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Albaha University Journal of Human Sciences (BUJHS)

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  • Dr. Ziad Mishaal Al-Zaydi
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

The role of service quality is widely recognized as being a critical determinant for the success and survival of any organization in today’s competitive environment. Grönroos (1984) has concluded that perceived service quality is a process in which the consumer compares his service expectation with his perception. In the hospital environment, experience of patient provides a unique and valid information as it is, he who receives the service (Cho et al., 2004). The health service quality is one of the most important sectors to which, government and householders are concerned. Many authors have done research on this topic, there has been very little work on service quality perception and patient satisfaction in King Fahad Hospital of Albaha region. Since service quality perception and satisfaction are considered very important in management, this study attempts to fill the gap by examining the relationship between the health service quality and patient’s satisfaction among the inpatient, outpatient and emergency departments using Rust & Olivier (1994) approach. In this study, impact of health service quality on the patient’s satisfaction at King Fahad Hospital (KFH), Data were collected with the closed ended questionnaire in the waiting area of the different departments after consultation. Mostly the patients themselves filed the questionnaire with the help of their attendants, the research concluded that there is a significant difference in satisfaction among the patients of different departments of Albaha Hospital. The study also found that there is significant difference between realizations and expectations for all three dimensions, namely the product service, the delivery service and the environment service. Keywords: Service Quality, Patient satisfaction, KFH Albaha.

  • Abdullah bin Khalifa Alodail
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

The emergence of web 2.0 technologies has created new opportunities in the field of multimedia concepts. Electronic mind maps are used to present information in an interesting and fast format, save time and keep learners from becoming bored. Electronic mind maps are a valuable platform for learning multimedia concepts in class activities and as out-of-class assignments to increase learners' achievements. Therefore, this research focuses on designing electronic mind maps (using XMind) to teach multimedia concepts among undergraduate students at the College of Education at Al-Baha University. The study aimed to detect the effect of e-mind maps on increasing students' achievements. The study used a quasi-experimental approach to prepare the literature framework and a measurement tool including an achievement test. The study sample consisted of 40 learners. The researcher used a t-test to measure the differences between the experimental group, which was taught using e-mind maps (text and image), and the control group, which was taught using a traditional method. The results revealed that there was a significant difference in the level of α≤0.05 in relation to the experimental group taught by e-mind maps, with an arithmetic average of 28.25 in the post achievement test. Therefore, the study recommended working with e-mind maps, which contain photos and texts when teaching instructional design at the university and measuring its effect on acquiring some concepts of multimedia. Keywords: Effectiveness, Computerized mental diagrams, Mixed media, Al-Baha University.

  • Dr. Yousef Bin Mohamed Al-Huwaish
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

This study aimed to identify the attitudes, requirements, and challenges faced by faculty members towards developing their abilities in Shaqra University in light of the knowledge economy, The study sample consisted of (100) faculty members of Shaqra University, The researcher used the descriptive analytical method, The researcher used a questionnaire as a tool for the study, The study reached many results, the most important of which are: The attitudes of the faculty members towards developing their abilities in the light of the requirements of the knowledge economy have reached a high level of response, The requirements for developing the faculty members abilities in light of the requirements of the knowledge economy have reached a very high level of response, The challenges facing the development of the faculty members in the light of the requirements of the knowledge economy have reached a very high level of response, The study also recommended the allocation of training courses for faculty members to develop their practical and skillful abilities and conducting continuous evaluation of training programs provided to faculty members, Keywords: Development, Faculty Members, Knowledge Economy, Shaqra University.

  • Dr. Mohamed Bin Rashed Abdul Karem Al Zahrani
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

The current study aims to build a short form of attitude scale of postgraduate students towards statistics and determine the scale factor components among a sample of postgraduate students at the Faculty of Education at Al-Baha University. To achieve the objectives of the study the researcher has built attitude scale of postgraduate students towards statistics, includes (49) items distributed into (5) dimensions. The study sample consisted of (306) postgraduate students were randomly selected from the study population. The results of the exploratory factor analysis assert that there are (5) factors components of the scale (emotion, difficulty, value, efficiency, and effort). Furthermore, the confirmatory factor analysis resulted Achieving incremental and comparative fit index which used in the current study as well as All evidence of convergent validity, through that the validity of the supposed model was substantiation, which means that it is conformity with the extracted scale factor components from exploratory factor analysis. Thus, the scale has become in its short form consists of (25) items distributed into (5) dimensions. Keywords: Exploratory Factor Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, The Trend Towards Statistics.

