The Effect of Negligence and The Great Error in The Certificate
- Prof. Maher dibAbo - Shawish
- Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019
The research deals with two of the most difficult evidence in Islamic jurisprudence, which is negligence, and a lot of mistake. The research aims to indicate the extent of the effect of negligence and the great mistake on the certificate, and consider it a reason to respond, in the second is the reason for the testimony of the buster and many of the mistakes, and in the fourth, what is excluded from the ruling of the testimony of the buster and many mistakes, The researcher concluded that negligence and a great deal of error are important in the response of the testimony; to the place of accusation, unless the mistake or negligence is rare. Keywords: Negligence, The Great Error, The Certificate.
The Effect of Negligence and The Great Error in The Certificate
- Prof. Maher dibAbo - Shawish
- Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019
The research deals with two of the most difficult evidence in Islamic jurisprudence, which is negligence, and a lot of mistake. The research aims to indicate the extent of the effect of negligence and the great mistake on the certificate, and consider it a reason to respond, in the second is the reason for the testimony of the buster and many of the mistakes, and in the fourth, what is excluded from the ruling of the testimony of the buster and many mistakes, The researcher concluded that negligence and a great deal of error are important in the response of the testimony; to the place of accusation, unless the mistake or negligence is rare. Keywords: Negligence, The Great Error, The Certificate.
Hadith "There are two statements that are light for the tongue to remember, heavy in the Scales and are dear to the Merciful: 'Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, Subhan-Allahil-Azim": A hadith study
- Dr. Meshaal Hamid Al-Lahibi
- Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019
This research is aimed at studying this Hadith thoroughly and extracting lessons and religious issues regarding the accuracy of the descent line of the conveyers with an exhaustive explanation of this Hadith. It also points out the significance in Imam Albukhari's choice in concluding his book with this Hadith and an elaboration on some valid Hadiths in Albukhari's Sahih with a response to some issues related to it. Also, a mentioning of the valid Hadiths in the merits of Tasbih, Tahmeed and the revered deeds that are heavy in the scale of the judgment day is included, in this research, I have adopted the analytical approach and the following are my findings. Firstly, the existence of Gharibs and Efrads -singled and individual- Hadiths in the two Sahihs is rare and those who claim they do not contain Gharibs and Efrads are incompatible with reality and proved disciplines. In addition, it concludes that the Sahih -valid- Hadiths do not need to have a dual descent of conveyers, the recommendations of the research are as follows: Many Hadiths need comprehensive explanation and dissection due to the amount of teachings and dispensations that can be derived from them. Furthermore, specialists need to simplify the Sunnah to make it closer to the understanding the commoners. Keywords: Hadith, valid, Gharibs, Tasbeeh, Sunnah, Tahmeed, scale, Sahi.
Levels of eloquence According to Abu Zeid Al-Ansari "T 215 AH" and Al-asma'i "T 216H"
- Dr. Iman bint Mohammed Madani
- Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019
The study of the language is one of the original studies on which linguistic, grammatical and literary judgments are based. The early scholars studied the Arabic language and its vocabulary and distinguished between their levels of eloquence, and some differed in the precise rule between the eloquent and the most eloquent (‘al-Faisih’ and ‘al-Afsah’) ', or between the the levels of discourse. The first to identify the nature of the word and its collection and classification according to the levels of eloquence are the most famous scholars of Basra, namely: Abu Zeid Al-Ansari "D 215 AH" and Al-Asma'i "D 216H, Abu Zayd had expanded his paradigms, and told - as mentioned by linguists - two thirds of the language. Linguists drew upon him in not differentiating between the weak and strong or eloquent and more eloquent. He had a different linguistic approach from his contemporary Al-Asma'i, who emphasizes language telling and especially the eloquent language. He would not accept the weak or rare or derived and take the eloquent only from the oboriginous Arabs. He had a unique methodology in the eloquent discourse ‘al-Faisih’ and was not much criticized the linguists after him. In this research, I tried to trace the doctrine of these two scholars in the study of ‘Al-Fasih’ through examples taken from language sources deriving from them their levels of eloquence. The study of ‘Al-Fasih’ according to two prominent language scholars needs to expand the research. I hope that the research has covered the most important linguistic aspects that show the level of eloquence at the time according to Abizaid Al-Ansari and Al-Asma'i Keywords: Levels of eloquence, Abu Zeid Al-Ansari, Al-asma'i.
