Faculty of Applied College

Applied College

The Applied College seeks to develop the skills and capabilities of its students. It will continue to invest in the fields of education and training to equip young men and women for future employment. The college will also redouble its efforts to ensure that the results of its educational system are aligned with the needs of the labor market.

Menu applied College

أهداف التدريب

Training objectives

  • Strengthening cooperation relations and exchanging experiences between the college and training bodies.

  • Enabling economic sectors to recognize trainees’ skills and attract them for employment.

  • Providing trainees with applied skills and experience in the field of their academic specializations.

  •  Preparing trainees to move into the labor market and effectively communicate with economic sectors.

  •  Enhancing the trainees’ sense of responsibility, punctuality, and respect for laws and regulations.

  •  Enhancing trainees’ cooperative behavior and working within one team.

  •  Providing trainees with effective communication skills in the work environment and interaction with others.

  •  Enabling trainees to evaluate the applied procedures and activities and provide feedback.

  •  Promoting trainees’ effective use of modern and appropriate devices and techniques.

  •  Preparing trainees to accept instructions in a high spirit, pay attention to giving constructive criticism, accept criticism and benefit from it, and respect the privacy of others and the confidentiality of information.

  •  Providing trainees with the opportunity to discover their professional interests in their field of academic specialization.