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Albaha University Journal of Human Sciences (BUJHS)

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  • Dr. Saeed bin Ahmed bin Ali Al Idan Al-Zahrani
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and may blessings and peace be upon the best of the sent prophets and messengers, The topic of this research is the Faqhi (jurisprudential) issues related to the "Corona" pandemic with regard to the chapters of worshipping and some public conditions, and reviewed (Takhreej) its rulings on the fundamentalist and jurisprudential basics, The reason for this research was to seek the Shari (legitimate) rulings related to the chapters of worshipping, and some general conditions of the people - which the pandemic had the influence of disrupting or changing upon their condition, and what is the Muslim’s position and attitude towards this effect, and how to comply with those acts of worshipping in a Sharia-valid manner, I concluded with presenting these issues and came out of its rulings, due to the best of my capability and knowledge, from the issues and rules of similar issues, then came twenty-four issues, reviewed on more than twenty jurisprudential rules, some fundamental rules and jurisprudential branches. It was in six areas of research. Keywords: review (Takhreej), issues, Faqhi (jurisprudential) rules, pandemic, Corona

  • Dr. Abdullah bin Hassan bin Gharman Al-Shehri
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

Research subject: "Permissible Hadith Narrator" for narrators, an analytic critical study, Research objectives: To understand what the Imams mean when they initiate the term "Permissible Hadith Narrator", and determine the status of narrators described by this term and compare the same to the Imams sayings, The research methodology: The Inductive Analytical Approach; where the researcher followed everyone who has been called by this description, then he analyzed the narrators, divided them, and explained what the Imams wanted from launching it, then used the comparative approach, by presenting the sayings of the Imams about the narrators described with this term, then explained the preponderant and its view, The most Important Results: The researcher concluded several results, the most important of which are: The term: “Permissible Hadith Narrator” is one of the terms that the imams intend to use varies, and it has no agreed meaning, and the total of the narrators described by was counted by the researcher, which reached about sixty nine narrators. The one who used it most was Imam al-Ajali in about thirty-four places followed by Imam al-Dhahabi in about eighteen places. The meaning of this term is understood from the comparative terms that indicate Validating or weakening Narrators, and in the sentence, Permissible Hadith Narrator means accepting the narration of the narrator described by it, agree with his Hadith, and vote in favor of it, in fact, this corresponds to its linguistic meaning, though it is more general, The most important recommendations: Paying attention to the Imams "own unpopular terminology", then conducting in-depth studies and surveys to find out their meanings and what they aim at from using them. Keywords: Permissible, Hadith, Permissible Hadith Narrator, The Narrator.

  • Dr. Bandar bin Hamdan Al-Zahrani
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The study aims to determine how effectively academics utilise the real or the alternative assessment from students’ perspectives at the faculty of education in Albaha university.to fulfil the main objectives of the study, assessment tool that consists of 24 items was designed and was then distributed to study’s sample. The sample of the study includes (245) male and female students from four majors at the education faculty. These were Special Education, Physical Education, Art Education, and Kindergarten. This study was conducted during first semester of the year 1439/1440 H. Based on sample views, the results of this study indicated that the academic members at the faculty of Education at Al-Baha University practice the real evaluation at a medium degree with a relative weight of (2.14). According to the study’s sample the highest use of the assessment methods was the performance-based with mean score of 2.18. Peer assessment, however, was found to be the lowest use with a mean score of only (2). The results also confirmed that faculty members in the Physical Education Department were more likely to use alternative evaluation methods than other disciplines.The study recommended the need to encourage academics at the faculty of education in Albaha university to activate real evaluation within the assessment practices. It also suggests the importance of identifying the mechanisms that made members of the Physical Education Department more adaptive of employing the real evaluation than other disciplines. Furthermore, extending the study to include all colleges of Al-Baha University is needed, in order to clearly understand the assessment practices Keywords: Authentic Assessment, Alternative Assessment, Performance Assessment.

