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Albaha University Journal of Human Sciences (BUJHS)

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  • Dr. Wafa Mayah Salem Al-Anzi
  • Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019

The abstract: this study aimed to concentrate on the poetry of Abo Tammam by using one poem and applying the standards of grammar science on this poem، which are: (the composition، the style، the information ، the aims ، the accepting، the beher and the intertextuality). Research methodology: In this study، the method was the Descriptive analytical method. The most important results of the text: this research proved that the role of language's text is description of the inner and outer connections between different levels of text's compositions، explaining the multi-appearance of different kinds of communication and using the language. Then we concentrate in our linguistic studies on the composition and functional circumstances of the texts. Keywords: Abo Tammam, Grammar, Grammar of the text, Poem, Standards.

  • Dr. Falah bin Murshid bin Khalaf Al-Otaibi
  • Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019

This paper is organized in the following manner: Introduction: An introductory attempt has been made to introduce the concept of Islam and its tendencies, together with the biography of the poet. Part one: Part one of the research provides meanings and purposes of Al-Jazaan’s poetry. It does offer a kaleidoscopic view of the nation’s condition, inspiration, m lamentations, and praise of the Prophet, national poetic currents, romance, wit and humor. Part Two: The part two of the paper presents artistic features, text thresholds, poetic diction and intertextuality, Conclusion: Finally, the result of the research study is summed up with necessary additions of footnotes, sources and references. Keywords: Religious Ideology, AL-Jazaan’s Poetry.

  • Dr. Safwan Ahmed Morshed Hammoud
  • Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019

The study covers four main sections: (1) The definition of companionship and the Prophet’s companions according to Ahlel-Sunnah and Zaidiyyah (2) The characteristics that a companion is known by, (3) The virtue of companionship and the status of the companions, and (4) The equity of the companions and what was disputed amongst them. It is a comparative theological study between Ahlel-Sunnah and Zaidiyyah.The Zaidiyyah have been described as being close to the Ahlel-Sunnah in regard to their view of the companions. Further academic analyzation is required to rectify this assumption and evaluate it. The results of the study are contrary to the statement that the Zaidiyyah have a similar view as Ahlel-Sunnah with regard to the companions. The Zaidiyyah definition of companion differs and as a result there is a difference in their position regarding individual companions. Some sects within the Zaidiyyah for example Jarudiyyah incline towards the Rafidah belief that Ali was infallible and considered the companion’s apostates and accused them of committing a grave sin. The Salihiyyah and Batriyyah sects praised Abu Bakr and Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) and regarded them as being virtuous and equitable however they dared to vilify others like Uthman, Talha, Zubair and Aisha and accused them of committing a grave sin thereafter confirming their repentance. Those who entered Islam during the conquest of Makkah and those that opposed Ali and fought him like Muawiyyah and Amr bin Al Aas were according to consensus(Ijmaa) considered apostates. It is clearly evident that the Zaidiyyah differ greatly from the Ahlel-Sunnah in their view of the companions. They are closer to the Rafidah and there are those amongst them that abuse and curse the companions and others who consider them to have committed a grave sin or apostated. Keywords: The Definition, Companionship, Prophet’s Companions, Ahlel-Sunnah, Zaidiyyah.

  • Dr. Mona Bint Hussein Al-Ansi
  • Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019

This Islamic nation plagued by some of those who claim affiliation to deny the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and question where people, illnesses void, and have had the semi, invoking them to deny this year, as they seek to invalidate the legislation that brought him, and invite people to relaxation of the legal costs which they were received, has been told that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and warned him, this research shows the crumbling similarities that stuck out these doers, and refute and disprove, and the statement to be false and the faces of nullity, and preceded by a statement the fact that the owners of this trend, and the school to which they belong, origins and roots, and the most prominent advocates. Keywords: Relentless Steps, Quasi-Modern Mental School, The Noble Prophet’s Sunnah.

  • Dr. Mohamed bin Hassan bin Zahir Alshehri
  • Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019

The status of this part: The part has a scientific status among the people of the hadeeth. It has benefited many imams such as Haafiz Abi Taher al-Salafi, and it is one of the narrations of Abu Abdullah al-Tajibi in his "program" and Ibn Hajar in "The Founding Council."He quoted many imams such as al-Mura'ati, Ibn Hibban, Al-Bayhaqi, al-Khatib, and Ibn Asaker. Results: The study highlighted that the first part of the hadiths of this whole part of the hadeeth of Ali bin Harb al-Taee from his sheikhs is (69) hadeeth, concluded with the words: (the last hadeeth of Ali bin Harb), and the second part: from the hadeeth narrated by Ahmad bin Sulaiman al-'Abadani from his sheikhs (4) haadeeth. The number of narrations of this section (73) haadeeth and affected, including (65) haadeeth and (8) affected, Hadiths agreed upon (19) hadeeth, Ahaadeeth valid - whether for itself or for others - the number (33) haadeeth, Ahaadeeth weak, or very weak (9) Ahaadeeth, Ahaadeeth invalid and set (3) Ahaadeeth, the correct effects - whether for themselves or for others - (5) effects, Vulnerable or very vulnerable effects (3) Effects, and Ahaadeeth, which I did not stand in the unclassified two narrations. Keywords: The Hadiths, Ali bin Harb al-Ta'ee, Al-Abadani, Shazan.

