Dean Message
This great scientific gate with its noble mission and capable members, presents a qualified and distinctive way of education to the medical sciences. Therefore, students and members together should take the full advantages of it and utilize every opportunity to achieve our goals. The homeland does not excuse you from giving the adequate efforts and time does not await you, so you need to work hard in a team for our ultimate goals and destination.
In this scientific institute, we do not only deliver modern medical sciences, but also teach the ways and means of its further development. Here, we care about providing the right tools of learning that ensure the optimum level of quality in performance. Our aim is to ensure that our graduates are able to compete in the medical field and master the required professional skills to the level of excellence. Ultimately, this must be enough to guarantee pushing students up to the level of creativity in clinical scientific research.
Finally, I wish you the entire success and looking forward to meeting you around in your Faculty.
Dean of the Faculty of Applied
Medical Sciences