The Role of Phonemic Similarity in Directing Quranic Recitation: Analyzing the Linguistic Functions of Phonemes
- Dr. Saleh Ibrahim Abd Elsalam Elghalban
- Reseived: 29/1/2023 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 10/6/2023
The study deals with a principle adopted by early Arab Grammarians in their inquiry, which is phonemic similarity that affects linguistic usage. Similarity can be noticed between usage that is contrary to the origin and usage that is following the origin. Phonemic similarity is a type of phonetic similarity that is related to aspects of linguistic study. It is one of the linguistic analogy patterns and is called the similarity analogy, where one usage is compared to another, and its occurrence in the language is allowed without the need to prove its origin in the transformed usage. It rather requires only the occurrence of similarity between two usages. Scholars of recitation and linguistics have adopted the principle of phonetic similarity as a tool for directing some Quranic recitations. Phonetic similarity patterns have emerged in their studies, including comparing a consonant to a consonant, a vowel to a vowel, replacing pauses with continuity and vice versa, replacing the disconnected lengthening in place of the connected lengthening, and replacing the mandatory lengthening with the optional lengthening. One of the benefits of studying phonetic similarity is that it provides an explanation for some linguistic issues that rules cannot find an explanation for, and a justification for their occurrence, including those related to dropping the ending vowel of the nominative present tense verb ending in a vowel or pausing the end of the sound present tense verb.
Validating of Ten Chapters from Part Five of the Book 'Not in the Arabic Language' by Abu Abdullah Al-Hussein Ibn Ahmed Ibn Khalawayh."
- Dr. Ahmed ibn Ateeq ibn Radi Al Harbi
- Reseived: 5/2/2023 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 10/6/2023
This research concerns to validating ten chapters from Part Five of the book doesn't in speech Al-Arab by Abu Abdullah Al-Hussein Ibn Ahmed Ibn Khalawayh. The book isn't one of Ibn Khalawayh's best works on the subject. The research consists of an introduction and the validated text. The introduction includes a brief autobiography of Ibn Khalawayh, an introduction to the book doesn't in speech Al-Arab documentation of the book's authorship, and a description of the handwritten copy. Following this is the validation of the dedicated section, and the research concludes with indexes." "The aim of this research is to introduce the book doesn't and its author, as well as to validate a portion of the book in order to demonstrate to us the linguistic of Ibn khalawayh and his excellence in Arabic.
Hadith Narration of Al Hasan Al Basri on the Authority of Abu Bakra in Sahih Al Bukhari: Study and Investigation
- Dr. Hammad Mahdi Emmran AlSulami
- Reseived: 14/10/2022 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 16 /6/2023
Al Hasan Al Basri narrated on the authority of Abu Bakra four hadiths and they were problematic and disputed among the imams because of the deceit attributed to Al Hasan. All of them were brought out by Al Bukhari. Hence the importance of the research lies in the fact that Al Bukhari included them in his Sahih , yet they are deceit narration, so the research came to study this narration and collect its methods, analyzing narrations, and examining Al Hasan’s hearing and his meeting with Abu Bakra, and to know the aspect of Al Bukhari’s documentation of this narration. That is through an inductive and analytical approach based on extrapolation and tracing of the narrations of Al Hasan on the authority of Abu Bakra with their co- narrations evidences as much as possible, then studying narration through an analytical study and judging it. The research has reached to some findings most important of which is that the description of Al Hasan as deceitful is not entirely appropriate. Rather, it is intended to refer to Incompletely Transmitted Hadith be according to the Earlier Scholars. They carry the narrator's narration about someone who did not hear from him on Incompletely Transmitted Hadith. They are not deceitful hadiths. Al Hasan’s narrations on the authority of Abu Bakra are either explicit by hearsay or are interpreted on the authority of Al Bukhari, and that Al Hasan’s narration on the authority of Abu Bakra is safe from the objections for which Sahih Al Bukhari was criticized. Recommendations The significance of studying hadiths and narrations that are subject to criticism in the two Sahihs, because of their status in Sunnah. The refutation of the doubts about them. The necessity of studying the terminology of Incompletely Transmitted Hadith and deceit with a deep-rooted study to understand the intentions of Imams, and to build
The deliberative character of the morphological in our Arabic language
- Dr. Khalid ibn Zuwayyid ibn Mazeed Aletri Alsulami
- Reseived: 23/1/2023 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 17 /6/2023
Modern scholars have cared about the pragmatic character of Arabic grammar, and highlighting the pragmatic features in the grammatical structures in our Arabic language. So they enriched the Arabic library with these studies that are related to the modern linguistic study. While the origin from which these structures were formed. They are the morphological formulas from which the word was formed. The studies that were done about them varied in their caring about illustrating the relationship of pragmatics to this origin from which these grammatical structures were formed. It is the formulas from which these words were formed. So this study was done to participate in highlighting the pragmatic character of the morphological formula in our Arabic language to prove the close relation between pragmatics and the morphological formula whose quality changes through changing the intentions of the speakers even if it is discretionary. As this study is a descriptive and analytical study, it will not address the historical narrative of pragmatics and its multiple definitions which have been investigated in previous studies. The most important findings of this study as follows: that all modified and common morphological formulas have affected the recipient to understand the speaker's intention, and that the common is a formula of the semantically differential such as the ones in which the masculine and feminine are equal to form speech acts verbs, and that the formula of (object) is the most morphological formula modified to its semantics, and that transitive verbs in our Arabic language form speech acts verbs.