The Perception of the Faculty of Education Students at Al - Baha University for Academic Climate and its relation to Achievement Emotions
- Dr. Emad Metwaly Ahmed Nassef
- Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019
The current research aimed at detecting perception of the Faculty of Education students at Al - Baha University for academic climate and its relation to achievement emotions. The study used academic climate and achievement emotions scales designed by the researcher. The sample consisted of (200) male and female students from the Faculty of Education at Al-Baha University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from its different disciplines. In the first semester of the academic year (2017– 2018), between the ages of (18-21) years with average of (19.75), and divided equally to male (n = 100), and female students (n = 100). Descriptive research method is used to verify the hypotheses of the current study. The results of the study assert that there was negative correlation between the sample perception for academic climate, and achievement emotions on the items (Boredom and anger - shyness and anxiety – despair), and the overall degree, while positive correlation was found with item (pride and enjoyment). The results also denote that there were statistically significant differences between mean scores of (males - females) students on their perceptions of academic climate for male's students. Furthermore, the results confirm that there were statistically significant differences between mean scores of (males - females) students on achievements emotions for female's students. In addition, the results showed also that there weren't statistically significant differences between mean scores of (males - females) of the Faculty of Education Students at Al - Baha University on their perceptions of the academic climate belonging specialization. Moreover, there weren't statistically significant differences between mean scores of (males - females) students on achievement emotions, and all at a level of significance (0.01). Keywords: Students Perception, Academic Climate, Achievement Emotions, Al - Baha University.
The internal clash in the image of the other in ancient Arabic poetry has Tabat Sharan and Al-Bahtari as a model
- Dr. Saeed Bin Abdullah Alqarni
- Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019
The internal clash in the image of the other, the image of the other in Arabic poetry did not receive extensive studies, despite its importance, and the image of the other remained ambiguous, especially that the concept of the "other" itself includes all those who change the self at all. The image of the other is differently presented in the poems of two poets. Tabat Sharan portrays his confrontation with life is thwarted in the form of his clash with the ghoul. Albuhtari depicts this conflict in the shape of his struggle with the wolf, but the experience living in both texts is almost identical. The clash of the poet Tabat Sharan with the ghoul was portrayed as a mythological clash, considering that ghoul is a supernatural creature characterized by ruthlessness, brutality and greatness, and people are often intimidated by his stories. That is why he employed a man to set down evil. It is a clash between a dualism that reflects the past and the present. The clash between him and life, represented in old age, leads him to recoil in memory to the back to recall a pattern of heroism, a model in which a sense of helplessness disappears, replaced by a sense of power and equestrian. Albuhtari presented internal clash with the other as a conflict between the possession of life and the ability to meet the challenges to reach the material and emotional. It is a permanent clash to create a natural balance between the self-seeking ego and the ego-challenged one. The clash reaches its peak when the loving-self unites with the late person to be born of the nearness of torment, a union of division and sorrow. Keywords: Internal clash, other's image, Arabic poetry, Tabat Sharan, Albuhtari.
l-Badr Al-Munir Al-Sari about what is said about Sahih Al-Bukhari (meaning; The Accepted illuminating full moon about what is said about book of Sahih Al-Bukhari)
- Dr. Maryam Bent Ahmed Al Khalid
- Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019
Among Allah’s blessings upon me, is being able to verify this ancient manuscript, of the book “Al-Badr Al-Munir Al-Sari”, which is related to the explanation of one of the most important books of Hadith and the most accurate of them all; that is Sahih Al-Imam Al-Bukhari, which dates back to the eighth Hijri century, authored by Imam Abdul Karim bin Abdul Noor bin Munir Al-Halaby Al-Hanafi who died in 735 Hijri (~1335 AH), The purpose of the verification is to extract the manuscript from hiding in books pages, and bring that intellectual wealth to light, and to enrich the Islamic library with an invaluable literature from the many of our righteous predecessor. In addition to the fact that scientific investigation is necessary to get the book out to readers and researchers free of manipulations, distortions and errors, so the manuscript will be as true as can be for the common good, the researcher concluded that the available part of the manuscript refers to a distinctive explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari. It is of high quality in terms of systemization and streamlining of meaning, diversity and scope of its scientific contents, as well as the interest of the narrator to convey the views of scholars referenced sometimes to their names or in other occasions to their books, and always paying attention to vocabulary and grammatical expressions, and Hadith inferences, and intriguing references, and such details, The researcher recommends directing the attention of scholar researchers to have initiatives to verify ancient manuscripts and bring those buried treasures to light, as in them there is colossal benefit to the Islamic library and Muslims. Keywords: Manuscripts, Al-Bader Al-Munir, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Qutub Al-Din Al-Halaby.
The Governing Rules of matrimonial Home Content Under the Islamic Jurisprudence
- Dr. Abdelkhalek Mohamed Ahmed Dr. Saud ben Melouh Alenazi
- Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019
This research aims to show the view of Islamic jurisprudence on what happens to the contents of a matrimonial home from the beginning of a marriage till it ends (divorce). Although this topic appears to be imperatively relevant to Muslim families-in particular in making provisions for a decent place to live as well as identify and find solutions for its related problems, it is not properly reported by traditional Muslim scholars. Their studies appear to yield different and divergent opinions seemingly making it difficult to bring out a clear and unified view on this matter. This research has put emphasis on the existing conditions regulating the provisions made for the contents of the matrimonial home from the beginning of marriage till it ends. It concludes that such provisions are the sole responsibility of the husband, not the wife or her family. The husband should not coerce the wife into giving up her all or part of what is rightfully hers from the wedding money or gifts, including matrimonial home content intended for her unless she accepted to do so in her own will. Anyone who had intentionally destroyed some or all of the matrimonial home content must provide guaranties on what is not hers or his. Any arising dispute between the couple on this matter should be dealt with according to evidence then to the customary rules or what is traditionally called ‘urf’. What is seen to belong lawfully to either of the husband or the wife could also be taken as a valid evidence to solve the dispute. Keywords: The Governing, Matrimonial, Home, Islamic Jurisprudence.
