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Albaha University Journal of Human Sciences (BUJHS)

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  • Dr. Ibrahim Abdalla Ahmed Abker
  • Reseived: 20/5/2022 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 18/12/2022

This case study seeks to investigate into pronunciation problems regarding stress placement in English compound words. It covers compound nouns, adjectives, and verbs for some students, at Albaha University in Saudi Arabia. The researcher attempts to answer the following questions: (1) Do students know how correctly stress compound nouns in their communication? (2) Do students put the stress in compound adjectives accurately? (3) Do they place the stress in compound verbs appropriately? The significance of this study the researcher expects this study to help students to recognise their mistakes and concentrate on placing the stress in compound words correctly while speaking. Also, the study may enable students to put the stress in compound words correctly within and outside of the college setting. The participants were 20 students from levels seven and eight, which is the final level to graduate. The researcher used the Descriptive Statistical Method in this paper, as well as a written test, as the main tools to collect data. The data were analysed by using the SPSS Programme. The results were as follows: Participants ignored the rules of compound nouns, adjectives, and verbs’ stress placement. They did not have sufficient practice in using stress placement in compound nouns, adjectives, and verbs. The students faced problems in placing the stress correctly in compound nouns. They encountered problems in placing the stress correctly in compound adjectives. Participants faced problems in placing the stress correctly in compound verbs. Also, the curriculum did not provide participants with any information about stress placement in compound words. The recommendations of this study are that Saudi students, even at the highest level of education; need to revise the rules of placing stress in compound nouns, adjectives, and verbs. They need to know that compound nouns, adjectives, and verbs have different rules regarding stress placement. Students need more practice with placing stress in compound nouns, verbs, and adjectives in conversations in the classroom. The curriculum designers need to include stress placement in the previous stages of education.

  • Dr. Waleed ibn Abdul Mohsen ibn Ahmed Al-Omari
  • Reseived: 14/10/2022 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 18/12/2022

In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful, Praise be to Allah, and blessings and peace be upon the messenger, and his family, companions, and all who are guided by him, and thereafter: This research is entitled: The sayings approved by the Holy Quran, their Relations with the former divine teachings, and their Significance on Provisions (interpersonal relations and family provisions) An Applied Fundamental Study. It is founded for the validity of reasoning by this type of sayings, developing precepts, studying verses of treatments and family provisions, given that every issue mentioned in the Quran which Allah does not warn of its invalidity in Quran is an issue of rightness, and every action, order or prohibition reported by anyone in the Quran is right unless it was warned of its invalidity. This has two ways: First: Induction by way of the Quran style. Second: Allah sent down His Book to guide and teach humanity and called His Book a Standard, Guide, Evidence, Insight, and Explanation of all things. Allah is too exalted for mentioning what was wrong and invalid by people and does not warn of its invalidity, which explains Allah’s satisfaction with it. The research has concluded the following results: The permissibility of taking the unrestricted sayings in the Holy Quran as evidence, in case they do not include invalidity in any way stating that, including the Sunnah as it expands the Holy Quran and clearly explains it. The unrestricted sayings in the Holy Quran involve a description of the former divine teachings and traditions of some communities. Once those sayings are contradicted by the Islamic Sharia, they shall not be taken as evidence either because they are abolished in the Islamic Sharia as for the former divine teachings, or for being a tradition invalidated by the Holy Quran and Sunnah. The unrestricted sayings are related to the former divine teachings of our predecessors and the differences between those two types of sciences. An identification of the unrestricted sayings regarding interpersonal relations and family provisions as an applied study for this type of the Holy Quran’s sciences, and the manner through which scholars can draw an inclusion of the provisions.

  • 1. Prof. Saeed Ahmed Al-Aidan Al-Zahrani, 2. Prof. Ghanem Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ghamdi
  • Reseived: Received in Revised Form: Accepted:

This study examines the Islamic Sharia's position on how to deal with hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas) that pose threat to human. Large number of P. hamadryas exists in areas that are highly populated with people. The people in such areas exercise various activities which in extreme conflicts with the baboon existence. The aim of this study was to explain the conflicting zone between human and P. hamadryas and understand the Islamic resolution on human-baboon conflicts. A resolution was reached. Six scientific themes and four legal concepts formed the basis of the decision. The legal concepts are as follows: The first guideline is that Islam embraces all facets of both human and non-human life. The second guideline is that Islam is a religion of mercy for all life forms, including people, jinn, animals, and inanimate objects. The third guideline is that Islamic Sharia was only given in order to promote good and make it more prevalent, as well as to counteract and lessen evil. The fourth guideline states that it is the perfect divine law, not imperfect human reason, that decides whether or not something is good or corrupt. Regarding the scientific subjects, the discussion's topics included: the definition of a hazardous animal, a description of its harm, and a statement of its legal ruling; and that it varies depending on where the harm occurs; being in need of upgrades, necessities, or both (supplements). As for the conclusion, it dealt with the legality of preventing predatory animals, particularly baboons, from doing harm by any means possible, provided that these means are employed in order of lowest to highest, and that the repulsion is limited to the location of the harm and not necessarily general or comprehensive.

