Qilwa _EN

Faculty of Science and Arts in Qilwah

The Faculty of Sciences & Arts - Qilwah was founded in April 2012, under decree no. A/1196 by the Ministry of Higher Education. When inaugurated, the Faculty comprised of five departments: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and English Language. Apart from these, there were also three branches: Islamic Studies, Arabic Language and Computers & Information Technology which belong to the Faculty of Sciences & Arts - Almikhwah. The Faculty has been established in order to implement a number of principles in the district. These include providing equal opportunities, achieving justice between cities, providing training and learning opportunities for the people of Albaha region, and meeting the growing needs of graduates of the high school in the region.

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Department of Physics

Department of physics


The Department of Physics was established when the Faculty of Science and Arts in Qilwah was inaugurated in the academic year 1433/1434 H. under the letter of the Minister of Higher Education No. 1196 / A on 7/6/1433 H. The Department of Physics awards a bachelor's degree in science (physics) after completion of assigned study credit units. The department provides students (in male and female sections) with integrated and comprehensive knowledge in both theoretical and applied physics. The department assures the graduation of distinguished scientifically qualified graduates to contribute to national development, community service, and compatible   and effectively supportive to 2030 vision.


Providing distinguished educational and research program in physics sciences to prepare graduates that contribute to the community service through motivating academic environment and efficient use of the resources.


  • Creating a distinguished academic environment to increase the competitiveness of the students in physics program.
  • Achieving excellence in the teaching staff of the physics program.
  • Developing and strengthening the scientific research system in the physics science.
  • Creating postgraduate program that meets the needs of the labor market.
  • Developing and strengthening community service programs in the physics science.
  • Using efficiently the self-resources


  • Providing consultancy and studies for public and private sectors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • The department organizes conferences, training courses and programs that serve the Saudi community.
  • Community service through scientific research to solve problems

Academic Consulting

  • 1. Supervising the process of academic guidance for students and the proposed courses that the student needs to register according to its level and level.
  • 2. Communicate with the students during the registration period and overcome any obstacles faced by the student through communication with the head of the department and the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and the Deanship of Admission and Registration if necessary
  • 3. Examining the excuses provided by students to submit alternative tests, and presenting recommendations to the department council.
  • 4. Follow up the status of students who drop out of school.
  • 5. Address the cases of students who have failed to study and develop proposals for improving their academic level.
  • 6. Supervising the students' participation in the various activities and competitions.

Contact us


Head of the Department of Physics
Dr. Ashraf Moustafa Moustafa Shaffie
Phone: : +966-17-7301015 / 192

Network phone: 16209

Email: amshafei@bu.edu.sa