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Faculty of Pharmacy

The Faculty of Pharmacy at Al-Baha University in Al-Baha City was established according to the Royal decision 5088 on 07 / 08 / 1432 H (08/07/2011), Under the name of ''Faculty of Clinical Pharmacy'', and in 15/10/2023 the name was changed to be ''Faculty of Pharmacy''. It is located in Al-Baha region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with its main campus in Al-Aqiq province, about 30 km away from Al-Baha town. The Faculty was established for the improvement of the health services and the advancement of the pharmacy profession and to cope with the educational policy of the kingdom, which is distinguished by applying the most advances in the technology and sciences in various fields. The study began in faculty in the academic year 1432/1433 H (2011) to the male section while the female section started in the academic year 1438/1439 H (2017). The Pharm.D program at the Faculty got the full academic accreditation by the Education and Training Evaluation Commission in Saudi Arabia on 01/10/2024

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Faculty Vision

''To be an inspiring and leading Faculty of Pharmacy, nationally and internationally in pharmacy education, research and building the community knowledge”.

Faculty Mission

''The Faculty of Pharmacy provides the community with the next generation of competent pharmacists through high-quality curricula that includes high level of education and research to meet the needs and improve the health of the community''.

Program Vision

“To excel in pharmacy education that contributes to scientific research and enhances the well-being of the community”.

Program Mission

“Provide high quality distinguished academic pharmacy program to prepare competent pharmacists who prioritize patient-centered care, advance pharmaceutical sciences through research, and positively impact the health and well-being of their communities”.

Program Goals

Objective 1: Improving the quality of teaching and learning
Objective 2: Achieving excellence in the performance of faculty staff members.
Objective 3: Developing and supporting scientific research
Objective 4: Enhancing community collaboration

Program Values

The faculty adopts the following values that define our identity:

  1. Honesty and integrity: We perform work with complete honesty, respect and integrity.

  2. Cultural and social diversity respect: We encourage principles of diversity in our faculty, as well as with the community we serve.

  3. Transparency and equal opportunity: We believe that integrity is exemplified through transparency, accountability and equity.

  4. Teamwork: We appreciate the value of teamwork, in the spirit of support, respect and transparent communication.

  5. Partnership: We are committed to foster students, faculty and staff to collaborate as equal partners.

Program Graduate Attributes

  1. Pharmaceutical knowledge and understanding

Demonstrate in-depth professional knowledge and comprehension about pharmacy and pharmacy practice, including pharmaceutical science, administrative pharmacy science and manufacturing practices.


  1. Critical thinking and problem solving

Manifest the ability of critical thinking while solving problems and making decisions during daily practice, especially identifying, analyzing, evaluating and applying information for solving specific patient-related problems.


  1. Creativity, innovation and research skills

Show the ability to create, design and conduct appropriate experiments with relevant techniques, resources, and modern analytical and pharmaceutical tools to perform research and investigation of complex problems.


  1. Collaboration and team work

Demonstrate effective performances in a team environment, and cooperate productively with pharmacists and other healthcare providers when providing high quality pharmaceutical services.


  1. Communication skills

Show an ability to communicate effectively with patients and other healthcare providers to give and receive clear instructions.


  1. Information technology skills

Demonstrate qualification to utilize appropriate information technologies for optimization of decision-making action, medication use and to perform the adequate calculation and analyses relevant to pharmacy and pharmaceutical practice.


  1. Ethics

Show professional ethics and values while making decisions, and during preparing and dispensing medications.


  1. Lifelong learner

Show the ability to develop an independent and lifelong learning for personal development and excellence in professional practice.


  1. Leadership and management

Show an engagement in professional activities and management with the potential to be entrepreneurial and take leadership role.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

  1. Knowledge and Understanding

K1/ Describe principles, concepts and theories in biomedical, pharmaceutical, social, behavioral, administrative and clinical sciences associated with the development and use of pharmacy services and products for prevention and treatment of diseases.

K2/ Discuss processes, techniques and practices related to various pharmacy practice settings according to legal, ethical and professional standards.

K3/ Recognize advanced knowledge of recent development related to drug discovery, design, manufacture, action, and delivery and patient care required to conduct research in the fields of pharmacy.


  1. Skills

Cognitive Skills:

S1/ Apply specialized theories, principles and concepts in the field of pharmaceutical sciences and clinical pharmacy.

S2/ Interpret information obtained from different resources to provide creative solutions for complex pharmaceutical and clinical issues.

S3/ Conduct research or professional project using specialized scientific techniques and methodologies in pharmaceutical and clinical fields.


Practical and Physical Skills

S4/ Demonstrate proficiency in performing specialized laboratory techniques, processes, and tasks relevant to medication management and pharmaceutical settings.


Communication and IT Skills

S5/ Communicate effectively with colleagues, patients, supervisors, other health care providers, administrative and supportive personnel to provide community awareness, drug information, and high-quality pharmaceutical care.

S6/ Utilize appropriate information technology skills and data analyses techniques to support and enhance pharmaceutical research, medication management, and patient care in line with legal, and professional guidelines.


  1. Values, Autonomy, and Responsibility


Values and Ethics

V1/ Demonstrate integrity, ethics and professional and academic values, for effective management of routine and unanticipated circumstances.


Autonomy, and Responsibility

V2/ Participate in continuous reflective, adaptive and collaborative learning to remain updated on recent professional and inter-professional development and provide accurate and relevant recommendations with high autonomy and responsibility.

V3/ Collaborate effectively with full responsibility in conducting leadership behavior with colleagues and other healthcare professionals in research and professional projects for promoting life quality for the community.

Faculty Strategic Plan (Please Click here)

Program Handbook (Please Click here)

Student Handbook (Please Click here)