Rhythmic Construction in Al-Murqish Al-Asagar’s Poetry (who died in 50 BC)
- Dr. Samia bint Abdullah Muhammad Al-Omari
- Reseived: 1/10/2022 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 17 /6/2023
Music is considered one of the most important elements in poetry. Therefore, critics pay great attention to the musical aspects of poetry for their effective impact on shaping the aesthetic components of a poetic text. If sounds cooperate within a specific system to form a rhyme that expresses the poet's emotional state, it can be considered a significant achievement. This can be achieved by linking external music with internal music, as well as through the variety of semantic structures and their substitute elements. As a result of this harmony, poetic rhythm is generated in a way that captures the recipient's attention and enables him to feel the diverse nature of melody and rhythm, ranging from stress to intonation. Thus, musical rhythm imparts an impressive aesthetic power to the poem that cannot be achieved in isolation. Considering that Al-Murqish was a pre-Islamic poet, and his poetry was characterized by a musical structure harmoniously combined with his emotions, his creativity was crystallized, and his emotional state was revealed. Therefore, there is a desire to study the rhythmic structure in his poetry and unveil its artistic manifestations and aesthetic dimensions. One of the primary objectives of this study was to reveal the aesthetics of rhythm in Al-Murqish Al-Asagar’s poetry and how he was able to express his themes through the use of rhythm. Additionally, the study aimed to determine whether a unique rhythmic structure was characteristic of his poetic work. To what extent is Al-Asagar’s poetry distinguished by his use of rhythm? This study was based on a stylistic and analytical approach. To achieve these objectives, the study is divided into a preface and two sections. The preface provides a brief summary of the poet and the role of music in poetry. The first section discusses external musical elements such as meter and rhyme, while the second section explores assonance, symmetrical rhythm, repetition, alliteration, rhythm of power, romance, and enthusiasm. The study ends with a conclusion followed by references and index.
Description of the Holy Quran in Surat Ash-Shuraa’, an Objective Study
- Dr. Saeed ibn Mohammed Jamaan Al-Hadeyya
- Reseived: 27/12/2022 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 17 /9/2023
For all great things, there are descriptions that express the same, their stature, and value. The Holy Quran has a large share in this regard. For this, it took various, honorable descriptions. This research is a contribution to efforts made for serving the Holy Quran, through studying description of the Holy Quran in Surat Ash-Shuraa’ in an objective study to reveal the secrets of these description and their implied noble meanings and supreme characteristics. The main results of this research are: There are various descriptions and great features of the Holy Quran. It is a book of guidance to the entire humanity. Description include being a universal book for all worlds, the miracle of challenging with the Holy Quran lasts till the end of days, it is a book of guidance to the worlds, a healing to hearts, a guidance and mercy to the believers, and a cure for moral and physical illnesses, as well as being an explanation for everything. Descriptions of the Holy Quran in Surat Ash-Shuraa’ include: a manifest book, a new revelation, a revelation from the Lord of all the worlds, it is in clear Arabic language, mentioned in the books of the previous nations, known by the scholars of the jews, and was not revealed by devils nor can they do that. The research also recommends studying the Suras in which the Holy Quran descriptions were reported and collecting such description for study.
