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Faculty of Medicine

The College of Medicine at Al-Baha University is one of the colleges of Al-Baha University in the university city of Al-Aqiq province in Al-Baha region. The college was established in 1429 AH corresponding to 2008, and teaching medical students started at the beginning of the academic year 1430/1431 AH. in 1436 AH the female student's section was opened. The leadership of Al-Baha University was keen to establish a medical college with excellence not only locally and regionally but also globally, and from this standpoint, the college worked on the applying a modern system, which has not been applied in many medical colleges in the Kingdom, which is the (Integrated system), where the same subject is studied again at a later stage, which provides a great opportunity to fully absorb the subject. The University Hospital is currently under construction.

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Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology


The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is one of the main departments in the college and plays a pivotal role in the academic process, as teaching obstetrics and gynecology is one of the main subjects whose subjects are distributed to all classrooms from the second to sixth grades according to the interventional teaching system.

Academic activities

The women's health course is taught in the form of an intensive course for male and female students at the tenth level, with a weight of 6 credit hours, in a period of 6 weeks. During this period, the course is taught by following the following teaching method

  1. Lectures (through which the lecturer gives the lesson directly in front of the student face to face using modern technology such as data display program, smart board, paper board and other available means)

  2. Seminars (and here the lecturer is the recipient of the lesson, while the student delivers the lessons in the manner that suits him, and the role of the faculty member is to evaluate the student’s performance as well as to supervise the students’ presentation)

3. Self-education (in this method, the student is assigned to search in sources of information to obtain the information required of him)

4. Teaching based on problem solving (in this modern method, the student gains information through problems for the given cases, and the student is subjected to continuous evaluation during the necessary discussion sessions)

5. Clinical training (where students are trained in hospitals cooperating with Al-Baha University, namely: King Fahd Hospital in Al-Baha, Prince Mashari Hospital in Baljurashi, Al-Aqiq General Hospital)

6. Case-based learning (here, students are taught based on real pathological conditions, and the student learns how to deal with such cases)

7. Distance Learning

8. Education and skills training


Students are evaluated in a number of ways, including:

1. Continuous Evaluation

2. Midterm Written Exam.

 3. Clinical exam.

 4. Structured Objective Clinical Examination (OSCE)

 5. Final written test.

The department also participates in teaching subjects related to the physiology of pregnancy, labor and lactation and teaching the hormonal cycle of menstruation and ovulation and others in other interventional courses according to the semesters, in addition to the various diseases of pregnancy, gynecology and oncology for students of advanced clinical classes.

Community Participations

The department participates in all the college’s activities and has societal contributions such as International Women’s Day, awareness of pregnant women, immunization against Corona virus, breast examination clinic in breast cancer awareness, and others.

Medical and Therapeutic Participations

The members of the department participate in consulting clinics in the university medical center and hospitals in Al-Baha region within the framework of the agreement concluded between Health Affairs and Al-Baha University.

Research Activities:

Research work is considered a major part of the department's work, and research work is carried out jointly by male and female students in the college and faculty members in other departments. Faculty member Dr. Iman Keshk has been assigned to this aspect in the department and we are very keen on external cooperation in this field. If you wish to undertake any joint research work with the department,

please contact this email: ekeshk@bu.edu.sa 


The department's internal committees

 1. Internal Academic Affairs Committee: This committee is concerned with everything related to academic affairs in the department.

 2. Research Affairs Committee: This committee is concerned with everything related to research within the department.

 3. Quality and Development Committee: This committee is concerned with everything related to quality requirements and the development of the department.

Department Council

A meeting of the department is held on a monthly basis to consult on emerging topics as well as topics for the development of the department.

Department members

Dr. Ali Ghormallah Abdullah           

                               Head of Department

Assistant professor of Surgery

Consultant of General Surgery

Email: agabdullah@bu.edu.sa

Tel: + 966-177-741111

Dr Tajelsir Mohamed Ali Osman   


 Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Email: Taj@bu.edu.sa

Tel: 0177257700 Ext: 16035


Dr. Eman Ahmed Fouad Keshk


Associate Professor of Obstetrics &Gynecology

Consultant Obstetrics &Gynecology

Email: ekeshk@bu.edu.sa

Tel: 0177257700 Ext: 16035


Contact us

Head of Department 

Dr. Ali Gh            ormallah Abdullah Alghamdi

Email: agabdullah@bu.edu.sa