To ensure high-quality teaching and learning of the English Language.
The ELC contributes to providing effective teaching and a supportive learning environment for first-year students and developing their linguistic and communicative skills to achieve their academic goals.
Sustainability: ensuring academic and educational excellence in ELT as stated in the ELC Vision.
Accuracy: striving to accomplish missions in an accurate and perfect manner.
Cooperation: supporting each other in accomplishing academic and administrative tasks.
Commitment: striving to achieve our goals and to support the university and the colleges in achieving their related goals.
Development: establishing and attending training courses and related workshops (academic, administrative, etc. ...)
Improving the quality of teaching and learning:
This goal aims to raise the level of teaching and learning English language skills for first-year students.
Achieving excellence in the performance of faculty members:
This goal aims to recruit the best faculty members in English language teaching.
Supporting scientific research:
This aims to support the researchers and facilitate their scientific tasks in the field of teaching and learning English for first-year students.
Assuring community service:
This goal aims to support the community service and its members and to interact with its relevant institutions.