Vice Presidency for Academic Affairs
The University Vice Deanship for Academic Affairs is one of the important pillars that helps the university succeed in achieving its goals and carrying out its main function, which is education. The agency is keen to perform its tasks in a professional, institutional manner that enhances the culture of teamwork and promotes the serious pursuit of creativity, development, innovation and initiative. The agency has also focused, with the grateful support of the supporting colleges and deanships, on achieving the requirements and standards of academic accreditation with regard to learning and teaching, and making that the main guide for all of the agency’s activities. And to govern the rules and foundations from which it proceeds in its dealings with all permanent committees, colleges, and supporting deanships. Developing curricula and study plans is one of the agency’s most important priorities in the current and future period, as well as achieving excellence in learning and teaching, and developing academic guidance mechanisms in a way that gives the student the opportunity to study scientific studies of both an applied and theoretical nature in accordance with international scientific foundations. The Vice Presidency for Academic Affairs also seeks to Developing the student’s personality and highlighting his leadership qualities within a framework of academic freedom in accordance with the rules and regulations that regulate work within Saudi universities. In general, the agency works to achieve the higher goals of the university. Since the issuance of Royal Decree No. 9682/MB dated 8/5/1426 AH establishing Al Baha University, the University Vice Presidency for Academic Affairs has been established, which is considered one of the most important pillars of the university to achieve its educational goals. His Excellency Professor Dr. Muhammad bin Nasser Al-Dosari has been assigned to supervise This agency was established in the year 1430 AH and continued to work until the year 1437 AH, when His Excellency Dr. Abdulaziz bin Yahya Al-Ghamdi was appointed Vice-Dean of the University for Academic Affairs on 3/15/1437. The University Vice Presidency for Academic Affairs is directly affiliated with all of the university’s colleges, which are (Faculty of Medicine – College of Dentistry – College of Clinical Pharmacy – College of Applied Medical Sciences – College of Engineering – College of Science – College of Computer Science and Information Technology – College of Business Administration – College of Education – College of Arts). And Humanities - College of Sciences and Arts in Al-Makhwah - College of Sciences and Arts in Al-Mandaq - College of Sciences and Arts in Baljurashi - College of Sciences and Arts in Qalwa - Community College) It is also followed by the relevant supporting deanships, which are: (Deanship of Admission and Registration - Deanship of Faculty Affairs - Deanship of the Year Preparatory school, as well as the English Language Center. The agency includes in its internal facilities a number of departments organizing the work, and many active units, active committees, and specific programs.
Message - Vice
I am very pleased to welcome you to the website of the University Vice Presidency for Academic Affairs at Al Baha University, which defines the agency’s objectives and work system, in a way that reflects the university’s vision, mission and strategic plan, which was formulated in light of the state’s constants and its ambitious vision 2030. The University Vice Presidency for Academic Affairs seeks to raise the quality of the educational process and its outcomes at the university through its tributaries represented by the university’s colleges. Providing the best services to male and female students to help them acquire the knowledge, skills and cognitive competencies that a university graduate must possess, and to achieve the necessary learning outcomes that go beyond meeting the needs of the labor market to enable them to reach a global level that places them in an advanced position on the ladder of competition for leadership and distinction locally, regionally and globally. The agency was keen to ensure that the academic programs were distinguished. To be consistent with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 and the needs of the labor market, through reviewing and developing the study programs offered by the university’s colleges, which relied on governing standards and disciplined indicators that took into account the nature of the stage and its requirements of the era, and what is new in the field of science and thought. Through the website, the agency looks forward to constructive and fruitful communication with our students and fellow university members, including faculty and staff. We ask God for help and guidance.
Achieving leadership in providing academic programs, according to the needs of the labor market in the Kingdom, and improving their outcomes.
Providing distinguished academic programs capable of meeting the needs of the labor market, and attracting distinguished faculty members capable of implementing these programs.
- Providing distinguished and competitive academic programs in the labor market.
- Attracting distinguished faculty members capable of achieving the agency’s ultimate goal of providing distinguished programs.
- Achieving the highest levels of quality in the academic programs offered by the university
- Strengthening and developing the capabilities of university graduates.
Based on the principles of the true Islamic religion that govern the values of our Islamic society, the University Vice Presidency for Academic Affairs is committed to the following values:
- Quality and excellence in all academic programs offered by the university through adherence to scientific standards and standards that govern the teaching and learning process.
- Teamwork and encouraging the team spirit among all agency employees, and dealing in a team spirit with the entities supervised by the agency.
- Encouraging academic freedom in a manner consistent with disciplined scientific research with the morals and values of Saudi Arabian society.
- Commitment to the values of justice and honesty and spreading the principle of equal opportunities.
- Commitment to supporting continuous learning among university employees and the local community in the Al-Baha region.
Organizational Hierarchy
coming soon
الارتباط التنظيمي
يرتبط مباشرة بسعادة وكيل الجامعة للشؤون الأكاديمية
مباشرة الإشراف على مكتب وكيل الجامعة والقيام بالأعمال التي توكل إليه من قبل وكيل الجامعة
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مدير مكتب وكيل الجامعة للشؤون الأكاديمية
سعود ين منسي الغامدي
هاتف: 0177257700 تحويله 15084
القيام بكل ما يكلفه به وكيل الجامعة للشؤون الأكاديمية من مهام وواجبات وتقديم المشورة العلمية في جميع القضايا الأكاديمية والتعليمية لوكيل الجامعة إذا طلب منه ذلك، ومتابعة بناء الخطط الدراسية وتحديثها مع الجهات ذات العلاقة.
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مستشار وكالة الجامعة للشؤون الأكاديمية
الدكتور/ السماني علي شكرالله
هاتف: 017725770 تحويلة 15083
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Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
the address
Al-Baha University City in Al-Aqiq
contact information
Phone: 00966-17-7274111
Fax: 00966-17-7247272
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
Dr.. Abdulaziz bin Yahya Al-Ghamdi
Phone: 00966-17-7274111