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Faculty of Medicine

The College of Medicine at Al-Baha University is one of the colleges of Al-Baha University in the university city of Al-Aqiq province in Al-Baha region. The college was established in 1429 AH corresponding to 2008, and teaching medical students started at the beginning of the academic year 1430/1431 AH. in 1436 AH the female student's section was opened. The leadership of Al-Baha University was keen to establish a medical college with excellence not only locally and regionally but also globally, and from this standpoint, the college worked on the applying a modern system, which has not been applied in many medical colleges in the Kingdom, which is the (Integrated system), where the same subject is studied again at a later stage, which provides a great opportunity to fully absorb the subject. The University Hospital is currently under construction.

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Department of Physiology

Department of Physiology


Physiology is one of the most important basic sciences that is taught in the modules of the Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery program in all academic years and is taught with other sciences in an integrated manner in preparation for the study of pre-clinical and clinical sciences. The Department of Physiology has participated in preparing the integrative curriculum for the Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery program since the inception of the faculty in 2008. The department also focuses on developing the professional and academic skills of faculty members by stimulating participation in local and international conferences, workshops, and symposiums. The department participates in various community service activities and encourages members to participate in scientific research, especially research related to health problems in Al-Baha region. The department is concerned with guidance and continuous support for male and female students socially, psychologically, and academically. It also encourages male and female students to the process of continuous self-learning and active learning, which develops the ability to acquire knowledge, skills, and values. The department participates in all the learning, teaching and assessment processes that take place in the program and participates in the development of the program.

Department members

Dr. Ahmed Hassan Saeed Alghamdi

Head of Department

Professor of Pediatric and Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes

Consultant of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes

Email:  ahsaeed@bu.edu.sa

Tel: 0177257700 Ext: 16035

Dr. Amir Ali Bashir Adam  


Associate Professor of Medical Physiology 

Email: abashir@bu.edu.sa

 Tel: 0177257700 Ext: 16035


Dr. Yasir Suliman Ali Kaloda


Assistant Professor of Medical Physiology

Email: ykaloda@bu.edu.sa

Tel: 0177257700 Ext: 16035


Dr. Isameldin Mohamed Abdalla Hamad 


Assistant Professor of Medical Physiology 

Email: Ismelden@bu.edu.sa

 Tel: 0177257700 Ext: 16035


Dr. Ibrahim Mohamed Mahmoud Shatla


Assistant Professor of Medical Physiology

Email: ishtla@bu.edu.sa

Tel: 0177257700 Ext: 16035


Dr. Hend El Sayed Foad El Sayed EL Wakil.


Assistant Professor of Medical Physiology.

Email: h.elsayed@bu.edu.sa

Tel: 0177257700 Ext: 16035


Dr. Heba Ali Abdel-Hamid 

Assistant Professor of Medical Physiology 

Email: h.Mohammed@bu.edu.sa

 Tel: 0177257700 Ext: 16035



Dr. Mona Gaber Darwish Elhadidy

Assistant Professor of Medical Physiology

Email: mona.j@bu.edu.sa

Tel: 0177257700 Ext: 16035

Contact us

Head of Department
Dr. Ahmed Hassan Saeed Alghamdi