  • Dr. Khadija Maqbool Al-Zahrani
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

This study aims mainly to reveal the impact of strategic planning in supporting the competitive advantage in emerging Saudi universities and the ability of those universities to compete locally and globally, and that is through investigating the opinions of faculty members about the reality of strategic planning and the level of competitive advantage in their universities, and identifying the most important obstacles that weaken the university’s ability to adhere to the strategic planning approach, and revealing the differences in the opinions of faculty members according to the following variables: (gender, leadership position, academic rank, years of experience). In order to know the impact of strategic planning in supporting the competitive advantage in emerging Saudi universities, the descriptive correlative approach was used, The researcher also built a questionnaire consisting of 54 items; For the purpose of collecting information from the sample members and answering questions, And the study reached a number of results, the most prominent of which were: that emerging Saudi universities practice strategic planning to a large extent, and also the level of competitive advantage in emerging Saudi universities was very high, And that one of the most prominent obstacles to the strategic planning process in emerging Saudi universities from the point of view of the faculty members is the strict centralization of the decision-making process, The results also revealed an impact of effective strategic planning in supporting the competitive advantage in emerging Saudi universities. Therefore, the study recommended the emerging universities to adopt the strategic planning approach and give it sufficient attention and provide the necessary requirements for its success and taking more measures for emerging universities to discover their physical and human capabilities, develop their competitive advantages, and measure them on an ongoing basis. Keywords: Strategic Planning, Competitive Advantage, Emerging Universities.

  • Dr. Abdul Wahid Saud Al-Zahrani
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The study aims to reveal the availability of the intellectual capital (human, relational, and structural) at King Abdulaziz University. It also aimed to reveal the availability of the dimensions of the competitive advantage from the viewpoint of the study sample members and to reveal whether there are statistically significant differences at a significance level of (0.05 ≥ α) between the average response of the study sample in estimating the availability of the intellectual capital (human, relational, and structural) as well as in the availability of the dimensions of the competitive advantage due to the type of college (theoretical, applied) at King Abdulaziz University. The study is intended to unveil the type and strength of the relationship between the availability of the intellectual capital in its dimensions, and the availability of the dimensions of the competitive advantage at King Abdul Aziz University from the perspective of the study sample members. The descriptive approach was used in its correlational form, and a questionnaire prepared by the researcher was applied that fulfilled the conditions of honesty and consistency. It represents the study community from all academic leaders (deans, deans of supporting deanships and heads of academic departments) at the university, who were estimated at (280) individuals, while the number of returned and valid questionnaires was (168). The results showed that the availability of the intellectual capital at King Abdulaziz University was "high" with an arithmetic mean of (3.55), and a standard deviation of (0.71). While the standard deviations in the dimensions ranged from (0.69 to 0.82), the human capital dimension (knowledge, individuals' competence) came first with an arithmetic average (3.57) with a high availability, then the structural capital in the second rank, with an arithmetic average of (3.55), then the relational in the third rank with an arithmetic average of (3.50) at the last rank. The availability of the dimensions of the university's competitive edge was "high", with an arithmetic average (3.47), and a standard deviation of (0.78), whereas the standard deviations in the dimensions ranged from (0.76-0.81). The ability to think strategically came first with an arithmetic average of (3.54) with a high degree of availability, then the foundations for building competitive advantage in the second rank with an arithmetic average of (3.50), then the organizational adjustment at the third rank with an arithmetic average of (3.48), then assessing the university's resources and capabilities (3.343) with a high degree and finally identifying the competitors' capabilities was in the last rank with an arithmetic average (3.37) with a medium degree. The results of the study also showed that there were no statistically significant differences at the significance level of (0.05≥ α), between the averages of estimating the availability of the intellectual capital at King Abdulaziz University according to the type of college, where the value of “T” for the total score was (1.58) and its statistical significance was (0.12), while it was found that there were differences in the structural dimension, where the value of "T" was (2.09) and the value of its statistical significance was (0.04), which is a statistically significant value at the level of significance (0.05). It was towards the theoretical colleges whose mean value was (3.68) compared to the applied ones (3.44). The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences at significance level of (0.05≥ α) between the averages of estimating the availability of a competitive advantage at a university King Abdulaziz due to the type of college, where the value of “T” for the overall score was (1.64) and its statistical significance was (0.10). It is a value that exceeds a significance level of (0.05), which indicates that there are no differences between the averages of estimating the availability of competitive advantage at King Abdulaziz University due to the type of college. The results also showed that the value of the coefficient of relationship between the total degree of the intellectual capital and the total degree of competitive advantage was (0.93), which is a statistically significant value at the significance level of (0.01). The values of coefficient of relationships ranged between the dimensions of the intellectual capital and the total degree of competitive advantage from (0.85-0.94). The values of the coefficient of relationships ranged between the dimensions of the advantage and the total degree of the intellectual capital from (0.80-0.93), all of which are statistically significant values at the significance level of (0.01). The study recommends paying attention to and maximizing the intellectual capital of universities, and setting the intellectual capital and the competitive advantage as guides for the strategic plans of universities. It also recommends that the universities must conduct survey studies to assess the competitors' capabilities and the needs of the beneficiaries. Keywords: intellectual capital, competitive advantage, King Abdulaziz University.

