Institute of Studies and Consulting Services

Institute of Studies and Consulting Services

The Institute of Studies and Consulting Services at Al-Baha University was established on 23/5/1433 AH to activate the university's leading and strategic role and contribute effectively to serving the community of Al-Baha region in particular and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in general, due to the university's specialists in various academic, research and administrative fields, as well as the availability of spatial, equitable and laboratory capabilities that enable all government and private sectors to benefit from all these elements to support social, economic, environmental and scientific development based on applied scientific research. Conducting studies, research, programs, plans and strategies, organizing meetings, conferences, seminars, panel discussions and workshops specialized in all topics of interest to society, and building investment partnerships with governmental and private bodies and institutions and others.


Dean Message

Dean Message

    Praise be the lord of the world, and peace be upon the messenger of truth Mohammed,The mission of universities in the present was founded on their critical role and growing degrees of influence in the lives of nations and people at different stages of their economic and social development. This mission extended to all aspects of scientific,  practical and technical life, which made the most important duties of universities, to achieve an effective partnership with society through discussing its needs and providing its  requirements, including reaching high ranks in the development of advanced technologies. This can only be achieved by activating the mission of universities and taking advantage of all the capabilities available to them that can contribute to the provision of good scientific research that serves the development goals of their communities.

    The standard of progress and advancement in any society depends on the extent of its success and progress on the economic, cultural and social level. It is undoubtful that the level of education, possession and manufacture of knowledge and the maximum utilization of its outputs are important normative indicators that determine the position of society, not only locally but also globally, in addition to keeping pace with the times and possessing knowledge tools but also creating and organizing them so that their human resources can create and innovate. Therefore, the utilization of the material and human resources available in the academic institutions is the first basis for the success of these institutions in achieving the proper development of society and achieving its ambitions plus addressing all the issues and problems facing it, in appropriate scientific methods.

    Based on this, Al Baha University has established the institute for studies and consulting services, in order to achieve effective communication with the institutions of the community of Al Baha and provide scientific and research services, plus specialized consultations that serve the objectives of these institutions and achieve development appropriate with the nature of its work, in order to achieve the actual partnership between the university and community institutions at the public and private sectors. This manual has been prepared with the aim of introducing the Institute and its services, plus the material and human potential through which its objectives can be achieved and for which it was established.


                      Dean of the Studies and Consulting Services Institute

                                       D. Abdul khalg Hajad Alghamidi