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Deanship of Students Affairs

The university's interest is not limited to just the scientific giving to achieve the academic goals, but the interest extends to include the educational aspects of students in terms of behavior and social life so that they become citizens of integrated personality. In order for the university to do this, the Deanship of Student Affairs has been established since the establishment of the university to supervise all student services through planning, implementation, follow-up and evaluation within the framework of the general strategic plan of the university.

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Dean's Message

Dean's Message

In the name of ALLAH the most gracious, the most merciful.

Praise be to ALLAH, the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the most honourable prophets and messengers, our master Muhammad pace be upon him and all his family and companions.

On the basis of the vision of our wise country (2030), which is proud of the young men and women in our country and that builds very high hopes for their high ambition, as His Highness, the Crown Prince said in the summit of Tuwaiq Mountain ‘our ambition is sky high.’ Therefore, the Deanship of Students Affairs at Al Baha University seeks, ALLAH willing, through its services and programs offered to the university students, to raise the level of intellectual, cultural, sports, scouting, social and theatrical awareness through the central activities and programs that the Deanship carried out at the university level, and the individual activities carried out by each college, so that our students become a valid building block in our society.

Hence, we at the Deanship of Students Affairs are honored to hear and know from the beneficiaries of our services about their opinions, suggestions and know their constructive criticism.

All blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad