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University Security Administration

The University Security Administration is one of the service departments at the university, responsible for implementing security procedures, safeguarding university property, and enforcing security regulations across campus facilities. This contributes to enhancing the university's educational progress.

قائمة ادارة الامن الجامعي

Message from the Director of the Department

Message from the Director of the Department

All praise is due to Allah, by whose grace all good deeds are completed. May peace and blessings be upon the best of creation, our Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah, and upon his family and companions.

The University Security Department is responsible for safeguarding the university's properties and maintaining order in terms of security and traffic within the campus. It strives to serve the university's members and visitors with all available resources.

The department also enjoys the support and oversight of the esteemed Vice President of the University, as it is one of the departments under the Vice Presidency. It receives significant attention from His Excellency, the President of the University, due to the importance of its assigned duties.

Director of the University Security Department
Mr. Saud bin Ali Al-Shamrani