Scientific Council

Scientific Council





The Scientific Council was established by Article 28 of the Higher Education Council and Universities law. The Scientific Council began at Al-Baha University in the academic year 1430 - 1431 AH, when the Council held the first meeting of the first session. The Scientific Council supervises the scientific affairs of faculty members and research, academic studies, and publishing affairs. The Scientific Council shall meet at the invitation of its President at least once a month. The meetings of the Council shall not be valid unless attended by at least two-thirds of its members.
The decisions of the Scientific Council shall be issued by an absolute majority of the votes of those present. If the votes are equally divided, the side in which the President shall prevail. The decisions of the Council shall be considered adequate unless there is an objection from the Rector within fifteen days from the date that he received them. If he objects, he shall return it to the Scientific Council with his point of view for further study. If the Council remains on its opinion, the resolutions objected to it shall be transmitted to the University Council and considered in an ordinary or extraordinary session. The Council of the University may ratify, amend, or cancel the decisions, and its decision thereon is final.