  • Dr. Falah bin Murshid bin Khalaf Al-Otaibi
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

جاءت هذه الرسالة بعنوان: كِتابُ الأَسْبَابِ الضَّعيفةِ التي وُصِل بها إلى أُمورٍ مُنِيفةٍ، تأليفُ: عبدِ العزيزِ بن جِدارٍ المِصْرِيِّ، وهو الأثر الوحيد الذي وصلنا للمؤلف، ويُعد هذا الكتاب وثيقة أدبية معرفية تاريخية أثرية؛ لاحتوائه على كثير من النصوص الأدبية، ولما يحمله من الأخبار، وصنوف العلوم والمعارف التي جاء كثير منها جديدًا لم يُذكر في غيره من المصادر، وحسبه قيمة أنه يمثل مرحلة مهمة للعصر الذي تحدَّث عنه المؤلف، وهو عصر امتزجت فيه الثقافة العربية بكثير من الثقافات والحضارات الأخرى، وقد جاء هذا البحث بعنوان: كِتابُ الأَسْبَابِ الضَّعيفةِ التي وُصِل بها إلى أُمورٍ مُنِيفةٍ تأليفُ: عبدِ العزيزِ بن جدارٍ المِصْرِيِّ (دراسةً وتحقيقًا)، وهو في قسمين: القسم الأول: لدراسة، واشتملت على التعريف بالمؤلف، وتوثيق نسبة الكتاب، ووصف النسختين، ومنهج التحقيق، والقيمة الأدبية، والعلمية للمخطوط، والقسم الثاني النص المُحقق، وقد علق الباحث على بعض النصوص في هامش البحث، ثم خُتمت الدراسة بثبت المصادر والمراجع. الكلمات المفتاحية: الأسباب؛ الضعيفة؛ المنيفة؛ عبد العزيز بن جدار المصري.

  • Dr. Maleeha Mohammed Thaaf Al-Qahtani
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The Study Title: the study of the syntactic and semantic aspects that detected by Ibn Saleh Taymi (633 h.) on his analyses of poetic citations in Tohfat Alm`re bwa Torfat Almoghrib, Aim of the study: the research aims to introduce Ibn Salih Alaymi focusing on his contributions to linguistics. The research also aims to discover the importance of his distinctive and unique book. One of the most significant objects of the study is to illustrate the different methodological aspects employed in his analysis of the textual structures including qur’anic and poetic citations, The research methodology: An analytical inductive study, The most significant findings: to show the value of the book in terms of its significant contributions that develop the syntactic analysis of the qur’anic and the poetic studies. The study revealed the character of Abdelmonem Ibn Salih Altaimi in both grammar and linguistics as well as his interest in narrations. A lot of his analysis are based on what is known as qiyas ‘regular rules’ with clear argument. His arguments were reasonable and acceptable in the relevant literature, The most significant recommendations: the book is still in need of more study, analysis and revelation of the meanings and the intent of the compiler through a clarification of the functions of words and their syntax. Keywords: The Syntactic Citations, Context, Semantics, Interpretation by Meaning, Syntax Effectuation.

  • Dr. Saeed bin Mubarak Dakhil Al-Aklabi
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The ranks of testimony on funds are issues worthy of study and research, and given the many and varied issues involved in this issue, and there are many doctrinal opinions, and given the connection of this issue with many doctrinal issues, which makes its study an important thing; Until the dispute becomes clear and the jurisprudence appears clearly in front of everyone, this was the goal and purpose of this study, which I called "the ranks of testimony of funds, She addressed many issues related to this issue, including: the testimony of two men on the money, the testimony of one man with the right of the plaintiff, the testimony of one man and two women, the testimony of two women and the right of the plaintiff, the testimony of the woman alone, and other issues related to the testimony of the funds. Keywords: Certificate, Degrees of Testimony, Certificate of Funds, Testimony of Women, Testimony of Men.

