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Enterprise Architecture

Al Baha University Enterprise Architecture Office

About The Enterprise Architecture Office

The Institutional Structure Office has a key role in achieving the vision and mission of Al Baha University and its strategic objectives with the “Wa’ed” plan, as well as aligning its business with information technology, and contributing to building effective governance for the development and operational work associated with the relevant deanships and departments, which helps to control business within international standards and policies that help to Achieving the quality and accuracy of providing digital services at Al Baha University.

Values of the Enterprise Architecture Office

  • Implementation of Wa’ed’s strategic plan by linking its vision, goals and initiatives to the university’s work and aligning them with information technology, thus achieving an integrated digital transformation.

  • Providing a governance methodology that contributes to controlling business through controlling the provision of information technology policies and controls.

  • development and improvement of the work of the institutional structure, in addition to being a guide and directed to the development and improvement work of electronic solutions and services that are compatible with the work of the university.

  • Providing the best technical solutions to contribute to the digitalization within the university, the satisfaction of the beneficiaries (students, university employees, the local community) of the university's electronic services.

The vision and mission of the enterprise architecture office

The Vision and Mission of The Enterprise Architecture Office

The vision and mission

The Enterprise Architecture Office Goals

The Enterprise Architecture Office Goals


Organizational Hierarchy

Organizational Hierarchy

Organizational Hierarchy

Enterprise Architecture

Enterprise Architecture

National Overall Reference Architecture (NORA)

Enterprise architecture (EA) is "a well-defined practices for conducting Enterprise vision and strategy, using a comprehensive approach at all times, for the successful business / IT alignment and development and execution of strategy in relationship with internal and external closely with stakeholders

The National Overall Reference Architecture (NORA) is a methodology developed by the Digital Government Authority (DGA) to be implemented by all government agencies in the Kingdome of Saudi Arabia.



TOGAF®, introduced by The Open Group, is a proven enterprise architecture methodology and framework used by the world's leading organizations to improve business efficiency. It is an enterprise architecture standard, ensuring consistent standards, methods, and communication among enterprise architecture professionals, so that we can conduct our enterprise architecture work in a better way.


Benefits of The Enterprise Architecture Office

Strategic Perspective :

  • Raising the commitment indicator of Al Baha University to digital transformation practices at the strategic level in accordance with the national methodology for the institutional structure, which is carried out on an annual basis.

  • Raising the level of commitment to spending efficiency indicators, which requires documenting all practices of the enterprise architecture .

  • Achieving institutional structure practices as the first university in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and obtaining accreditation from the Digital Government Authority.

  • Accelerate and measure digital transformation plans according to live evidence.

  • Increasing the satisfaction of senior management and decision makers by measuring and applying return on investment practices, reducing operational costs and achieving stakeholder satisfaction.

  • Ensure compliance with government legislation and practices for digital transformation and cybersecurity.

  • Contribute to imposing discipline to build, standardize, integrate and document business procedures with all stakeholders at Al Baha University.

  • Develop and support business and technology continuity to provide digital services and business applications.

  • Contribute to the unification of standards to define information technology activities to support decision-making and provide rapid response in less time and effort by providing high quality information or re-designing business procedures.

  • It helps reduce the operational costs of projects by avoiding repetition of tasks and works in integration with the departments and administration of Al Baha University.

  • It contributes to increasing and following up on legislative and regulatory compliance and increasing transparency by making information and data available and quickly responding to changes.

  • Contribute to reducing risks in the implementation of business or information technology projects that may arise from a cyber, financial or operational perspective.

  • Supporting decision-making to clarify and prioritize the implementation of projects and their dependence on each other.

Operational Perspective :

  • Speed of response, modification, development and engineering of business procedures according to business and technical needs and their alignment.

  • Publish and document business and technical requirements according to determining the desired situation.

  • Contribute to the optimal design for the efficient allocation of resources during the development and testing of digital systems, projects and services.

  • Contribute to reducing costs and complexities of the organization's business and information technology through reliable data, interoperability, integration between applications and avoiding redundancy.

خدمات البنية المؤسسية

خدمات البنية المؤسسية

خدمات البنية المؤسسية الوصف
تنفيذ الاستراتيجية تنفيذ ودعم الاستراتيجيات ومتابعة التقدم و منع الخروج عن المسار المقرر لها
تطوير البنية تقييم الوضع الحالي وتحديد الاتجاه للوضع المستقبلي للجامعة
تطوير خارطة الطريق تحليل الفجوات وتصميم الحلول والمتطلبات للوضع الحالي والمستقبلي​ للجامعة
تطوير حالة العمل تحليل الفجوات وتحديد مجالات التحسين لبناء حالات العمل​
تقييم جودة بيئة عمل جامعة الباحة​ توفير صورة وصفية واضحة وشاملة للجامعة للمساعدة في تقييم جودتها​
تقييم الامتثال لتشريعات​ تحديد السياسات و المعايير الداعمة و متطلبات أصحاب المصلحة لضمان تحقيق الاستراتيجية​
دعم وحلول المشاريع​ المساعدة في إدارة المعلومات المتكاملة لطبقات البنية المؤسسية وتقييمها لتحليل أثرها ومخاطرها​
إدارة التغيير​ المساعدة على فهم أفضل السبل للاستجابة لتغيرات لتحقيق الاستراتيجية​
الابتكار تحديد فرص الابتكار للاستفادة منها في تطوير الاستراتيجية​

Integration of the Enterprise Architecture Office

Integration of the Enterprise Architecture Office with the entities of Al Baha University



National Institutional Structure Accreditation Certificate

Al-Baha University has achieved the National Institutional Infrastructure Accreditation Certificate at the third maturity level as the first Saudi university to be granted by the Digital Government Authority.
It is worth noting that this certificate is granted to government agencies that are distinguished in implementing the enterprise architecture that contributes to raising the level of maturity and accelerating and governing digital transformation practices in the government sector according to the standards of the Saudi National Maturity Model for the enterprise architecture.

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