Faculty of Science and Arts in Baljurashi

Faculty of Science and Arts in Baljurashi

The Faculty of Science and Arts in Baljurashi is a branch of the University of Al-Baha, which annually celebrates a number of graduates specialized in various disciplines that meet the needs of the job market. It is one of the scientific and research beacons of Al-Baha University, which is committed to the advancement of its employees scientifically and academically as it seeks to develop and serve the community, as well as to help in the management of the progress that is witnessed by our blessed country.

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Department of Chemistry

Department of Chemistry

About: Introduction

The study plan for the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, meets the minimum requirements for professional chemists as defined by the American Chemical Society (ACS).  In tailoring the curriculum, the department was guided by the academic accreditation requirements, the standards of the National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA) and according to the national qualifications framework for higher education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. With the possibility of continuous improvement of curricula and study plans so as to respond to the expected changes that may occur in the world.

The study Plan is designed to contain 132 credit hours, spread over eight semesters (four years of study). Courses include the university requirements, the department general requirements and major requirements. The curriculum and the study plan meet the minimum requirements for professionals’ chemists and prepares graduates to become qualified chemistry practitioners specialists and prepares them for success in competitive business environments.  In this program, students gain broad foundational skills in chemistry. The curriculum is designed to provide students with the foundation for postgraduate studies in all branches of chemistry and other related sciences.

About: Message

Provide students with the necessary scientific knowledge and practical skills to work in the field of chemistry or related fields, with offering high-quality and innovative study program for undergraduates in the chemical sciences, with the employment of the latest technology.

About: Objectives

  1. Provide a high quality program in chemical sciences and develop it to become the main source of chemical science education in the Kingdom.

  2. Graduating qualified students in the field of chemistry according to international standards.

  3. Provide graduates with modern theories, and develop new skillsand techniques in chemistry according to current and future needs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

  4. Preparation of students for postgraduate studies and scientific research in the field of chemistry and related fields.

  5. Provide students with sufficient basic academic, technical and vocational skills through which they can practice chemistry.

  6. Enrich knowledge and contribute to scientific developments in chemical sciences through scientific research and follow-up of new discoveries in chemical sciences.

Specialties that the program offers

At the end of the program, the graduate will:

§ Have gained the specialist chemistry skills, techniques and methodologies.

§ Have gained hands-on experience of the major chemistry techniques.

  • Have gained a broad solid foundation in Chemistry.

  1. Research Goals

To conduct research in the field of Chemistry  that contributes directly to the Department’s role in providing education to our students, encourages the intellectual development of faculty, and meets the needs of the local and international chemical industry and academic communities.

  1. Community Service

The Chemistry Department responds to the educational needs required by the community in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and contributing to the community service activities through consultation and professional services in the field of Chemistry and chemical analysis. The department will give opportunities for industrial and service institutions to train their employees in the various fields of chemistry and chemical analysis. The department will provide training programs and lectures that help individuals in the private and public sectors  to update and refresh their information . As well as the department will work on the organization of conferences, training courses and programs that serve the Saudi society.

About: Programs

The Department offers a chemistry program that is designed to provide students with the professional skills they need to succeed and excel in their careers.

Academic Consulting

Members of Chemistry Department

Academic Accreditation

Work is underway to apply for academic accreditation

Contact us

Head of Chemistry Department

 Dr. omar mohamed