  • Dr. Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman Al-Damer
  • Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019

The research discusses the term (the sciences that the interpreter needs), in terms of its definition, the most prominent terms synonymous with it, as well as the early beginnings of its inception, and the research has been divided into an introduction, three topics and a conclusion, the introduction: it includes the importance of the topic, previous studies, the research plan, and the method of writing In it, the first topic: the definition of (the sciences that an interpreter needs), the second topic: terms synonymous with (the sciences that the interpreter needs), the third topic: the genesis of (the sciences that the interpreter needs), and the conclusion: It contains the most important results of the research and its recommendations. Keywords: The sciences, an interpreter, term, genesis.

  • Dr. Suhair Sayed Elkhalil Yousif
  • Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019

This study examined the effect of the dialectical difference, the multiplicity of Quranic readings, and meanings, in the multiplicity of morphological formulas, and explaining that the multitude of these morphological forms is one of the types of differences of dialects which is reflected in the readings and the diversity of meanings and their abundance. The effect of the morphological formulas is reflected in the rooting of the linguistic richness of the Arabic language, especially in terms of its morphological formulas and showing the importance studying of dialects and its role in the development of the science of morphology. This study was the result of serious desire to be a brick contributing in the studies of morphology and interact with others in this area, so as to enable the morphological movement to go with the grammatical movement, which was given by scholars and researchers more attention than the studies of morphology. Keywords: The effect, The Dialects Differences, Multiplicity of Quranic readings, Meanings Differences, Morphological Formulas.

  • Dr. Mohammed bin Saad bin Abdulaziz Al-Sharif
  • Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019

The present study aimed to identify the degree of practice of teachers of the secondary stage of the hidden curriculum during teaching without prior planning. Also it aimed to identify the differences of statistical significance in the degree of this practice according to the variables of specialization, qualification, years of service and gender. To achieve these objectives, the study used descriptive analytical method, and adopted the observation card as a tool for collecting data, after verifying its validity for application, and then it was applied by the researcher. The researcher studied the study problem, its importance, its questions, its limits and terminology, and then the theoretical framework, the previous studies of this study, and the methodology of the study and its procedures The study community was defined in which all teachers of the secondary stage in Riyadh city will be included, 2830 teachers. The researcher chose (32) female and male teachers equally in numbers. The study also showed the statistical methods used in the analysis of the data, and it came out with the result that male and female secondary school teachers understand the importance of the hidden curriculum, which enhances the practice of the hidden curriculum, and that there are no statistically significant differences at the level of 0.05 and less in the practice of secondary school teachers of the hidden curriculum during teaching without prior planning. Keywords: Curriculum hidden, Curriculum, Teaching, Planning.

  • Dr. Zafer Bin Ahmad Musleh Al - Qarni
  • Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019

The current research aimed to identify Impact of Employing infographic technology in the flipped learning environment on achievement and motivation among a sample of students in the Faculty of Education in education techniques and communication skills course, the experiment was conducted on a sample consisting of 40 students from the first level students in the Faculty of Education in Zulfa, Majmaah University, and the sample was divided into two experimental groups (the control group studied using the traditional method - experimental group studied using infographic employed in the flipped learning environment), the research used two tools; namely: (cognitive achievement test - Motivation scale), and after the application on the sample and after the pre and post application of the research two tools, the study found that there is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the control group, and the mean score of the experimental group, in the knowledge achievement test for the benefit of the experimental group, the results also showed a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the control group, and the mean scores of the experimental group on motivation scale for the benefit of experimental group, this result emphasizes the importance and impact of the use of infographic employed in the flipped learning on both achievement and motivation towards learning. Keywords: Infographic, Depicted Information, Flipped Learning, Inverted Learning.

  • Dr. Mohammed bin Salal Dhalaan
  • Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019

The study aimed at identifying the role of massive open online courses (MOOC) in the development of students' self-learning skills from the point of view of the members of northern border university in light of some variables. The study sample consisted of (124) staffs. The results showed that (MOOC) significantly improve self-learning skills, and there are no statistically significant differences in the average staffs' assessment of the role of MOOC in developing the self-learning skills of due to gender, scientific degree or faculty. The results also indicate the existence of obstacles to the application of the system and the most important "Technical problems that result from the communication interruption when presented". Regarding the competencies that must be met by a teacher, the most important of these is "Using e-learning tools". Keywords: MOOC, Self-Learning Skills, Northern Border University.

  • Dr. Ali Suleiman Al-Jawabreh
  • Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019

This research paper aims to study linguistic moderation of Qur’an reciters and how it is viewed from Alhijazians’ and Altamimies’ perspectives. This study adopts Abu Umar recitation and his approach of, alfatih and alimaalah etc., as a model. The paper, in addition, includes a lexical and contextual definitions of linguistic moderation. We examine the linguistic moderation of Abu Umar’s recitations. We also discuss some of the aspects of linguistic moderation and the reasons behind it. The most significant findings of this study are: Linguistic moderation combines two contrastive linguistic phenomena which is famous and common method in reciting Qur’an in general. For example, when you combine alfatih and alimaalah - etc. According to this approach, one linguistic phenomenon is chosen in a specific context with a specific style or word, while using the other linguistic phenomenon in other cases. One of the findings of this study is that the linguistic moderation of Abu Umar is attributed to linguistic and dialectal reasons. Keywords: Linguistics Moderation, Qur’an Reciters, Alfatih, Alimaalah.