Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences

Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences

The Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences (FAMS) was established in Albaha University in 1426H in response to the needs of the community of the specialized cadres in Applied Medical Sciences. The Faculty relies on the latest academic standards based on the scientific method and the development of developmental and analytical approaches and Psychomotor skills, and not just acquiring and retrieving specific information through lectures, panel discussions, scientific teaching, practical training, and developmental research to cope with medical developments and the pace of economic development. The Faculty has five study programs offered by five academic departments: Laboratory Medicine Department, Dental Health Department, Nursing Department, Optometry Department and Community Health Sciences Department (public health). Although, Optometry program was stopped from accepting new students and has now been under activation.

Menu College


Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine


The Laboratory Medicine program covers all the sciences related to diagnostic and research analyses which assist in diagnosing and discovering the causes of diseases. It also contributes in developing the quality of diagnostic methods for most of disorders and how to treat them.

The program consists of five academic years (including the year of internship). The first year focuses on developing English language skills as well as developing the knowledge of students in general medical subjects such as human biology, medical physics and health education. The second’s year develops cognitive and practical skills through basic medical science courses such as medical ethics, medical terminology and anatomy and physiology. Students in advanced years are provided with advanced knowledge, science, practical and clinical application through specialized courses such as clinical chemistry, hematology, and microbiology.


  • The Medical Laboratory Sciences department aims to educate and equip students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes essential for becoming a professional medical laboratory scientist. Having completed the degree program, students should have acquired the following knowledge and skills:

  • Be proficient in performing the full range of clinical laboratory tests in areas such as haematology, clinical chemistry, microbiology, immunology, molecular, and other emerging diagnostics.

  • Be able to participate in the development and evaluation of test systems and interpretive algorithms, hold diverse responsibilities in areas of analysis and clinical decision-making, regulatory compliance with applicable regulations, education, and quality assurance/performance improvement wherever laboratory testing is researched, developed or performed.

  • Possess basic knowledge, skills, and relevant experiences in consultative interactions with members of the healthcare team, external relations, customer service and patient education; financial, operations, marketing, and human resource management; information management, and; research design/practice sufficient to evaluate published studies as an informed consumer.

  • Be proficient in maintaining necessary operations for the general functions of the clinical laboratory, including specimen collection.



  • Knowledge

    1. Students independently recognise theoretical and practical principles of laboratory medicine.

    2. Students describe issue related to diagnostic laboratory medicine using evidence-based medicine critically.

  • Cognitive Skills

    1. Students develop relationship between laboratory medicine and other medical sciences effectively.

    2.   Students analyze various laboratory medicine matters based on quality assurance and problem-solving approaches once indicated.

  • Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility

    1. Students show cooperative teamwork skills in laboratory medicine setting continuously.

    2. Students demonstrate responsibilities and accountabilities of medical laboratory specialist professionally.

  • Communication, Information Technology, Numerical

    1. Students operate educational activities using e-learning interactively.

    2. Students demonstrate diagnostic analysis and communication skills when needed independently.

  • Psychomotor

    1.   Students employ proficient and safe medical laboratory practices appropriately.

    2. Students perform laboratory procedures using quality assurance approach effectively.

أخصائي مختبر اكلينيكي- أخصائي مختبر جنائي - أكاديمي في الجامعات باحث في المختبرات البحثية

Study Plan