  • Dr. Saleh Yahya Hamid Al-Ghamdi
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

This study aimed to identify the levels of psychological resilience and its relationship to the two types of personality (A and B), as well as to identify the personality type dominant among students of postgraduate studies at King Abdul Aziz University. The study sample was consisted of (151) male and females students and the researcher used the Connor Psychometric Flexibility Scale & Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISD) which was prepared by (Connor & Davidson, 2003) and translated and standardized by (Al Hashemi, 2017), after confirming its psychometric properties on the study's sample. The study also used the personality type scale (A , B) which is Prepared by Jenkins (1972) and translated and standardized by (Al-Jundy, 1990) after confirming its psychometric properties. The study concluded that there is no relationship between psychological resilience and personality type (A), while a correlation was found between psychological resilience and personality type (B) Whereas, the study's results revealed that the level of psychological resilience of the study sample was (high), as the relative weight of the total score was (76.86%). The study also concluded that the dominant type of personality among the sample members is the personality type (A) at a rate of (58.3%). The study also found that there were no statistically significant differences in the level of psychological resilience between the study's sample due to the gender variable. Based on these results, the researcher recommends the need to identify the psychological and academic characteristics of graduate students related to psychological resilience and work on studying it. Keywords: Psychological Flexibility, Personality Styles (A ، B), Graduates Students

  • Dr. Ali bin Saad Al-Qahtani
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The study aimed to identify the role of inclusion programs in promoting volunteer work in accordance with Vision 2030 from the point of view of secondary school teachers, and the researcher used the descriptive approach, and the study population consisted of secondary school teachers, the study sample was chosen by a random cluster method from the study community of 4793 teachers, Where the sample consisted of (202) teachers from Asir Governorate from among the governorates of the Kingdom, and the researcher used a questionnaire to collect data, and it consisted of two domains: the developmental field and the preventive field. The reliability of the resolution was verified by Cronbach's Alpha. The results showed the role of integration programs in promoting volunteer work in the developmental and preventive dimensions. The results of the study also showed that there are statistically significant differences in teachers ’attitudes to the preventive dimension in promoting voluntary work, due to the higher academic qualification variable, as well as in favor of those with more years of experience. Keywords: Inclusion Programs, Volunteer Work, The Kingdom's Vision of 2030.

  • Dr. Nasser Attia Al-Zahrani
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

This research aimed to investigating the barriers encountering the integration of intellectual disability students with their general Education peers, from the perspectives of teachers and parents in Al-Baha city, and also aimed to developing a proposal vision for reducing it. The researcher adopted the analytical descriptive approach as the research methodology. The research sample included (30) teachers and (50) parents. The researcher used a questionnaire as the research instrument, The research got several results, the most important of them were the following: The barriers encountering the integration of intellectual disability students with their general education peers, from the perspectives of teachers, were rated (high); the second axis: "Barriers related to the family environment", ranked first among the responses of teachers, as the most prominent barrier preventing the success of integration ; The barriers encountering the inclusion of intellectual disability students with their general Education peers, from the perspectives of parents, were rated (high); the third axis: "Barriers related to teachers", ranked first, with a mean of (3.97) and a standard deviation of (.626) among the responses of parents in the sample; and there are no statistically significant differences at the significance level of (0.05) between the perspectives of teachers and parents on the questionnaire's axes overall, The researcher presented several recommendations, including the following: the necessity of providing appropriate environments and means of communication between teachers and intellectual disability students; and the necessity of raising the levels of supervision and following-up by education offices in integration schools on the performance of teachers and guiding them in order to serve the goals of the integration process. Keywords: Intellectual Disability, Integration, Teachers, Parents.

  • Dr. Salim bin Salem Abed Al-Luqmani
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

This research includes: an introduction, a preface, three chapters, and a conclusion, Introduction: includes the importance of the research and the reasons for choosing it, research objectives - research limits, research questions, research methodology, and research divisions, The preface: in which the vocabulary of the title of the research was explained, and it was divided into three topics, the first topic: the role of the preacher in achieving intellectual security, the second topic: the role of the preacher in dealing with the intellectual deviation, and the third topic: the effects of intellectual security on the individual and society, The conclusion: contains the results, The recommendations, and an index of references and topics. Keywords: The role of the preacher, intellectual security.

