Qilwa _EN

Faculty of Science and Arts in Qilwah

The Faculty of Sciences & Arts - Qilwah was founded in April 2012, under decree no. A/1196 by the Ministry of Higher Education. When inaugurated, the Faculty comprised of five departments: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and English Language. Apart from these, there were also three branches: Islamic Studies, Arabic Language and Computers & Information Technology which belong to the Faculty of Sciences & Arts - Almikhwah. The Faculty has been established in order to implement a number of principles in the district. These include providing equal opportunities, achieving justice between cities, providing training and learning opportunities for the people of Albaha region, and meeting the growing needs of graduates of the high school in the region.

College Menu

Bachelor of Arts in English language

Bachelor of Arts in English language


English language program is unique in its importance as it links learners to the requirements of the new era. It basically focuses on two major aspects of teaching English language as well as the English literature.


  • Training students to develop the basic linguistic and ‎communicative skills so as to be capable of using English ‎for various purposes through utilizing the available teaching aids.

  • ‎Introducing English literature in different eras including ‎literary schools of thought.‎

  • ‎Providing students with the basics of the English language ‎and its branches.‎

  • ‎Introducing the basics of translation from English to Arabic ‎and vice versa. ‎

  • Promoting students’ creative and critical thinking along ‎with the basics of research.‎


  • To recognize/describe the strategies of language skills required for communication.

  • To explain the Linguistic aspects, branches of applied linguistics and translation processes

  • To define/recognize figures of speech, types of literary forms, ages of criticism, and autobiographies.

Potential Jobs

  • Teaching English language at government and private schools.

  • Working in translation.

  • Broadcasting, media and TV.

  • Calling for Islam.

  • Diplomatic jobs outside the Kingdom.

  • Tourism.

  • Various government jobs.

  • Teaching at university.

Study Plan

Study Plan of English Language

Course specification

Level 1                                                           Level 2

Level 3                                                           Level 4

Level 5                                                           Level 6

Level 7                                                           Level 8