  • Dr. Saud ibn Ali ibn Atiyyah Al-Khazmari Al-zahrani
  • Reseived: 22/5/2022 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 24/8/2022

This research studies "Abu Hayyan's Grammatical Comments on Sibawayh's Views in the Book ‘Appendix and Complementation in explaining the Facilitation (Al Tasshil), -Study and Evaluation- which aims to identify Abu Hayyan's grammatical comments based on review and argument through the descriptive-analytical approach.The research concluded in general to Sibawayh's grammatical views were preponderant On Abu Hayyan in eight issues, and that Abu Hayyan's comments were directed to three issues.The Research proved that the for Abu Hayyan’s comments were due to the different understanding of Sibawayh’s words and the methods of inference between.

  • Dr. Hassan Muhammad Ali Al-Ayoub Asiri
  • Reseived: 22/5/2022 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 24/8/2022

Allah (God) Almighty has revealed His Holly Book as a detailed statement regarding the affairs of His servants, and guides them to what is in their success, and their infallibility from error and deception. Therefore, the divine directives have been numerous and varied in the Holly Qur’an in all fields and conditions This research came in extracting the directions given to the companions in Surat Al-Tawbah, and a statement of the legal rulings and directives that it included. The research concluded at the end of the results, the most prominent of which were: that the surah included important directives and numbered five directions, and these directives were in the statement of the sanctity of loyalty to the infidels and violators in religion, and the inadmissibility of polytheists entering the Great Mosque or enabling them to do so, and the obligation to perform financial rights such as zakat Obligatory alms and the prohibition of taking money unlawfully, the obligation to spread the Islamic religion, and the obligation to support and support the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in conveying his message and conveying his message. The research also concluded with recommending the work of specialized studies for the divine guidance of the honorable Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, in the rest of the Qur’anic surahs (سور القرآن).

  • Reseived: 9/5/2022 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 18/9/2022

The current research discusses the situation of the narrator ABDULRAHMAN BIN SULIMAN BIN ALGHASSIL، by collecting the opinions of various critics about him from the books of biographies، weighting them، and extrapolating his narrations in SAHIH AL-BUKHARI. They are five hadiths without repetition، thirteen hadiths with repeated، to elicitation of AL-BUKHARI justifications in narration about him in AL-SAHIS; the researcher has adopted both the inductive and deductive approaches. The research has concluded that IBN AL-GHASSIL'S documentation، but not in the full degree of strength، but rather in the minimum levels of documentation. Nevertheless، Imam AL-BUKHARI was keen not to have lots of narrations about him in AL-SAHIS، all his narrations about him are in other than the rulings، selecting the correct of them، they must be in one of its methods from the narration of his sheikh AL-FADL BIN DUKAIN، one of the trustworthy in proofs، mentioned the evidence in most of them، it is an indication of IBN AL-GHASSIL’S memorization and perfection.

  • Dr. Abdullah bin Mohammad alaskar
  • Reseived: 28/3/2022 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 11/5/2022

Because of its significant influence on comprehending and pondering the Noble Qur'an verses, as well as situations of resemblance between the contents of the Noble Qur'an verses, the study of resemblance is regarded one of the Qur'an's most essential sciences. The proportionality of the battles of Badr and Uhud's Quranic verses is a very good example of that. The study of this issue arose from the significance of these two conquests in the history of Muslims, as well as the numerous lessons acquired from them. Research’s Limits: The verses in Surat Ale-Imran and Al-Anfal that discussed the two conquests were the research's limits. Throughout the study of the Quranic verses that deal with the two battles, here are the most important results: 1- The reasons behind achieving triumph 2- Fulfillment of the promise of Allah to the believers 3- Emphasizing the fact that the triumph emanates from Allah 4- Consolidation of the hearts of the believers and petrifying the disbelievers 5- Explaining the objectives of the Jihad and its purposes 6- Consolidating the creed of fate and pre-destiny 7- Remembering and encompassing God’s knowledge 8- Opening the door of repentance to the polytheists The Researcher recommends studying the other Quranic verses which are dealing with the same battles, and collecting all of them in order to make up for any deficiency in this study. In this manner, one would be able to recognize the significant aspects that the Quran is dealing with in the topic of “Confronting Opponents” and to prepare he believers militarily and in faith aspect as well. Consequently, that will participate in the arise of the Umah and to know what to do in order to confront its opponents. The researcher has adopted the three methodologies, namely; Inductive approach, analytical approach and the Hypothetic deductive method.

  • Dr. Norah Shareh Al-Otaibi
  • Reseived: 15/3/2022 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 19/9/2022

The study aims to determine the degree of awareness among Saudi youth about the effects of using social media and the quality of the effects of young people's use of social media, in addition to identifying ways to confront the negative effects of social media from the point of view of Saudi youth. The study followed a descriptive analytical approach, where the study was applied to a non-probability sample of 360 Saudi young men of both sexes, by distributing an electronic questionnaire as a tool for collecting study data. One of the most important findings of the study is the presence of moderate awareness among Saudi youth towards knowledge of the effects of youth use of social media programs. The results of the study also found that there are positive and negative effects of the use of social media programs that came to a medium degree, One of the most important negative effects of the use of social media that the results of the study reached is the presence of weakness in family dialogue, and considering that the use of social media is a means to disseminate ideas that provoke rivalry and discord between individuals in society, one of the most important positive effects of young people’s use of social media is the exchange of information, photos, and videos. Like others, social media also enables individuals to follow up on local and global societal events and issues. The results of the study also confirmed the importance of the media's role, and the role of educational institutions in the fields of awareness and education in reducing the negative effects of young people’s use of social media programs.