Vice-Presidency for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
The University Vice Presidency for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research is interested in developing and enhancing qualitative research work at the university. In order to advance the research process, the Presidency Agency provides qualified human cadres, logistical services and financial support. In this regard, the University Vice Presidency has created a number of postgraduate programs in theoretical specializations, basic sciences, as well as health specializations, in an effort to diversify efforts and comprehensively program programs. It is also working to obtain diverse and permanent financial sources to fund scientific research. In the same context, the agency worked to host the annual meeting of the Saudi Society for Life Sciences. The Authority also works to support and establish scientific societies, including the Scientific Society for Educational Leadership and the Scientific Society for Intellectual Security.
A Message from the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
Postgraduate studies and scientific research are considered the qualitative pillar of the academic process because they express the factors of excellence at the university through high competencies and creative ideas that address various societal issues and development projects. In this golden period in which the state paid attention to scientific research through Vision 2030 programs and the establishment of the Research and Innovation Authority, and the Ministry of Education was keen to support scientific research by providing institutional funding and supporting it financially on an annual basis, and after successive investments in qualifying national cadres in all specializations from universities. High-level international standards, all of these are strong supporting factors for distinguished scientific research and qualitative graduate studies.
Distinguished scientific research reflects on the efficiency and advancement of the educational process and raises the level of universities’ contribution in providing capable consulting expertise in their fields of specialization. Therefore, addressing development issues in society is the most important priority of universities, which contributes effectively to improving the national economy.
Prof. Dr. Ghanem bin Muhammad Al-Ghamdi
Vice Rector for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research
Leadership in the field of providing all academic and research services electronically in accordance with global developments.
Providing an electronic communication environment that contributes to providing all of the agency’s academic and research services and facilitating its work.
- Directing scientific research to serve development issues at the academic and applied levels; This is to reach innovative applied solutions to various scientific problems.
- Providing the appropriate environment to support partnership between society and its institutions to stimulate the spirit of scientific research.
- Building bridges of trust between society (individuals and institutions) and its scientific institutions with the aim of directing reliance in solving local problems on national research institutes.
- Enriching national and global research production.
- Investing the energies of distinguished human competencies to achieve a qualitative shift at all levels, given that investing in human capital is the best investment.
- Optimal investment in the university’s intellectual capital, related to benefiting from the university’s scientific and research production, improving it and directing it towards serving comprehensive development locally and globally.
Organizational Hierarchy
University Council
Scientific Council
Deanship of Graduate Studies
Deanship of Scientific Research
Deanship of Libraries Affairs
Department of Missions and External Relations
Saudi Scientific Association for Educational Leadership
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