Directors Message
Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Ghamdi
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has begun to undergo significant changes quickly. These changes have been economic as well as social and coincide with the Kingdom’s belief in the capabilities of its youth to keep up with and contribute to these changes. The Kingdom has one of the highest percentages of youth, reaching 70% of the population, thus making them the main contributors to the local economic market. For this reason, the Kingdom has made it a priority to support its youth and help them turn their ideas into products and services that help meet the demands of the local economic market.
Over time, it has been proven that an economy based on knowledge and experience fuels modern economies and creativity and creates jobs. This is the starting point for one of the main strategic goals in building a robust economic system that contributes to increasing local produce by 35% in keeping with the 2030 vision.
Albaha has many economic components and investment opportunities, especially in agriculture, tourism, and mining. Despite its size, Alabama is considered the birthplace of some of the best business people who have contributed to the Saudi economy over the last few decades. The launch of the 2030 vision has allotted entrepreneurship and small/medium businesses a valuable slot in the local economy, and for the role of these businessmen to continue, the need for a center that supports entrepreneurship projects across Albaha has become a significant priority and necessity. This is where the idea of establishing the entrepreneurship center came from, and the University of Albaha is to be its sponsor as it has the resources to help it achieve its goals.