مجلة العلوم الأساسية والتطبيقية

مجلة العلوم الأساسية والتطبيقية

p-ISSN: 1658-7529

e-ISSN: 1658-7537

مسار التنقل

Journal's Principles

General Principles of the Journal

BUJBAS adopts the following set of principles to achieve the highest degree of transparency and credibility:

  • Manuscripts submitted to BUJBAS are reviewed by qualified academics.

  • Manuscripts submitted for publication are sorted according to the journal's publishing terms and controls, and according to a high caliber scientific methodology, to only select good quality manuscripts that can be published with the available resources.

  • Reviewers relied on strict confidentiality, where the manuscript is sent to the reviewers, without the author(s)’s name.

  • Reviewers are given the time necessary to arbitrate the research, until the reviewing process was carried out without any pressure related to the time of delivery of the manuscript.

  • Reviewer’s reports are sent to the author(s) without mentioning the name of the reviewer name or information, in fulfillment of the principle of transparency and friendship available to the journal.

  • Accepting the manuscript by the reviewers is not mean that it accepted for publication, as the editorial board of the BUJBAS may have, based on what is received from the opinions of the reviewers, in case it seems to it does not satisfy the requirements to BUJBAS, in order to preserve its scientific reputation.