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Deanship of Students Affairs

The university's interest is not limited to just the scientific giving to achieve the academic goals, but the interest extends to include the educational aspects of students in terms of behavior and social life so that they become citizens of integrated personality. In order for the university to do this, the Deanship of Student Affairs has been established since the establishment of the university to supervise all student services through planning, implementation, follow-up and evaluation within the framework of the general strategic plan of the university.

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Deanship of Student Affairs

Deanship of Student Affairs


The administration of the deanship of students affairs seeks to follow up the administrative tasks and to provide students with services to achieve the goals of the Deanship. In addition, it supports the administrative units in performing their work.


1) Supervising the performance of the staff and following up the discipline of attendance.

2) Implementing the rules and regulations of administrative and financial affairs approved by the university.

3) Preparing data for the annual budget of the Deanship.

4) Preparing the staff work performance and commitment and submitting it to the Dean.

4) Supervising the stocktaking of the Deanship.

5) Meeting the needs of the Deanship.

6) Participating in preparing the annual report of the Deanship.

7) Communicating with the departments inside the university regarding any financial or administrative aspects.

8) Organizing regular leave of the staff, including administrators and technicians.

9) Distributing work among the staff members.

10) Preparing the official letters and administrative decisions.

11) Preparing flight boarding pass for students participating in the university's programs and activities.

12) Preparing receipt letters for procurement and returning the inventory to the warehouse.

13) Carrying out any other work assigned or delegated by the Dean.


It is linked directly to the dean of students affairs.

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