  • Dr. Alhemaidi Mohammed Aldhaidan Dr. Mona Tawakkul Ebrahim
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

This study investigated the effectiveness of a multi-approach treatment program for improving social skills, including cooperation and friendship, listening and speaking, following instructions, self-control, and problem-solving, in elementary school pupils with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The sample consisted of 17 male pupils, aged 8 to 9.6 years, in third grade at Majmaah governorate elementary public schools, Saudi Arabia, in the first semester of the school year 1440/1441 Hh. They were divided into two groups: control, N = 7, and experimental, N = 10. The research adopted a quasi-experimental design. The participants completed two sessions weekly for 10 school weeks. A social skills test was administered pre- and post-program, and again 1 month after the program to follow up. Results showed statistically significant differences among the mean ranks of test scores in both the experimental and control groups, favoring the experimental group in the post-assessment. In addition, the absence of statistically significant differences in the follow-up assessment of the experimental group showed that the program had a continuing positive effect on social skills (effect size = 81-91). Thus, the research recommends intervention with the integrative treatment program to help support these students and enhance their psychological and social adjustment. Keywords: Social Skills, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Integrative Treatment Program, Elementary School Pupils.

  • Dr. Sultan Nasser Saud Alarifi
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The current study aimed at identifying the degree of awareness of Shaqra University students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia about digital citizenship and their proposals to develop awareness of it. The study used the descriptive approach, and to achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was prepared consisting of four axes: Students ’awareness of respect and it consisted of (10) paragraphs. And awareness of students in the field of education and consist of (11) paragraphs. And awareness of students in the field of protection, consisting of (9) paragraphs. The fourth axis dealt with students' perceptions of ways to develop digital citizenship, and it consisted of (11) paragraphs. The study sample consisted of (538) male and female students from Shaqra University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, who were chosen by the random stratified method. The results showed that the study subjects' ratings of their degree of digital citizenship awareness were high in all domains. Estimates of proposals for developing digital citizenship awareness are also high. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences in the study individuals ’estimates of their awareness of digital citizenship due to the gender variable in favor of males. While the results did not show any differences in the degree of students' awareness of digital citizenship due to the variables of the school year and the type of college. The study recommended a number of recommendations, the most important of which are: Enhancing the awareness of Shaqra University students about all dimensions of digital citizenship by providing more awareness by the competent authorities on the dangers of the Internet and cybercrime. Keywords: awareness, students, Shaqra University, digital citizenship, proposals.

  • Dr. Tariq bin Ibrahim bin Abdul Raziq Al-Masoud
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The Arabic language has authority and sanctity that it derives from the revelation of heaven, Allah has chosen it for the Holy Qur’an, and what the Messenger of the People brought, and this treatise will deal with the art of the Arabic language, which is the syntax, as it is the most Arabic science closely related to the Prophet’s text, The Aim: to highlight the close relationship between the syntax and the prophet’s hadith, and what this includes of difference in terms of understanding the text in the multiplicity of the aspects of the syntax movements, and the difference that is based on it in the legal rulings, The Method: the analytical method in the effect of the different syntactic movements in terms of structures, and I started this with a preamble, then the effect of the different syntactic guidance, and the attention of the scholars in that, then I mentioned applied models about that, And answered the effect of the syntax in the jurisprudence of the Prophet’s text, and the extent to which scholars pay attention to the syntax when analyzing and weighting them for one aspect, The Results: in explaining the difference between guidance and face, and if the guidance is launched, then it is intended: guiding words from the meaning onward, and the hadith text if there is a multiplicity of the syntax movement in it followed by a difference in meaning, and so it is necessary for the authors of the holy book and Sunnah to learn from the syntax what they perceive to be as meanings, The Recommendations: in choosing a hadith classifier, and studying the syllabic aspects, as well as those who have addressed the teaching of the holy Qur’an and Sunnah, they must be exposed to the syntaxes, to make the meaning clear to the scholars. Keywords: guidance, syntactic, difference, hadith.

