
Eservices Agreement


E-Services Level Agreement

The electronic services level agreement aims to indicate the quality of the level of services provided through the various systems and services provided by Al Baha University to the various beneficiaries of employees and visitors. The agreement also clarifies the rights and duties of Al-Baha University and the beneficiary. This agreement is an express agreement between the university and everyone who deals with it, whether or not they are aware of the agreement. Accordingly, mere access to any of the services covered by this agreement is an implicit and explicit consent of the recipients of those services to all of what is stated in this agreement, without prejudice to any other agreements that may be included in the process of providing that service.

Privacy and confidentiality of information

Privacy and confidentiality of information


The university is committed to maintaining the rules of justice and privacy in dealing with the requests of beneficiaries of services in strict confidentiality by the policies in force in the university and published on the university's electronic portal. The university also makes every effort to provide high-quality services to all beneficiaries.

زمن الاستجابة وإغلاق الطلبات

Response time and closing requests

service type response time rate Average order closing time
Inquiry immediately immediately
procedural a work day 3-7 working days


Image Description

Support and Assistance

You can submit a technical support request on the electronic services through one of the following channels:

For faculty members or university employees:

You can submit a technical support request through the Tasheel service via the link

Note that working hours are from Sunday to Thursday from eight in the morning until two thirty in the evening.
