Qilwa _EN

Faculty of Science and Arts in Qilwah

The Faculty of Sciences & Arts - Qilwah was founded in April 2012, under decree no. A/1196 by the Ministry of Higher Education. When inaugurated, the Faculty comprised of five departments: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and English Language. Apart from these, there were also three branches: Islamic Studies, Arabic Language and Computers & Information Technology which belong to the Faculty of Sciences & Arts - Almikhwah. The Faculty has been established in order to implement a number of principles in the district. These include providing equal opportunities, achieving justice between cities, providing training and learning opportunities for the people of Albaha region, and meeting the growing needs of graduates of the high school in the region.

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Department of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics


The Department of Mathematics was established with the establishment of the Faculty of Science and Arts in Qilwah. The department was opened in the first semester of the academic year 1433/1434 AH. Admission to the Bachelor's degree in Mathematics Program was opened. Since them, department provides his services to each of male and female students of the university.


Providing an educational and research program specialized in mathematics to prepare graduates who are able to contribute to scientific research to serve and develop society by providing an academic environment stimulating the optimal investment of resources.


  • To provide graduates with the necessary scientific experience and encourage them to pursue higher studies.
  • Qualifying graduates with critical scientific thinking and practical mathematical analysis to contribute to the construction and completion of national plans and visions.
  • Raise the level of performance in all fields of mathematics to become one of the five best national programs by 2025.
  • To encourage the faculty members to produce fruitful scientific research in various mathematical sciences.
  • To improve students’ research skills which will enable them to produce scientific research in various mathematical sciences


  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics


The Academic Counselor should :

  • Be familiar with the academic regulations in the university and the academic plan of the department.
  • Have a back ground of areas of work available to the graduate student.
  • Strive to educate himself in the field of counselling.
  • Assist students to make the right decision with regard to enrollment in the suitable academic specialization, which should be in accordance to their potential and learning interests and needs of the labor market.
  • Set up a file for each student to help in following up his academic progress and keep an updated report about him. Counselors will be given the authority of entering to the academic date base of the students to get an updated report of his academic information, credentials and lectures time table.
  • Coordinate with faculty members in the academic department to list students with academic difficulties, especially after midterm examinations, and also students with a high absence rates records and students who have weak learning faculties.
  • Care for the outstanding students in the department and should coordinate with chairman of department to organize some programs that meet the needs of these students.

Contact Us

Head of the Department of Mathematics:

Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Ibrahim attia

Phone: +966-17-7301015             Ext. : 303

Network phone: 16207

Email : mattia@bu.edu.sa