  • Dr. Hanan Abduljaleel Najmuldeen Sumayh Mohammed Areshi
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The aim of the research is to uncover the effect of the guided imagination strategy in teaching history on developing creative thinking skills among high school students. The experimental curriculum with a quasi-experimental design was used, and the research sample consisted of (50) students in the city of Jeddah who were selected in an intentional way. They were divided into two groups: an experimental group consisting of (25) students who studied using the strategy of guided imagination, and a control unit consisting of (25) students who studied in the usual way, and to achieve the goal of the research, a teacher’s guide was prepared to teach the national history unit for the second grade of secondary school using the guided imagination strategy. Verbal Creative Thinking Test in Unit and using Torrance Test of Creative Thinking Figure (B). The results showed that there were statistically significant differences at the level of α (≥ 0.05) between the mean scores of the students of the control and experimental groups in the post-measurement of the skill: fluency, flexibility, and originality by the verbal reasoning test and the Torrance formal test (B) in favor of the experimental group, as well as the presence of significant differences A statistic at the level of α (≥ 0.05) between the average scores of the students of the control and experimental groups in the post-measurement of the verbal reasoning test as a whole and the Torrance formalistic test (B) as a whole for the benefit of the experimental group, which indicates the existence of an impact of the strategy on developing creative thinking skills, and the two researchers recommended holding training courses For history teachers on how to apply a guided imagination strategy, implement its correct steps, and integrate creative thinking skills into the curriculum. Keywords: Guided Imagination Strategy, Creative Thinking, history, Second Secondary.

  • Dr. Mohammed bin Salem bin Abdullah Al Harthy
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

This study investigates the manuscript (Further Defining of Ibn Qutlubuha), which is a nice commentary, on the book of Hafiz Ahmad bin Ali bin Hajar Al-Asqalani: “Defining the people of sanctification with the ranks of fraudulent,” in which twenty-six narrators were included, who were described as fraudulent. The study aims to: bring out this comment to the Islamic Library, and to complement the work of Al-Hafiz Ahmed bin Ali bin Hajar Al-Asqalani in his authorship, which is considered a main reference in the names of the fraudulent people and their classes, and among. Of the significant findings of this study is the uniqueness of Qutlubugha by mentioning nine narrators, who were described as fraudulent not mentioned by others. Recommendations of this study include placing an interest on heritage books and their implementation, composing a comprehensive dictionary that brings together all narrators who have been described fraudulently, and shows their ranks. Keywords: Further Definition, Commentary, People of Sanctification.

  • Dr. Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Kabsh Al-Zahrani Abdul Rahman Muhammed Khalaf Al Zahrani, Emad Rajab Ali Al-Zahrani Ali Attia Alhamrani
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The current study aimed to investigate the effect of the feasibility of integrating internet technology and its applications with innovative means of rescuing and controlling swimming pools remotely by analyzing the effectiveness of using the idea of metal grid inside swimming pools and the plastic cover moving from right to left”. To achieve this goal, the researcher applied the field study on the study sample, which consisted of two groups: Group one consisted of 13 people who used the pool with the first equipment, and group two consisted of 12 people who used the pool with the second equipment. The sample was classified according to the factors affecting the speed of swimming pool closure, which are the person’s height, the person’s speed in the direction of the pool, the time when the person was near from the pool (day and night), and the body temperature. The researcher conducted a questionnaire for parents to measure their level of satisfaction of swimming pools ideas, the data were processed statistically using percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, one-way variance test, (η2) to measure the effect size and (T) test for two independent variables. The results shows that, the presence of statistically significant differences at the level of (α ≥ 0.05) showing the effect of the people height, speed of movement, body temperature and time of movement (day or night) on closing and securing the swimming pool. Keywords: Feasibility, Internet Technology; Applications; Rescue of the drowning Pool.

  • Dr. Ali H. Alharbi
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The study aimed to identify the most important challenges facing the Settlement of Training in Saudi High Schools and to develop a Suggested Perspective for Settlement of Training in Light of Modern Trends in Educational Training, The study based on the descriptive and analytical descriptive approach and the questionnaire as a tool for study, which was applied to a random sample of (39) managers and (1086) teachers in secondary schools, The findings of the study concluded there are significant challenges facing the Settlement of Training in Saudi High Schools, and there are statistically significant differences between the average grades of school principals and teachers of the challenges facing the Settlement of Training in Saudi High Schools in favor of teachers. Keywords: Settlement of Training, Educational Training, High Schools.

