College of Business

College of Business

The College of Business (CoB) aims to provide quality education and rigorous scientific research in business in engaging academic environment and collaborative social partnership. CoB is home to more than 2,121 students across five programs that include: Administration, Accounting, Management information systems, Marketing and Law. Our faculty consists of more than 72 members across different academic ranks and disciplines; and 29 scholars pursuing their graduate studies overseas. CoB entertains a collegial environment that allow our diverse faculty to work collaboratively in designing and promoting our programs and curricular. CoB is also a house of five consultancy offices that provide its services to public and private institutions. To achieve universal recognition, CoB currently entertains academic partnerships with eminent accreditation bodies such as NCAAA and AACSB. We aspire to assume a leading position among other business schools at the local and regional levels.

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Dr. Mohammed S Alzahrani
Tell: +966 17 725 7700 ext: 00

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs

Dr. Mofza S Algahtany
Tell: +966 17 725 7700 ext: 00

Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Quality

Dr. Yaser Y Alahmad
Tell: +966 17 725 7700 ext: 00

Vice Dean for Female Students' Affairs

Dr. Sharifah A Al Ghamdi
Tell: +966 17 725 7700 ext: 15021

Head of Department of Business Administration

Dr. Saeed Abdullah Alghamdi
Tell: 00966555987072ext: 00

Head of Department of Accounting

Dr. Seraj H Bahrawe
Tell: +966 17 725 7700 ext: 00

Head of Department of Marketing

Dr. Mohammed Saeed Alzahrani
Tell: +966 560661881 ext: 00

Head of Department of Management Information Systems

Dr. Mofza S Algahtany
Tell: +966 17 725 7700 ext: 00

Head of Department of Law

Dr. Wael A. AlGhamdi
Tell: +966 17 725 7700 ext: 00