  • Dr. Abdul-Lateef Bin Mohsen Al-Oraini
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

The study aims at identifying the academic and the administrative reality of the Educational Preparation Program for scholarship students at the Islamic University of Madinah. The researcher used the descriptive methodology for the study, and the study tool used is the questionnaire which is made up of (28) criteria distributed over two aspects: the academic and the administrative aspects. Also, the study sample is made up of (72) students. The study arrived at certain findings, the most significant of which in the criteria of the academic aspect is that the evaluation methods (the exams) are characterized with objectivity; while in the criteria of the administrative aspect, it is the appropriateness of the schedule of the daily lectures for the students. Also, the study concluded that there are no differences due to the different level of study or the continent to which the student belongs, while there are differences due to the difference in the faculty in which the student is studying. The study recommended redesigning of the courses being offered in the Educational Preparation Program, to ensure the diversification of the teaching methods being used, and the update of the rules and regulations that will motivate the teaching staffs in their use of teaching methods, it also recommended reconsidering the nomination procedures for the Program in a way that will guarantee its completion within a sufficient period of time before the take-off of the Program. Keywords: Educational Preparation, Scholarship Students, Islamic University

  • Prof. Abdullah Awad Al Harbi
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

The aim of the current research is to know the effectiveness of the differentiated Teaching strategy in teaching science to develop The divergent thinking and social skills among middle school students in Al-Zulfi Governorate, and the research method is a semi-experimental approach to answer research questions, and the research used tests to measure The divergent thinking and social skills, The results showed that there are statistically significant differences for the four The divergent thinking skills "extended, original, flexible, and divorced", as well as for the three social skills "communication, emotional participation, and cooperation", in favor of the experimental group. And the presence of a positive correlation between the sum of the divergent thinking and social skills. While the results did not show any statistical significance for the skill of following the instructions. The research recommended the importance of training science teachers on how to give their students the skill to follow instructions. Keywords: Differentiated Teaching, The divergent thinking, social skills, science.

  • Dr. Faisal Ali Alghamdi, Dr. Mohamed Abdelkarim Ali Attia Dr. Omair Saffar Alghamdi Dr. Azzla Mohamed Alghamdi
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

The current study aimed to develop faculty members’ performance at Al-Baha University in accordance with the Saudi Vision 2030, and reveal the administrative and academic obstacles that limt their performance. Overall, the document of Saudi Vision 2030 was analyzed to identify the goals related to university performance as well as faculty members’ performance. This study utilized the descriptive-analytical approach. The study population consisted of all faculty members at Al-Baha University. For the purpose of this study a questionnaire was developed and applied to a random sample of (424) individuals. Through a comprehensive analysis of the Saudi Vision 2030 document, the study concludes with five main fields associated with faculty members’ performance, through which they contribute to achieving the goals of Saudi Vision 2030, namely: teaching, scientific research, community service, administrative assignments, and professional development. According to the field study, the results indicated that the degree of faculty members’ performance at Al-Baha University was high from their perspective (M = 3.80, SD = 0.57). In particular, all fields reached a high degree except the field of scientific research, which received a moderate performance degree. Additionally, the degree of obstacles facing faculty members in performing their responsibilities was moderate (M = 3.29, SD = 0.74), where the administrative obstacles were in the first rank, followed by academic barriers all of which with a moderate level. As for statistical differences, the study provided a set of results according to its demographic variables. In conclusion, based on the study results, the study offered suggestions to for improve the performance of faculty members at Al-Baha University in light of Saudi Vision 2030. Keywords: Performance Development, Faculty Members, Al-Baha University, Saudi Vision 2030.

  • Dr. Abdullah bin Khamis bin Suqan Al-Omari
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

The literature of the journey is a literary form that has its structural peculiarities, and it made valuable contributions in the fields of geography, history, literature, news and biography, and from literary trips in the modern era (a trip to the Hijaz) by Ibrahim Abdul Qadir Al Mazni, in which he listed his journey to the Hijaz in the beginnings of the establishment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its unification on My hands, King Abdulaziz Al Saud, In view of the literary value of this trip, we find that it documents an important stage in the history of the Kingdom on the one hand, and on the other hand, the writer is a writer, thinker and owner of a distinctive literary taste, this appeared in his narration of the events of the trip and its literary and critical picks up, Since the narrative theory was based on the texts of the structural theory in its reliance on the text as an independent system, narrative analysis necessarily calls for tools of the structural approach, and the research relies on the structural approach its analysis of the narrative structure of its subject, and has reached a number of results: In the narrative structure criticism of some social customs, He described some markets and their offerings, and the construction pattern for residential houses, On the artistic level, the writer has fulfilled all the elements of the narrative construction. In the technical formulation of the text, we find the Meroitic through a temporal structure in which there are multiple types of time. There are objective time, psychological time, and spatial structure in which the places that formed the goal of the journey, places of transit, and the characters that were divided between The character of the Al-Mazini traveler and the companions of the trip, the ship's passengers, and the receptionist characters of different and multiple centers and tasks, and the narrator excelled in employing the narration through strategies from suspense and building a parallel tale for self-building, and withholding writing, and we note the integration of narrative construction since the writer formulated the beginning of the journey The order of events as they occur to completion and return of travelers to their country. Keywords: al-Mazni, Structure, Narration, Narrative Text, the Narrator; Irrigated Quenched him.

