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Faculty of Computing and Information

Faculty of Computing and Information strives to achieve the ultimate objectives and goals of the Kingdom's development plan. From this perspective, it deems the necessity of coping with the technology era by introducing modern and specialized academic programs that meet the growing needs for the Information Technology development in the kingdom. The philosophy of the faculty is derived from the fact that today's knowledge and knowledge-based economy require scientists and professionals from different disciplines to cooperate for the development and utilization of a wide range of skills and knowledge to provide solutions to social needs.

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Bachelor of Computer Information Systems

Bachelor of Computer Information Systems


The Systems and Networks Department offers a Bachelor of Computer Information Systems program. This program is a combination of business and management courses with information systems courses, which covers the following aspects: business analysis, business computing, programming languages, computer and information security, problem solving, databases, applications. Software, networks, operating systems. This combination of courses provides a balance between the basic concepts of information systems and practical learning. The curriculum in the department relies on the experience and academic guidance of the faculty members in the department to ensure that students are prepared for the real world by integrating knowledge with practical application.


1.    Create a distinct academic environment to enhance the competitiveness of the students enrolled in the CIS program.
2.    Achieve excellence in the CIS faculty team.
3.    Strengthen a systemized scientific research progress within the program.
4.    Develop community service programs for the program.
5.    Prepare students to satisfy the labor market needs in the field of CIS.
6.    Promote hands-on learning and real-world experiences through research projects and other experiential learning experiences in Saudi Arabian society and culture.
7.    Instill values of ethical responsibility, social awareness, and professionalism in the technology industry.
8.    Foster a culture of innovation, creativity, and flexibility to adapt to changes in the technology industry.

Program Learning Outcomes

3. Program Learning Outcomes*

Knowledge and Understanding


Understand fundamental concepts and theories related to information systems, computer science and related fields.


Recognize principles and practices of software development, programming, algorithms.


Understand management concepts, including E-marketing and business intelligence, and other significant concepts, including database management, network systems, cybersecurity, and decision support systems and their relevance to technology-based businesses and organizations.


Specify concepts and theories in related sciences and cultures that are necessary to comprehend and enrich the overall knowledge of Information Systems.



Apply scientific inquiry, critical thinking, and decision-making skills to analyze and evaluate various information system problems and solutions.


Develop, design, implement, and manage software applications and information systems using various programming languages, database management, and other tools and techniques.


Use project management tools and scientific research methods.


Analyze general concepts and cultures around the information systems discipline and demonstrate an understanding of the foundational principles and theories that underpin computer information systems.


Use decision support systems and business intelligence tools to analyze and interpret data to provide insights and recommendations to organizations.


Communicate effectively and work collaboratively in interdisciplinary teams while demonstrating ethical and social responsibility in using technology.

Values, Autonomy, and Responsibility


Show a leadership and willingness to cooperate fully with others in joint projects and initiatives.


Develop an understanding of ethical, legal, and social issues related to information systems and a commitment to diversity, inclusion, and social responsibility.


Practice lifelong learning and adaptability to changes in the rapidly evolving technology industry.


Embrace innovation and creativity to develop solutions to challenges facing the technology industry.

Potential Jobs

  • Systems Analyst
  • Business Analyst
  • Database Administrator
  • Information Systems Manager
  • IT Consultant
  • Cybersecurity Analyst
  • Web Developer
  • Data Analyst
  • Network Administrator
  • Project Manager (IT Specific)
  • User Experience (UX) Designer
  • Enterprise Architect

Course Description

Level Course Coordinator
Level 1 ENGL1001 - English 1  
Level 1 T104-IS1001 - Principles of Management  
Level 2 ENGL1002 - English 2  
Level 2 T104-CS1002 - Introduction to Computing and Algorithms  
Level 2 T104-IS1002 - Foundation of Information System  
Level 3 ENGL1003 - English 3  
Level 3 T104-CS1005 - Programming 1  
Level 4 CS1251 - Programming 2  
Level 4 T104-CS1003 - Discrete Structures  
Level 4 T104-IS1003 - Systems Analysis and Design 1  
Level 4 T104-IT1255 - Technical Writing  
Level 5 T104 -IS1004 - Database-1  
Level 5 T104-CS1256 - Data-Structures  
Level 5 T104-IS1251 - Computer Networks  
Level 5 T104-IS1252 - Systems Analysis and Design 2  
Level 6 T104-IS1253 - Web Application Development 1  
Level 6 T104-IS1254 - Database 2  
Level 6 T104-IS1255 - User Interface Design  
Level 7 T104-IS1502 - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)  
Level 7 T104-IS1503 - Data-information-Management  
Level 7 T104-IS1504 - IS Project Management  
Level 7 T104-IS1505 - Web Application Development 2  
Level 8 T104 -IS1507 - IT Infrastructure  
Level 8 T104-IS1506 - Accounting for CIS  
Level 8 T104-IS1508 - Operating System  
Level 8 T104-IS1509 - Electronic Business  
Level 9 T104-IS1501 - Ethics in Computing  
Level 9 T104-IS1510 - Digital Innovation and Emerging Technologies  
Level 9 T104-IS1512 - Information Systems Security  
Level 9 T104-IS1515 - Decision Support Systems  
Level 10 T104-CS1752 - Research Methods  
Level 10 T104-IS1751 - Business Process Management  
Level 10 T104-IS1752 - Database Administration  
Level 11 T104 IS1753 - Senior Project for CIS 1  
Level 11 T104-IS1754 - Data Science  
Level 11 T104-IS1755 - IS Strategy and Management  
Level 12 T104-IS1756 - Senior Project for CIS 2  
Level 12 T104-IS1757 - Seminar  
College Elective T104-CS1513 - Unix OS Environment  
College Elective T104-CS1514 - Advanced Programming and Design Patterns  
College Elective T104-IS1513 - Digital Marketing  
College Elective T104-IS1514 - Digital Entrepreneurship  
College Elective T104-IT1513 - Software Testing  
College Elective T104-IT1514 - Blockchain Technology  
Program Elective A T104-IS1758 - Enterprise systems.  
Program Elective A T104-IS1759 - Business Intelligence  
Program Elective A T104-IS1760 - Cloud Business Applications  
Program Elective B T104-IS1761- Systems Integration  
Program Elective B T104-IS1762 - Introduction to Data Mining  
Program Elective B T104-IS1763 - Geographic information system.  
Program Elective C T104-IS1764 - E-commerce  
Program Elective C T104-IS1765 - Data Warehouse  
Program Elective D T104-IS1767 - Enterprise Architecture  
Program Elective D T104-IS1768 - Data Visualization  
Program Elective D T104-IS1769 - Applied Cryptography  
Program Elective D T104-IS1770 - Supply Chain Management