Vice Presidency for Quality and Development

Vice Presidency for Quality and Development

Message - Vice

A Message from the Vice President for Development and Quality


Considering the contemporary challenges and the modern technological and information revolution we are witnessing nowadays, we must meet the quality requirements and standards of outputs. Therefore, the educational institutions in our state have been keen to develop academic and professional units to raise qualified outputs capable of dealing with the latest scientific and practical developments. We are working in the Vice-Presidency for Development and Quality to coordinate and support processes to raise academic and administrative performance. The Vice-Presidency seeks to be one of the essential pillars of Albaha University's vision and mission by ensuring continuous follow-up to ensure academic quality at the institutional and educational levels and to fulfill the needs of faculty, students, and society. The Agency also pays special attention to the development of the skills of faculty members through its excellent training programs, which contribute to enhancing and upgrading the faculty members to serve the educational process. The Agency also implements many community-oriented programs aimed at generating and transferring knowledge and linking the university's potential and resources to the local community to contribute to its development and development, as well as to the knowledge economy and the dissemination of a culture of pioneering thinking. The University's Vice-Presidency for Development and Quality, under the unconditional support of His Excellency the Rector, has taken promising steps towards the continuous improvement and development of the university's access to national institutional accreditation. It has also worked on building an ambitious strategic plan in which the university will complete a unique and well-established structure in education, research, and community service—Vice President for Development and Quality Professor Doctor. Faris bin Saleh Al-Ghamdi

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

About - Vice



The University's Vice-Presidency for Development and Quality seeks to supervise and follow up to ensure compliance with the highest standards of quality and excellence through applying best practices in the academic and administrative processes. It is also the coordinator, supporter, and engine for evaluation and development efforts aimed at raising academic and organizational performance through the development and improvement plans required by the accreditation criteria for education, both internal and external.
The Vice-Presidency hopes to look into the future of the university by preparing and updating the strategic plan of the university in line with the vision of the Kingdom 2030, the national transformation programs 2020 and the higher education plan (AFAQ), development plans, and global developments in the field of higher education.
The Vice-Presidency also pays attention to developing the skills of its employees and academic or administrative staff through implementing quality training programs to meet their needs and enhance their competence, capacity building, and positive change in their behavior and attitudes.
The Vice-Presidency plays a crucial role in the third dimension of the university through implementing programs aimed at the community. It contributes to establishing community partnerships aimed at generating and transferring knowledge and linking the university's potential and resources to the community to advance its development and find appropriate solutions to the various problems it may face. In addition to its belief in fulfilling the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 for volunteering, the agency encourages and supports all its staff members, faculty members, and students to participate in the voluntary work that serves the region in the developmental fields.
To create a knowledge economy, the president is spreading the culture of pioneering thought and leadership among university students and providing appropriate support by developing their ideas and innovations and transforming them into real projects.
Thanks to God and then with the support and guidance of His Excellency the Rector and the cooperation of university vice-presidencies, colleges, deanships, and departments, the university will take serious steps towards developing its strategic plan and also qualify for institutional and program accreditation.

Organizational Hierarchy

Organizational Hierarchy





Vice Presidency for Quality and Development



Deanship of Quality and Development

University Cooperation and Classification Department

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center

Statistics and information Department

Vision, Mission, and Objectives - Vice


Leadership and distinction in development, quality, and community service


Apply best global practices in development and quality and build effective community partnerships.


The primary values producer that must be embedded in the awareness of the team, in the practices of the employee, and in the work of the Agency are:

  • Quality
  • Teamwork
  • Continuous development
  • Initiative
  • Commitment


We are improving institutional performance in the academic, research, administrative, and technical fields.

We are developing the capabilities and skills of academic and administrative staff.

Follow-up to achieve the objectives of the strategic plan of the university, which is consistent with the strategic directions of the Country.

Support the university's and its sectors' access to local and international funds.

We are extending bridges of cooperation with global expertise in all academic, cultural, and training areas.

They are supporting the development of educational programs, upgrading their quality, linking them, and adapting them to the needs of the labor market and events in the field of specialization.

It enhances the university's role in discharging its responsibilities towards society to achieve sustainable development.

We are building an integrated database to achieve the best flow levels between the university units.

We are promoting a culture of entrepreneurship and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.

    To spread and adopt the concept of development and improvement of all operations within the university.

Curriculum Vitae

Administration departments

Director of the Vice Rector's Office for Development and Quality

Director of the Vice Rector's Office for Development and Quality
organizational link
Varieties Director of the Office of the Vice-Rector for Development and Quality

Coverage of more than one launch agency website

Carry out the Agency's control achievements.

We are carrying out integrated records for the committees assigned to them.

call us
name : Muhammad Al-Jadaani
Tel. 0177257700 ext. 15153


Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Hatta 1.
Adviser to His Excellency, the Vice-Rector for Development and Quality for University Cooperation and Classification Affairs, carried out all the tasks and duties assigned by the Vice-Rector for Development and Quality and provided scientific advice in everything related to the Vice Deanship.
Tel. 0177257700 ext. 15457
2. Dr. saliha safar alghamdi
Adviser to His Excellency the Vice Rector for Development and Quality for Statistics and Information Affairs, carrying out all the tasks and duties assigned by the Vice-Rector for Development and Quality and providing scientific advice in everything related to the Vice Rectorate.
Tel. 0177257700 ext. 15153  
3/ Dr. Mohammed Rashid Al-Zahrani
Adviser to His Excellency the Vice Rector for Development and Quality for Investment Affairs, carrying out all the tasks and duties assigned by the Vice-Rector for Development and Quality and providing scientific advice in everything related to the Vice Rectorate.
Tel. 0177257700 ext. 15985

Secretarial unit

about loneliness
This unit aims to organize the work of His Excellency the Rector of the University around the clock, in terms of coordinating mail work, office appointments in interviews and communications, as well as coordinating the work of the vice-rectorate committees
1- Coordinating His Excellency the Undersecretary's personal, telephone, and electronic appointments.

2- Coordinating the work and meetings of the various committees affiliated with the University Vice Presidency for Development and Quality.
call us
a. Muhammad Ali Al-Zahrani
Tel. 0177257700 ext. 15157 
female department
call us
Sahar Muhammad Al-Sheikh 1.
Fawzia Muhammad Al-Ghamdi 2.
Nujud Salih Al-Mana 3.
Tel. 0177257700 ext. 15376




Vic-Peresident of Development and Quality
Prof. Dr. Faris Alghamdi

Assistant Vice President for Development and Quality for Investment Affair

Prof .Dr .Mohammed Rashid AL-Zahrani   

Director of the Office of the Vice Rectors for Development and Quality.
Mr.Basim Mohammed Jaber AL-jadani

Secretary of the Office of the Vice Rectors for Development and Quality.
Mr. Mohammed Ali Al-Zahran

Female Department.
Mrs. Sahar mohammed AL-shaikh
Mrs. Fawzeah mohammed Ali AL-ghamedy

Curriculum Vitae