Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

As a response to the national development requirements and the integrative role of the higher education in labor market, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Albaha University was established by the royal decree no. 9682/MB dated 05-08-1426H to meet labor market needs in the public and private sectors. The Faculty includes distinguished theoretical scientific departments of Islamic Studies, Arabic Language, Foreign Languages and History. The Faculty is committed to its educational, research and community service responsibilities in accordance with the University vision and the Kingdom educational policies.

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Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon his honest, faithful, and chosen and illiterate Arab Prophet, Mohammed bin Abdullah,.

The College of Arts and Humanities at Albaha University launches its programs and activities from the starting point of this blessed homeland to provide the duty entrusted to it in its three parameters: education, scientific research, and community service in the light of the general policy of education. This should be done in the light of the visions and programs that chart the path of renaissance and construction; beginning with "Vision 2030", which was inaugurated by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz (may Allah bless him) in his words: "My first goal is make our country a successful and pioneering model in the world at all levels, and I will work with you to achieve this" as well as the profound vision presented by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, his Royal Highness Mohammed bin Salman, and started by saying: "I am pleased to present you the vision of the present for the future." This means that it is a realistic vision based on ambition and the future in terms of reality and potentialities; it is a vision which depends entirely on science and knowledge for the value of a nation is measured by its Arts, science and contribution to the construction of human civilization. This will not be achieved unless the College does its best to take advantage of the available human and material resources to serve its students. When considering the motivations of teaching and learning in our educational system, the religious motivation is prioritized: for Islam with its tolerant law (Sharea) came with all what is good for humanity. Allah, the Almighty, said: "Allah will exalt in degree those of you who believe and those who have been granted knowledge. And Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do." (Surat Al-Mujadilah, 11). The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah makes the way to Jannah easy for him who treads the path in search of knowledge". Then comes the national motivation as it is only through science and knowledge we can develop our nation and make it reach the position it deserves among civilized and developed nations worldwide. We can also protect our state and defend its lands only through science and knowledge. While achieving that all, we follow a moderate open door policy ready to benefit from the experiences of the whole world, and governed by the knowledge and awareness that tell us what should be done and what should not.

Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities

Professor Mansour bin Saeed Aburas