  • Dr. Abdullah bin Zaher Attia Al-Thaqafi
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

The present study focuses on documenting the traditional architecture of old houses in Albaha area. It consists of two parts. The first part provides a general description of Albaha's traditional houses. It starts with discussing the criteria by which the location of a traditional house was selected. Then, it details the utilized materials and methods in constructing the building. The study also discusses the employment of ornaments and colors throughout the different units of the traditional house. The second part of the current research is allotted to study Bin Ragosh's palace as a model representation of Albaha traditional architecture. It describes in details the palace's housing units, guest units, the mosque, the school, and the surrounding walls. Based on the findings of the study, there is an immediate and urgent need for more documenting studies on Albaha traditional architecture, bearing in mind that most of these villages and houses are in real danger of falling and becoming ruins because of both negligence and the passing of time. Keywords: Ibn Ragosh, The Traditional Architecture.

  • Dr. Faihan bin Nayef Al-Busais
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

In this research aimed at the subject of wrong talk by collecting the conversations that scientists have stated as wrong and they stated the rightness because of some narrators; They showed his correct origin. I did not understand all that I found in this section, but confined to the models of what came from the text or reference from a scientist; It is a research field of ills science, which is one of the most accurate science of modern, and this science needs more research; This research has made an introduction, a prelude, and three themes Introductory: In the definition of the vowel language and idiom, and the importance of the science of illness: The first topic: models of the hadiths in which the narrators erred in the sense, or in short, and indicate their correct origin. The second topic: models of the hadiths in which the narrators newspapers and indicate their correct origin. The third topic: models of the hadiths in which the narrators erred by carrying a hadeeth on another hadith and showing its true origin. Keywords: The Origin of The Hadith, The Error, Right, His Rightness, Its Origin.

  • Dr. Aisha Abdullah Mutlaq Al-Tawala
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

This research is intended to highlight the significance of using the Quran readings for understanding the Holy Quran in addition to its rules and effects on the verse. It aims to highlight the eloquence miracle of readings as one of the aspects of the miracle of the Holy Quran, and to explain the effects of the Quran readings on expanding the meanings and hints concluded from the verses of the Holy Quran. Moreover, it highlights the efforts of scholars in using the readings for understanding the Quran. This research depends on the descriptive and analytical approach. It is concluded with certain results, which mainly include: On understanding the Quran readings, they are two parts. The first part does not affect understanding the Quran, if it is changed, because it does not have an effect on the meaning. The second part affects understanding the Holy Quran by understanding this part of readings and concluding meanings, connotations and hints that are not indicated by the other readings. There are also rules that should be considered on understanding the readings, in particular, in addition to the general rules of understanding the Holy Quran. Keywords: Understanding, Readings, Using, Quran, Meditation.

  • Dr. Saeed bin Muhammad Jamaan Al-Hadia
  • Reseived: 2021 Received in Revised Form: 2021 Accepted: 2021

Research Title: Manifestations of Divine Greatness in Surat Al-A'ala (An Objective Study), Methodology: In it, I combined the inductive approach for collecting and studying verses related to the topic, and the deductive approach for deducing concepts related to research topics and mentioning the sayings of scholars, may Allah have mercy on them, Diversity of the Qur’an discourse and the multiplicity of its methods is no secret to the contemplator and the one who understands it, and this is clearly evident through the comparison between the Meccan Surahs and the Medinan Suras, as the Meccan Surahs were distinguished by the methods of debate and argument, and were specialized in the themes of deism and the manifestations of divine greatness, because they were revealed in a situation of real conflict with the ungrateful infidels and disbelieving enemies, Surat Al-A‘la is one of the great Meccan surahs that includes manifestations of divine greatness and a determination of the attributes of deity in order to acknowledge absolute deity and universal servitude, This research comes in the context of revealing the some of those great and venerable aspects, reflecting on them, drawing lessons through them, and contemplating their meanings, I concluded with results and recommendations, the most prominent of which are: First: Results: The Meccan surahs exceeded the determination of servitude to Allah Almighty, the negation of idols, and his entitlement of absolute exclusivity. What is meant by praise is to utter honestly in secret and in public by mentioning what suits his majesty and greatness from doctrines and deeds, and that its work continues and that the people of Paradise are inspired praise as well as the soul. The surah indicated the perfection of divine power and that the absolute management of the universe is for Allah Almighty. This is something that requires devotion of worship to Him. The surah included belief in the destiny and will is of Allah Almighty, without which a Muslim’s faith is not valid, Second: Recommendations: To do a study that deals and studies with the exegetical topics within the one Qur’an surah, as well as doing a comprehensive study that includes the topic of divine greatness in the Noble Quran and its surahs, especially in the aspect of morals and transactions and showing the tolerance, justice and comprehensiveness of Islam.