Administrative planning in Islamic thought
- Dr. Khairy Abdel Fattah Habib Abdel Aziz Dr. Abdul Rahman Abdullah Omar
- Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019
The study tackles the aspects of administrative planning which is a necessity of life for people due to their constant fear of the unknown, the dangers and disasters that beset them. Therefore, it became a necessity to take care to face that unknown future. Then, man began planning for his\her various activities to overcome that unknown and\or related variants and fluctuations in the natural environment and conditions in which they live such as, the succession of night and day, the consecution of the four seasons (summer, winter, spring and autumn). Man aims at planning to organize his\her affairs of life, and to adapt the unknown future to his goals and objectives. The governments and organizations concerned with planning as a way to control the conditions of future in order to make use in their projects and goals. This could be done by determining the objectives, setting policies, designing programs, and identifying the steps, procedures and rules in a specific time frame. Accordingly, planning helps not to leave things and events to the factor of chance or right and wrong. It is "former determination to what will be done, and specifying the line workflow in the future, as it includes a harmonious and sequential group of operations in order to achieve certain goals.", Administrative Islamic Planning is a "reflection and forethought and diligence by the individual or group process in the introduction of the reasons legitimacy and benefit from the lessons of the past and the present to put needed to face the future measures, with trust in God as much as the results to achieve the objectives consistent with the purposes of Islamic law, or do not conflict with it", The researcher in this study seeks to achieve the following objectives: Identifying the Islamic perspective of the concept of administrative planning, Highlighting the characteristics of administrative planning in an Islamic image, Stating the effect of religious and faith on the administrative planning, and Adding important information about Islamic planning that form an independent and integrated scientific material in the Library of Islamic Administration. Keywords: Administrative Planning, Islamic Thought.
Prophetic Rules in Dealing with The Problem of Addiction in Young People
- Dr. Nora bint Fahd Al-Eid
- Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019
Has reviewed in this research the most important prophetic rules in the treatment of the problem of addiction among young people, which is a treatment for those who wanted to return to the guidance of Islam himself, guided by the year of the best of the blessings of God and his family and peace. The results of this research can be summarized in the following points, The Prophetic Sunnah has given young people full care and care: guidance, education, and a guarantee of integrity, That the guidance of God is the most important rules of prevention of deterioration in the shafts of drugs, and addiction. God is a good keeper and he is the most merciful , that faith to the extent requires work, and left to rely on the written, trust is the work of the hearts, and must be compared to the work of prey, Good faith, strong will is the foundation of change, the path of progress, and progress, Jihad is the greatest jihad, and success is the ultimate goal, To leave addiction in the worship machine, and under their ability, That good companionship is the best way to prevent, and companionship is the closest way to loss, Encourage the good offices, and take advantage of them, and avoid the bad guys, and let them deal with them. , Islam is not forbidden except what was harmful to the grave, and the danger investigator. Keywords: Prophetic rules, Addressing The Problem of Addiction, Youth
The hadith that was narrated by Jabir ibn Abdillah (May Allah be pleased with him) regarding the permissiblity of eating hyena. "A Fiqh and Hadith study"
- Dr. Saleh bin Freih Albahlal
- Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019
It is proven in the Hadeeth of Jaabir that the allowance of eating hyena, and that the appeals addressed to this Hadeeth can be answered. The preponderant opinion is that the hyena is permissible. The reason for the exception of the hyena is not apparent, and the aim of the legally competent to do so in order to submit and abide to the provisions of Sharee'ah. Keywords: eating hyena, A Fiqh and Hadith study.
The place and its symbolic significance in the Quranic stories "The story of Moses as a model"
- Dr. Sarah Najjar Sayer Al-Otaibi
- Reseived: 2019 Received in Revised Form: 2019 Accepted: 2019
The Quranic story is one of the means of the Quran to convey the call and establish the divine Sunnah in the universe. The story has its elements, which are based on it, personalities, dialogue, time and place. Each element has an effective role in it. In our research we address the place and its active role and its impact on building the story of Moussa (peace be upon him) in the Holy Quran. The research was concerned with the story of Moussa (peace be upon him for the importance of the place and its diversity, the research began with the definition of the place as a language and terminology, and the difference between the place in the Quran and the modern story, followed by a section dealing with the Quranic story and its objectives, the modern narrative story and the difference between them. The third topic dealt with the aesthetics of the place of Quranic creativity in the diversity of the story and its construction of sequential or repeated construction and so on, and the fourth topic dealt with the voice aspect and its impact, and study the morphological structure of the word and the meaning of the wording, In the last section, we deal with the semantic space, which refers to the image created by the language of storytelling and the consequent dimension of metaphor. Keywords: The place, Symbolic Significance, The Quranic story, The story of Moussa.