The Hadith Criticized for the Insertion of a Hadith within another According to Ibn 'Ady in Al Kamil
- Dr. Boualam Ramadan Benslama
- Reseived: 13/1/2023 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 20 /5/2023
The science of critical assessment is one of the most honorable and precise branches of hadith sciences, and its types and categories are many. This includes the critic of a hadith for the insertion of a hadith within another hadith. This was addressed by Al Hafidh Ibn ‘Ady in his book “Al-Kamil fid Du’afa”. Therefore, this research is about : the hadith criticized for the insertion of a hadith within another hadith according to Ibn 'Ady in “Al Kamil”. Research objectives : - Clarifying what is the critique of a hadith for the insertion of another scholar’s hadith within the hadith of the narrator’s scholar and its impact on narration. - Collecting and studying the hadiths that Al-Hafidh Ibn ‘Ady explicitly criticized for this reason according to the scale of hadith criticism. - Addressing Ibn 'Ady's comment on hadiths with this assessment. Most important findings : - From the means of revealing what lies in the hadiths in terms of mistakes and errors is to study the discrepancies among the narrator. - The hadith criticized for the insertion of a hadith within another hadith is a composite hadith consisting of two hadiths, falsely attributed by its narrator due to a transfer of either the chain of narration or the content from one to another, either by an inattention of the mind or sight. - The number of hadiths criticized for this reason have reached Al-Hafiz Ibn ‘Ady, and the amount of hadiths that have successfully been studied is five. All of which involved the insertion of the chain of narration in the content, or the content in the chain of narration. Among the recommendations : - Benefiting from the books concerning the narrations critique and annotated biographical dictionaries to conduct practical studies on different types of narration critique and related matters in the field of hadith sciences. This will contribute to a proper understanding of their terminologies and issues. - Paying attention to issues of criticism, and illustrate them through practical examples from the works of scholars who are experts in the criticism of narrators.
The effect of suspicion of ownership on jurisprudential rulings: a contemporary jurisprudential study
- Dr. Faisal ibn Ali ibn Abdullah Al-Suwaiti
- Reseived: 30/1/2023 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 16 /6/2023
This study aimed to demonstrate the effect of suspicion of ownership and possession on jurisprudential rulings. It took an original aspect, which is the statement of this term individually and in combination, to reveal the avant-garde download of jurists for it as a basis for many provisions of the jurisprudential branches and seeks to find an appropriate conception that serves in determining the jurisprudential rulings of some modern developments by referring them to their counterparts. Similar jurists dealt with it, and the study disclosed the meaning of (suspiciousness of ownership) and its being a basis for many jurisprudential rulings. In addition, that the suspicion of ownership or ownership indicates a lightening of the verdict on the taxpayer. It may be useful in making it harsher, and that it may be an obstacle in the ruling, and it may be a reason for it, and that the suspicion of ownership or ownership is one of the reasons for the difference of jurists due to the diversity of their directions in downloading it on individual issues. One of the recommendations is guidance to pay attention to the books of our ancient jurists and to take what came in them into consideration and scrutiny. What is related to the area of judgment, as it may be subject to consideration. Nevertheless, there is disagreement about its realization, and that the basis for the existence of (suspiciousness of the king) has analogs, as the ruling is proven by the existence of the description and its demise by its demise, and it calls for a study contract independent about it.
Stopping and starting “alwaqf and al'ibtida” in the middle of the Quranic verse between the scholars of the East and the West
- Dr. Awad Hassan Ali Al-Wadaei
- Reseived: 30/3/2023 Received in Revised Form: Accepted: 6/2023/ 29
This research is concerned with stopping and starting “alwaqf and al'ibtida” in the middle of the Quranic verse, and it combines the rooting and application of Surah Al-Kahf. The research included an indication of the types of stopping, rooted in the heritage works, and applied in the printed Qurans, following the signs of stopping and their positions in Surah Al-Kahf in a large group of printed Qurans, representing the schools of the East and the West, with what is attested to or on them from the writings of the scholars of stopping and starting “alwaqf and al'ibtida”. In the research, I followed the inductive approach, the analytical descriptive approach, the comparative approach, and then the deductive approach in order to come up with an important set of results that I hope to add something - even if a little - to the Quranic library in particular, and the Islamic library. I divided this Quranic research into an introduction, two chapters, and a conclusion, and I appended the research with an index of sources and references, , then I mentioned the results of the research that I reached and the most important recommendations.