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Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science at Albaha University was established by Royal Decree No. 9682 / MB dated 5/8/1426 H. The work in the college began in the year1427 H to contribute effectively to the growth and expansion of the higher education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the fields of basic and applied sciences to meet the needs of the labor market in the governmental and private sectors. Currently, the Faculty of Science at Albaha University has advanced study programs to provide students with scientific and practical skills and knowledge with a focus on the use of modern technologies in four main departments: Biology, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

Menu 2024

Bachelor of Chemistry

Bachelor of Chemistry




  • Provide a high quality program in chemical sciences and develop it to become the main source of chemical science education in the Kingdom.

  • Graduating qualified students in the field of chemistry according to international standards.

  • Provide graduates with modern theories, and develop new skills and techniques in chemistry according to current and future needs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

  • Preparation of students for postgraduate studies and scientific research in the field of chemistry and related fields.

  • Provide students with sufficient basic academic, technical and vocational skills through which they can practice chemistry.

  • Enrich knowledge and contribute to scientific developments in chemical sciences through scientific research and follow-up of new discoveries in chemical sciences


By the end of this program the student will be able to:

  • Knowledge:

- Know the concepts, bases, laws, chemical theories and their applications in different branches of chemistry

- Explain the properties of chemical compounds, the mechanisms of their reactions and the methods of chemical, statistical and computer analysis.

- Determines the principles and basics of chemistry and its applications in different fields.

  • Knowledge skills

- Explains the results of chemical experiments and report writing.

- Suggests innovative solutions to problems, taking into account theoretical knowledge and relevant practical experience and the implications of decisions taken.

- Explain the information, concepts and new evidences and assess it from a variety of sources. Moreover, use modern technology in teaching and apply modern techniques and theories in the use of devices.

- Assess the risks of dealing with chemicals and problems encountered in the laboratory.

  •  Interpersonal Skills and responsibility

- Participate in teamwork and working groups in a cooperative and effective manner with others and demonstrate that he has self-learning skills and responsibilities.

Communication, technical and numerical skills

Communicates effectively verbally and in writing, and uses appropriate information and communication technologies in collecting, interpreting and analyzing information.

  •  Psychomotor skills

Carry out chemical experiments using scientific instruments in a secure and safe manner.

Potential Jobs

  • Chemistry school teacher

  • Chemical analyst in different industries.

  • Chemical sales

  • Environmental agencies

  • Chemical consultation

  • Perfume Industry

  • Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry

  • Pharmaceuticals

  • Fertilizers Industry

  • Plastics Industry and Polymer Industry

  • R&D Management

Study Plan


