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Deanship of Students Affairs

The university's interest is not limited to just the scientific giving to achieve the academic goals, but the interest extends to include the educational aspects of students in terms of behavior and social life so that they become citizens of integrated personality. In order for the university to do this, the Deanship of Student Affairs has been established since the establishment of the university to supervise all student services through planning, implementation, follow-up and evaluation within the framework of the general strategic plan of the university.

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Student Housing Management

Student Housing Management


1) Receiving and providing students with accommodation.

2) Supervising student housing in terms of (cleanliness - maintenance ... etc.) throughout the academic year.

3) Preparing the student housing to receive students well before the start of the academic year.

4) Equipping students’ rooms and distributing them according to the regulations set by the Deanship of Student Affairs.

5) Determining the number of vacant rooms, inspecting them, and supervising their maintenance and preparation.

6) Distributing the instructions issued by the university or the deanship and by putting them on the bulletin board.

7) Preparing the workflow monthly reports that show the management's workflow.

8) Preparing the annual report and submit it to the office of the university’s president office.

9) Receiving maintenance complaints submitted by students, file them, and sending them for maintenance.

10) Preparing lists of residing students in each semester, indicating the name of the students, university number, college, mobile phone number.

The Accommodation Supervisor’s Duties for Scholarship Students:

1) Receiving and providing students with accommodation.

2) Supervising student rooms in terms of furniture, cleanliness, and all other matters throughout the academic year.

3) Preparing the student rooms to welcome students in coordination with other departments throughout the year.

4) Transferring students among rooms and housing units according to the standards and regulations specified by the scholarship administration.

5) Managing the entry and exit of the students, reporting their delay and its causes.

6) Observing the behaviours and social relations among the residents of the housing, directing them in a correct way, and resolving disputes that arise among them.

7) Taking a record of the inventory.

8) Determining of the unequipped rooms, supervising their maintenance, and their preparation for housing.

9) Writing letters of annual needs for students housing to the department of scholarships.

10) Preparing the forms for students upon their request to visit any department at the university and delivering these letters their mailboxes.

11) Distributing the instructions issued by the university to the students and display these instructions on the bulletin board.

12) Preparing the annual report for the students housing through the Deanship of Student Affairs.


It is linked directly to the dean of students affairs.

Contact us

Student housing number: (0177364574)

Email: (