News & Events
An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> s_image.cur_ImageNews [in template "20100#20136#10773785" at line 70, column 233] ---- Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it. ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, ( ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: ${s_image.cur_ImageNews.getData()} [in template "20100#20136#10773785" at line 70, column 231] ----
1<!-- Content News -->
2<section class="g-py-50 g-pt-100">
3 <div class="container mh-100">
4 <div class="row">
5 <div class="col-lg-9">
6 <div id="shortcode2">
7 <div class="shortcode-html">
8 <!-- Box Shadow -->
9 <div class="u-shadow-v1-2 g-mb-30" style="height: 450px;">
10 <#if b_image.getData()?? && b_image.getData() != "">
11 <img class="img-fluid rounded mx-auto d-block" alt="${b_image.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${b_image.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${b_image.getData()}" style="height: 450px;">
12 </#if>
13 </div>
14 <!-- End Box Shadow -->
15 </div>
16 </div>
17 </div>
18 <div class="col-lg-3">
19 <div id="shortcode1">
20 <div class="shortcode-html">
21 <!-- Box Shadow Blue-->
22 <div class=" u-shadow-v1-3 g-line-height-2 g-pa-40 g-mb-30" role="alert" style="height: 450px; ">
23 <h2 class="u-heading-v3__title h6 text-uppercase "><#if locale == "ar_SA">روابط سريعة<#else>Quick Links</#if></h2>
24 <ul class="list-unstyled g-mt-20">
25 <a href="#">
26 <li class="g-color-white-opacity-0_8 g-color-white--hover" ><#if locale == "ar_SA">الرئيسية<#else>Home</#if></li>
27 </a>
28 <a href="">
29 <li class="g-color-white-opacity-0_8 g-color-white--hover" >
30 <#if locale == "ar_SA">كل الأخبار<#else>All News</#if>
31 </li>
32 </a>
33 <a href="">
34 <li class="g-color-white-opacity-0_8 g-color-white--hover"><#if locale == "ar_SA">عن الجامعة<#else>About Bu</#if></li>
35 </a>
36 </ul>
37 </div>
38 <!-- End Box Shadow Blue-->
39 </div>
40 </div>
41 </div>
42 <div class="container">
43 <div class="row">
44 <div class=" g-py-30 rounded-lg mx-auto">
45 <div class="col-md-12 float-left textp">
46 <h1 class="title-new font-weight-bold" style="color:#002A5C;">
47 <a href="#">
48 ${news_title.getData()}
49 </a>
50 </h1>
51 <div class="d-inline-block g-width-60 g-height-6 g-absolute-centered--x"></div>
52 <p class="g-font-size-23 g-color-black-light mx-auto g-pt-40 g-pb-50"> ${news_desc.getData()} </p>
53 </div>
54 </div>
55 </div>
56 </div>
57 </section>
58 <#if ImageNews.getSiblings()?has_content>
59 <!-- Our Environment -->
60 <section class="g-py-30" style="direction: ltr;">
61 <div class="container">
62 <div class="row">
63 <!-- Carousel -->
64 <div class="col-lg-3 g-mb-50 g-mb-0--lg"> </div>
65 <div class="col-lg-6 g-mb-50 g-mb-0--lg">
66 <div class="js-carousel text-center g-mb-20" data-arrow-left-classes="fa fa-angle-left g-left-0 rounded-right" data-arrow-right-classes="fa fa-angle-right g-right-0 rounded-left" data-arrows-classes="u-arrow-v1 g-absolute-centered--y g-width-50 g-height-50 g-font-size-20 g-bg-white g-color-gray-dark-v5 g-mt-minus-10" data-infinite="true" data-lazy-load="progressive" data-nav-for="#carouselCus2" id="carouselCus1">
67 <#list ImageNews.getSiblings() as cur_ImageNews>
68 <#if cur_ImageNews.getData()?? && cur_ImageNews.getData() != "">
69 <div class="js-slide">
70 <a class="js-fancybox d-block g-pos-rel" data-blur-bg="true" data-close-effect="bounceOutDown" data-close-speed="1000" data-open-effect="bounceInDown" data-open-speed="1000" data-rel="lightbox-gallery--08-1" href="${s_image.cur_ImageNews.getData()}" title="Lightbox Gallery">
71 <img class="img-fluid mx-auto rounded" alt="${cur_ImageNews.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${cur_ImageNews.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${cur_ImageNews.getData()}" />
72 </a>
73 </div>
74 </#if>
75 </#list>
76 </div>
77 <div class="js-carousel text-center u-carousel-v3 g-mx-minus-10" data-center-mode="true" data-infinite="true" data-is-thumbs="true" data-lazy-load="progressive" data-nav-for="#carouselCus1" data-slides-show="4" id="carouselCus2">
78 <#list ImageNews.getSiblings() as cur_ImageNews>
79 <#if cur_ImageNews.getData()?? && cur_ImageNews.getData() != "">
80 <div class="js-slide g-px-10"><img class="img-fluid g-cursor-pointer rounded" alt="${cur_ImageNews.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${cur_ImageNews.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${cur_ImageNews.getData()}" /></div>
81 </#if>
82 </#list>
83 </div>
84 </div>
85 <div class="col-lg-3 g-mb-50 g-mb-0--lg"> </div>
86 <!-- End Carousel -->
87 </div>
88 </div>
89 </section>
90 </#if>
91 <script>
92 Liferay.on('allPortletsReady',function() {
93 try{
94 // initialization of carousel
95 $.HSCore.components.HSCarousel.init('.js-carousel');
97 // initialization of tabs
100 // initialization of popups
101 $.HSCore.components.HSPopup.init('.js-fancybox');
103 // initialization of text animation (typing)
104 $(".u-text-animation.u-text-animation--typing").typed({
105 strings: [
106 "an awesome template",
107 "perfect template",
108 "just like a boss"
109 ],
110 typeSpeed: 60,
111 loop: true,
112 backDelay: 1500
113 });
114 }catch(ex){
115 console.log(ex);
116 }
117 });
119 $(window).on('resize', function () {
120 setTimeout(function () {
122 }, 200);
123 });
125 </script>
126 <style>
127 .portlet-title-text.portlet-title-editable {
128 display: none;}
129 h2.portlet-title-text {
130 display: none;
131 }
134 </style>