Providing advanced academic programmes and distinguished research projects in the fields of arts and humanities contributing to the building of the knowledge society through the provision of a motivating academic environment.
As a response to the national development requirements and the integrative role of the higher education in labor market, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Albaha University was established by the royal decree no. 9682/MB dated 05-08-1426H to meet labor market needs in the public and private sectors. The Faculty includes distinguished theoretical scientific departments of Islamic Studies, Arabic Language, Foreign Languages and History. The Faculty is committed to its educational, research and community service responsibilities in accordance with the University vision and the Kingdom educational policies.
Providing advanced academic programmes and distinguished research projects in the fields of arts and humanities contributing to the building of the knowledge society through the provision of a motivating academic environment.
The Achievements of Volunteer Work Completed by the Faculty During the First Semester of 1446 AH
Performance Report of the Department of Foreign Languages for the First Semester of 1446 AH
Weekly Achievements of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Performance Report of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities on the Occasion of the 94th National Day
Supervised by:
Dr Sari Alzahrani, Dean of the Faculty
Prepared and Compiled by:
Dr Saad Adehaimi
كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية تحتفي باليوم العالمي للغة العربية