Department Of Follow Up

Department Of Follow Up

Administration - vision message objectives


vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision vision 


message message message message message message message message message message message message message message message message message 


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Administration Menu

Director Message

Director Message

Word of the Director of Administration

On behalf of all my colleagues, I am pleased and honored to extend my thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the Rector and all Excellencies, the Vice-Presidents for their support and follow-up to the Department of Follow-up in particular and to the departments of the University in general.

I also extend my thanks and appreciation to all colleagues (managers_directors) departments _ colleges at the University for their cooperation with the Department of Follow-up in the interest of the University of Al-Baha and work to promote them academically and administratively to reach them to the ranks of advanced universities, especially thanks to the fellow staff of the University for their keenness and interest in the dates and times of official working hours To perform his duty in a manner that satisfies the Lord of Glory and Glory first and then his conscience and those responsible for him

In the follow-up, we strive to assist the employee and guide him whatever his job and job rank to perform his job in accordance with the civil service system with consideration to take into account the circumstances of the employee and help him in creating an integrated work environment to do his work hard to serve this university

Finally, we would like to thank all those who contributed to the preparation of this portal of the university and wished to achieve the desired goal for which it was prepared.

Calling God to reconcile everyone to what he loves and pleases.

Peace, mercy and blessings of God


Director of Follow-up Department

Jumaan bin Abdulrahman Al-Ghamdi


Organizational Hierarchy

Organizational Hierarchy

Departments and Units

Departments and units



Follow-up Department Staff Directory:

Name Job-Tasks Job Email

Jamaan Abdulrahman Al-Ghamdi Director of Follow-up Department

Abdulwahab Abdullah Al Shehri Assistant Director of Follow-up Department

Kamal Saleh Ebada Specialist Follow-up health center - housing

Ahmed Hassan Alzahrani Specialist follow-up time colleges girls

Mohammed Abdullah Al-Samer Specialist Follow-up of university administration

Abdulwahed Mohammed Alzahrani Specialist Follow-up to the colleges of boys_ Administrative Affairs

Finger Print





1-لوائح وأنظمة وزارة الخدمة المدنية:

2-لوائح وأنظمة وزارة العمل:

3- نظام تأديب الموظفين ــوزارة الخدمة المدنية


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