  • Dr. Hassan bin Muhammad bin Hassan Al-Qarni
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

This research studies this phenomenon, defining it, showing its words, its types, its effects as well as showing some examples where the ellipsis of a letter led to prejudice of the word, Research Methodology: This research starts with an introduction and ended with a conclusion. It includes two chapters. Chapter one includes four topics, respectively: Prejudice meaning, its words, its types, and its effects. Chapter two gives examples for ellipsis of letters leading to prejudice including two topics: Topic one handles the ellipsis of meaning letter or part of it, and topic two handles the ellipsis of a letter from word structure or verb structure. This research employs the inductive descriptive approach, which is close to analysis, Research findings: This research concluded that this phenomenon has many words and meanings in the linguistic lesson, and Grammar scholars handled it early. The research presents many types and effects for this phenomenon in addition to many examples for it. Recommendations: The linguistic lesson is still full of linguistic phenomena which need more study, and the phenomenon of Prejudice Ellipsis is one of these phenomena which need more research to be introduced perfectly to the reader Keywords: AL-IJHAF, Linguistic Lesson, Ellipsis.

  • Dr. Ahmed Ali Mohamed Al-Ghamdi
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

This research deals with the comparison between Islamic Sharia and Institutes DE Justinien in the Book of Testaments from Chapter 17-21. This research aims to show up Highness of Sharia, and to make comparisons and enumerate what is contrary to Shari'a. All this in the balance of justice and equity, and discuss the suspicion that Sharia is only a reproduction of Roman law. This research has an introduction and two chapters: Chapter I: Justinian and his famous blog and under this chapter is two topics: The first topic: Short biography of Justinien. The second topic: Short talking about Institutes DE Justinien. Chapter 2: Legislative Comparisons between Islamic Sharia and Institutes DE Justinien in the Book of Testaments from Chapter 17-21 and under this chapter is two topics: The first topic: The definition of the term of the will and some of its derivatives. The second topic: Legislative Comparisons between Islamic Sharia and Institutes DE Justinien in the Book of Testaments from Chapter 17-21. Keywords: Institutes DE Justinien, Justinien, Testaments.

  • Dr. Muhammad bin Saeed bin Hamed Al Madshah Al-Ghamdi
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

Khawarej groups agreed on five issues: First: The best of sahaba after death of prophet Mohammed (PBUH) were Abo Bakr and Omar (May Allah Bless them), Second: Judging Othman and Ali (May Allah Bless them) and the two arbitrators and those who accepted their resolution as unbelievers, Third: Judging those committing major sins are unbelievers and being immortal in hell as well as being deprived from shafaa, Fourth: Allowing rejecting the unfair ruler using arms, Fifth: Allowing imams to come from tribes other than Qurash, As for the creation of the Holy Quran and denial of the tomb torture, it is not proved that the Khawarej groups agreed on them. Keywords: Issues of Agreement, Khawarej Groups.

  • Dr. Ahmed bin Mohamed Ahmed Al-Masawi Al-Ghamdi
  • Reseived: 2020 Received in Revised Form: 2020 Accepted: 2020

This research is concerned with identifying Sheikh Al-Sa'adi’s approach to explain Quranic guidance through Surat Al-Fatihah and Al-Baqarah. The research aims to identify Sheikh Al-Sa'adi and his interpretation of the Holy Quran, Quranic Guidance, the scholars’ attention to express those guides, the terms mentioned by Sheikh Sa’adi in explaining the Quranic guides, as well as the areas of Sheikh Sa’di's Quranic guides in his interpretation and his method of explaining the Quranic guides. The researcher followed the descriptive, inductive and analytical methods. The research concluded a number of findings and recommendations, the most important of which are the followings: (1) The Qur’anic guides are the clear and implied indications and instructions of the Qur’an that aimed at the happiness of mankind in this world and the hereafter which are draw out in correct ways, (2) distinguishing between induction and Quranic guides, (3) the diversity of words indicating guidance in Sheikh Sa’adi interpretation of the Holy Quran, namely; “Significance, reference, benefit, statement, evidence, pronoun, plural and knowledge". The research also identified the areas of Quranic guides in Sheikh Sa’adi interpretation of the Holy Quran, namely; "Doctrinal guidance, worships guidance moral and behavioral guidance, lingual guidance, juristic guidance and fundamentalist guidance, as well as Quranic stories". Furthermore, the research identified the methods adopted by Sheikh Al-Sa'adi in drawing out the Quranic guides, as well as his distinctive style to show it. As for the most important recommendations: Studying of fundamental, juristic and linguistic rules and its effect on drawing out Quranic guides of Sheikh Al-Sa'adi, A balancing study between Sheikh Al-Saadi’s approach and his student Ibn Uthaymeen in explaining the Quranic gifts. Keywords: Approach, Al-Sa'adi’s, guidance, Quranic, Al-Fatihah, Al-Baqarah.