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Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science at Albaha University was established by Royal Decree No. 9682 / MB dated 5/8/1426 H. The work in the college began in the year1427 H to contribute effectively to the growth and expansion of the higher education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the fields of basic and applied sciences to meet the needs of the labor market in the governmental and private sectors. Currently, the Faculty of Science at Albaha University has advanced study programs to provide students with scientific and practical skills and knowledge with a focus on the use of modern technologies in four main departments: Biology, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

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Vice-Deanship of Female Student Affairs

Vice-Deanship of Female Student Affairs


The Vice-Deanship of the Female Students Affairs contributes to supervise female students and the administrative and academic staff to create a good academic environment in which efforts are made for advance development and education.

Within the framework of Vision 2030, The Vice-Deanship of the Female Students Affairs aims to provide opportunities to support scientific research in order to assist students, researchers, and employees in their respective academic departments (Biology - Mathematics - Chemistry - Physics) and to address challenges in these fields in order to take advantage of the available resources.


  • To contribute in the implementation of the College’s Strategic Plan.
  • Managing the Vice-Deanship of the Female Students Affairs according to the university’ rules and regulations
  • Issue of the internal assignments to academic and administrative staff within the college according to the university’ rules and regulations
  • Chairing the Female student affairs committee to follow up their related issues.
  • To approve the academic and administrative staff performance evaluation reports.
  • To supervise the affiliated committees and to submit the required reports to competent authorities.

Contact us

Dr. Fatima Saedd Alomari

The Vice-Dean of the Female Students Affairs

College of Science
