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Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science at Albaha University was established by Royal Decree No. 9682 / MB dated 5/8/1426 H. The work in the college began in the year1427 H to contribute effectively to the growth and expansion of the higher education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the fields of basic and applied sciences to meet the needs of the labor market in the governmental and private sectors. Currently, the Faculty of Science at Albaha University has advanced study programs to provide students with scientific and practical skills and knowledge with a focus on the use of modern technologies in four main departments: Biology, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

Menu 2024

Bachelor of Mathematics

Bachelor of Mathematics




The program of mathematics which is offered by the department of mathematics, faculty of science - Al-Baha university is designed to enable the students to be in a high standard needed for successful and distinguished process.


NQF Learning Domains


-To know how the methods of scientific research in mathematical sciences can be applied.

- To know how the steps to conduct a research project in  the  mathematics fields.

Cognitive Skills

-Analyze the results of various branches of mathematics.

- Discusses the findings of the given problems in pure and applied mathematics.

-Ability of mastering research project in mathematics.    .

Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility

-Take responsibility for own learning and professional developments.

Communication, Information Technology and Numerical Skills 

- Communicate effectively both in verbal and written form during educational discussions/ meetings on the various subjects of the course.

Psychomotor skills (if any)

- Draw different curves and lines.

Potential Jobs

The possible jobs for the gradwate students in mathemaics are:

  • Ministry of education.

  • Ministry of investments.

  • Ministry of industry.

  • Banking sectors.

  • Forecasting sectors.

  • Ministry of defense.


Study Plan


