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Deanship of Students Affairs

The university's interest is not limited to just the scientific giving to achieve the academic goals, but the interest extends to include the educational aspects of students in terms of behavior and social life so that they become citizens of integrated personality. In order for the university to do this, the Deanship of Student Affairs has been established since the establishment of the university to supervise all student services through planning, implementation, follow-up and evaluation within the framework of the general strategic plan of the university.

Deanship's Menu

Unit Rewards and Student allowances

Unit Rewards and Student allowances

Organizational procedures for student rewards

- The procedure for disbursing an allowance for a student:

The IBAN bank account is added by the student through the university portal in order to disburse the allowance to be disbursed.

- Making a request for a late allowance or a non-disbursed allowance:

1) The student should send an email to the department of rewards and allowance ( The student should clarify the reasons for not disbursing the allowance, writing the student basic information in the request, including the name, student university number, college and the type of the late allowance.

2) Reviewing the student’s academic status, and if the student is entitled to receive an allowance, the late allowance will be disbursed in the following month.

- The allowance will not be disbursed to the student account, if the he exceeds the duration of the study.

(The regular period of study: it is the duration of the program scheduled for graduation according to the study plan approved by the college). It is calculated within the regular period.

(Intercalation/apology for the studying: not continuing to study a semester – intercalation before the start of the final exams. Bearing in mind that the allowance for the intercalated student shall not be disbursed from the date of the intercalation. The disbursed allowance to the intercalated student during his studies shall not be refunded until the date of his intercalation.

- The deferred period is not counted within the statutory period.

(Defer: Deferring the study before the start of the semester for an acceptable excuse, and the period of the defer does not exceed two consecutive semesters or three non-consecutive semesters)

- The allowance will not be disbured to the student if he/she receives an academic warning.

- If the student receives an academic warning, the allownce will be suspended.




Bachelor degree

Literary path


Science path


Medical path


Master degree

All majors


Scholarship students

Literary path


Science path


Medical path




Name of Allowance




Disbursed processes

Excellence allowance



First and second semester above 3.5

It is disbursed automatically after the end of the second semester

Book and references



Only two semesters

It is calculated and then disbursed electronically

Printing thesis



After receiving the certificate

After submitting the documents to the management



Two months

Disbursed after the arrival

It is calculated and then disbursed electronically

Graduation and dispatch book


Three months

After graduation

It is calculated and then disbursed electronically

Disability (Type A & B)


Determined according to the educational regulations for the degree of disability

Bring a letter from social affairs indicating the degree of disability

Medical collage internship



Disbursed for one year

After the student registers for the residency in the system

pharmacy collage internship



Disbursed for one year

After the student registers for the residency in the system

College of applied sciences internship



Disbursed for one year

After the student registers for the residency in the system


International internship

One month

Every year

It is calculated and then disbursed electronically


Distribution of student rewards


It is linked directly to the dean of students affairs.

Contact us

Ext. No. (1522), e-mail: (

Female Section:

extension number (15839 )