Faculty of Science and Arts in Almakhwah

Faculty of Science and Arts in Almakhwah

The Faculty of Science and Arts in Almakhwah was established by Royal Decree No. 9682 / MB dated 5/8/1426 H. It was started in 1427 H to contribute effectively to the expansion of the higher education base in the in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the fields of basic and applied sciences and to meet the needs of the labor market in the government and private sectors.

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Bachelor of Chemistry

Bachelor of Chemistry


Provide students with the necessary scientific knowledge and practical skills to work in the field of chemistry or related fields, with offering high-quality and innovative study program for undergraduates in the chemical sciences, with the employment of the latest technology.


  • Preparation of qualified teachers, laboratory technicians and researchers in the field of chemistry.

  • Bridging the gap between learning outcomes and labor market requirements.

  • Enabling graduates to learn about basic concepts and theories in chemistry.

  • Conduct scientific research in the field of chemistry.

  • Contribution in solving social problems in the field of  chemistry.


At the end of the course the student should be able to:

  • Knowledge

  • Know the methods of scientific research

  • Describe  the steps to conduct a research project

  • Cognitive Skills

  • Analyze the results

  • Discuss the results

  • Write research project

  • Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility

  • Take responsibility for own learning and professional development

  • Communication, Information Technology and Numerical Skills

  • Communicate effectively both in verbal and written form during educational

  • discussions/ meetings  on the various  subjects of the course

  • Psychomotor skills (if any)

Potential Jobs

  • Chemistry school teacher
  • Chemical analyst in different industries.
  • Chemical sales
  • Environmental agencies
  • Chemical consultation
  • Perfume Industry
  • Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Fertilizers Industry
  • Plastics Industry and Polymer Industry
  • R&D Management

Study Plan

Course Specification