Department of Pediatrics
The Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine, Al-Baha University, was established with the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine in the year 2008 G corresponding to 1431 H. The department started small but expanded according to the expansion of the university and college. Today, the department has seven teaching staff members, including both Saudis and non-Saudis, In the male and female section, in addition to several teaching assistants. The department has sent a group of them for various minor specialties inside and outside the Kingdom and is awaiting their return to enrich the academic, training, and service work.
The Faculty of Medicine at Al-Baha University adopts an integrated system that depends on integrating all departments including Pediatric department, also the Pediatric Department is doing significant and important functions that have brought back great benefits to the faculty. The department supervises the preparation and teaching of all subjects related to pediatrics in all academic courses in addition to the child health course. The staff members of the department are active in carrying out and publishing research, ensuring the quality of education, and promoting community services and extra-curricular services, as the department has established special committees for all these activities. The department participates in various activities in collaboration with other departments of the college and other colleges of the university in addition to the region's health affairs, hospitals, and community organizations.
The department operates pediatrics clinics at the University Medical Center, which provide integrated medical services in child health for university employees and the community. As well the department, according to the agreement with the region's health affairs, operates specialized clinics at King Fahad Hospital and the Endocrinology and Diabetes Center in a number of rare specialties.
Department Members
Dr. Fahad Ali Alamr
Head of Department
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Consultant General Pediatric
Tel: 0177257700 Ext: 16035
Dr. Ahmed Hassan Saeed Alghamdi
Professor of Pediatric and Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes
Consultant of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes
Tel: 0177257700 Ext: 16035
Dr. Omer Mohammed Mustafa Aburida
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Tel: 0177257700 Ext: 16035
Dr. Khalid Alawad Ahmed Mohammed
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics & Child Health
Tel: 0177257700 Ext: 16035
Dr. Elfatih Mirghani Mohammed Salih
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics & Child Health
Tel: 0177257700 Ext: 16035
Dr. Huda Ibrahim Ahmed El Hag
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics & Child Health
Tel: 0177257700 Ext: 16035
Dr. Samer Abdullah Alzahrani
Demonstrator, pediatric department
Pediatric registrar
Tel: 0177257700 Ext: 16035