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Deanship of Admission and Registration

The Deanship of Admission and Registration is considered the first support for university students. The deanship provides academic support for students from admission and up to graduation. One of the deanship’s essential roles is to keep students up to date with the regulations of study and examinations. Hence, the deanship has unified its efforts to provide many student services based on high standards and precision. The deanship aims to take the lead in transforming its services from classic paperwork to digital automated services by employing the latest digitisation technologies.

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Vice-Deanship of Administration and Registration - Female Section

Vice-Deanship of Administration and Registration - Female Section


The Vice Deanship – Girls Section is responsible for all the administration and organizational works in the girls’ section.


The responsibilities of the Vice Dean – Girls Section are:

  • Practice the tasks authorized by the Dean.

  • Supervise the deanship units in the girls’ section and direct the daily work.

  • Supervise student services activities.

  • Follow up on the various academic services of the students and lead them to follow the necessary procedures according to the regulations and instructions.

  • Prepare periodic reports on the activities of the Vice Deanship in the girls’ section and its achievements and suggestions for performance development and submit them to the Dean.

  • Raise the needs of the Vice Deanship of human resources, devices, materials, and tools to the higher authorities and follow-up provision.

  • Participate in the preparation for the graduation ceremonies.

  • Approving the female employees’ leaves.

  • Evaluate the Deanship employees according to the performance charter.

  • Participate in the preparation of the Deanship’s annual report.

Contact Us

Academic Compound in Shaba

Administration Building A - 2nd floor
