilism of the self.

  • Dr. Ibrahim Barakat Saleh IeyyalAwwad
  • Reseived: 7/10/2023 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 2/2/2024

This study aims to briefly introduce Jorash, collect narratives related to its conquest, study critical hadith, and extract benefits from its contents. The researcher benefited from the inductive and analytical approaches. The study concluded: the importance of the Jorash site, ancient and modern, and that it was opened by the companion Surad bin Abdullah Al-Azdi May Allah be pleased with him; may Allah please him. Narrations contradict the opening by force or peacefully. All of them are weak in the chain of transmission. Because of its interruption, although it is possible to combine them, the narrations related to its opening force indicate that there is a basis for this: for biographers and marshals to mention her story without denying it, despite the fact that there is nothing that contradicts it and it is free of objectionable content in the text. It also includes some legal rulings that are consistent with what was stated in the authentic hadiths, such as calling the polytheists to Islam before fighting, in addition to tolerance in the narrations related to them. The narrations also included multiple aspects, each of which contained some diverse benefits. The researcher recommends conducting more modern studies related to Jorash.

  • Dr. Nesreen Saud Alahmadi
  • Reseived: 10/6/2023 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 30/11/2023

This literature review examines three major theories of second language acquisition (SLA) behaviourist, cognitive, and interactionist. Behaviourist theory views language learning as a process of habit formation, where repetition and reinforcement lead to establishing new linguistic forms through repeated practice and reinforcement. The cognitive theory views SLA from the perspective of cognitive processes and constructs, where attention, memory, and problem-solving play a crucial role in language acquisition. Interactionist theory suggests that social interaction processes are responsible for facilitating language acquisition since second or foreign-language learners use language in their communication with others and receive relevant feedback. This review shed light on the strengths and limitations of each theory, and the impact of these theories on second language learning and research. It concludes taking each theory separately leads to understanding a unique aspect of SLA, while combining the three theories remain the best approach in order to reach a comprehensive understanding of SLA.

  • Dr. Abdulaziz Mushabbab Alshahrani
  • Reseived: 1/10/2023 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 2/1/2024

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of gender and age on the linguistic styles and functions of weather-related tweets. A sample of 149 tweets on weather by individuals of two age groups (<25 years, 79 tweets and >65 years, 70 tweets), both men and women, were analysed for linguistic styles and functions. The coding of tweets was the initial step of the thematic analysis. Subsequently, based on the tweet contents, linguistic styles and functions were assigned to each tweet, and their frequencies were tabulated and charted. The charts, representing the final results, were presented and discussed in this paper. The findings revealed that casual style was the most prevalent, followed by formal style, and expressive functions were more common than informational functions in the tweets. Gender and age exhibited significant influences on the frequency of styles and functions. Certain limitations and suggestions for future research are addressed in the concluding section of this paper. This research has implications for linguists, and social media companies seeking to comprehend how language preferences are influenced by social media.