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Deanship of Students Affairs

The university's interest is not limited to just the scientific giving to achieve the academic goals, but the interest extends to include the educational aspects of students in terms of behavior and social life so that they become citizens of integrated personality. In order for the university to do this, the Deanship of Student Affairs has been established since the establishment of the university to supervise all student services through planning, implementation, follow-up and evaluation within the framework of the general strategic plan of the university.

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Guidance Department

Guidance Department


1) Studying the causes of academic underachievement, guiding those students to overcome this problem, protecting them from academic failure.

2) Determining the gifted and talented students and provide what enhances their capabilities and potentials.

3) Providing the students with financial, psychological, social, and academic assistance and guidance.

4) Identifying the disabled students’ problems and needs at the university in order to find ways to solve their problems, providing them with suggestions and alternatives, and providing devices and tools that would create appropriate educational settings for them.

5) Preparing the disabled students psychologically and socially to help them integrate into the university life and society.

6) Enabling students with disabilities to participate in activities that meet their health conditions.


It is linked directly to the dean of students affairs.

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