Faculty of Science and Arts in Almakhwah

Faculty of Science and Arts in Almakhwah

The Faculty of Science and Arts in Almakhwah was established by Royal Decree No. 9682 / MB dated 5/8/1426 H. It was started in 1427 H to contribute effectively to the expansion of the higher education base in the in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the fields of basic and applied sciences and to meet the needs of the labor market in the government and private sectors.

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Bachelor of Biology

Bachelor of Biology


The Department of Biology is a distinguished scientific division of the study of the direct and indirect relationship of living organisms. The study in the department is concerned with the vital aspects of living organisms and the extent to which these organisms interact with each other and their relationship to the surrounding environment. To keep pace with scientific development, the department did not specialize in studying organisms at the cell level, but also at the genetic level. The Department of Biology is a distinguished scientific division of the study of the direct and indirect relationship of living organisms. The study in the department is concerned with the vital aspects of living organisms and the extent to which these organisms interact with each other and their relationship to the surrounding environment. To keep pace with scientific development, the department did not specialize in studying organisms at the cell level, but also at the genetic level.


  • Qualifying graduates scientifically to study the various phenomena in living organisms (animal, plant and microorganisms) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as environmental studies in various regions of the Kingdom.

  • To keep abreast of the scientific development in the different fields by obtaining the latest equipment and equipment in the fields of biology based on precise techniques (to encourage interactive and innovative thinking and help develop applied skills in the field of specialization).

  • Providing the various governmental facilities and the private sector with qualified national cadres with advanced scientific qualification in all fields of biology.

  • Ideal use of modern technology in education and scientific research.

  • Provide a suitable environment for study and scientific research (in addition to research projects, field studies and training visits during different stages of education).

  •  Attracting the best faculty members and researchers.


  • Study the scientific method and its application in solving problems in the life sciences.

  • Demonstrate the basic knowledge of various life sciences courses.

  • Reading and analyzing various scientific articles and texts in the fields of life sciences.

  • Development of analytical critical thinking and its use in solving various problems

  • Developing laboratory writing skills and oral communication.

  • Develop the skills to prepare and carry out laboratory experiments.

  • Ability to build, review, evaluate and interpret scientific information from different sources to build sound scientific arguments.

  • Ability to understand and explain scientific information.

Potential Jobs

  • Ministry of Higher Education: in the field of laboratory technician - Teaching Assistant - Research Assistant.

  • Ministry of Education: teacher - laboratory expert.

  • Ministry of Defense and Aviation: Laboratories and Hospitals.

  • Ministry of Health: laboratories and medical analysis in all hospitals and private clinics.

  • Ministry of Agriculture: Animal Research - Research Laboratories - Fisheries.

  • Ministry of Commerce: quality laboratories - specifications and standards.

  • Ministry of Interior: Laboratories and medical analysis in health units and hospitals.

  • National Guard: laboratories and affiliated hospitals.

  • National Commission for the Protection and Development of Wildlife: two researches - technicians.

  • King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology: Environmental supervision - two researches - technicians.

  • Private Sector: Private Hospitals Laboratories - Scientific Institutions - Animal Production Companies.

  • National Food and Drug Authority (SFDA).

  • Silos and Grain Authority GFMO Commercial Production of Plants - Research Centers and Laboratories.

Study Plan

Course Specification