Faculty of Science and Arts in Almakhwah

Faculty of Science and Arts in Almakhwah

The Faculty of Science and Arts in Almakhwah was established by Royal Decree No. 9682 / MB dated 5/8/1426 H. It was started in 1427 H to contribute effectively to the expansion of the higher education base in the in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the fields of basic and applied sciences and to meet the needs of the labor market in the government and private sectors.

Colleges Menu

Bachelor of Mathematics

Bachelor of Mathematics


Explain why the program was established

  • Filling the gap between labor market needs and the learning outcomes of the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics program.

  • Follow up the recent global trends in the research for problem solving solutions in field of mathematical sciences.

  • Meet the needs of the schools for teachers in the field of mathematical Sciences.

  • Meet the needs of Saudi Universities for mathematical analyst job.

  • Graduation of scientifically qualified students who can continue their higher education.

  • Keeping abreast of scientific developments at the global level and the latest theories and facts in mathematical Sciences.

  • Contribution in solving problems in the field of mathematical sciences to serve the development of society

Program Mission

To prepare a specialized generation in mathematics science well-qualified with the intellectual, scientific and practical skills that enable it to complete the process of scientific research and serve the community in different fields of work in accordance with international quality standards.


  • Scientific and academic leadership in mathematics science.

  • Interest in conducting scientific research in the field of mathematics.

  • To provide graduates with the necessary scientific experience and encourage them to pursue higher studies.

  • Qualifying graduates with critical scientific thinking and practical mathematical analysis to contribute to the construction and completion of national plans and visions.

  • To raise the level of performance in all areas of mathematics science to become a graduate of the Department of the best graduates at the local, regional and global levels.



  • Know the methods of scientific research in mathematical sciences.

  • Describe the steps to conduct a research project in one of the mathematics branches.

Cognitive Skills

  • Analyze the results of various branches of mathematics.

  • Discusses his findings from the perspective of pure mathematics as well as applied mathematics

  • Writing a research project in one of the mathematics majors and analyzes his findings statistically.

Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility

Take responsibility for own learning and professional development

Communication, Information Technology and Numerical Skills

Communicate effectively both in verbal and written form during educational discussions/ meetings on the various subjects of the course.

Psychomotor skills

Draw different curves and lines

Potential Jobs

  • Demonstrators and research assistant at Saudi universities and research centers (Ministry of Education)

  • School  teachers (Ministry of Education)

  • Statistician in the Central Statistics Department

  • Mathematician in the Ministries of Planning and Finance

  • Research assistant in research centers

  •  Mathematician in the sector of banks, economic institutions and insurance companies

Study Plan

Course Specification