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Professor. Fatma Alzahraa Mohamad Hassan Gomaa

Supervisor Assistant of the Pharmacognosy & Medicinal Herbs Department

Associate Professor

Pharmacognosy & Medicinal Herbs Department

Faculty of Clinical Pharmacy

  • Buhr Campus, Science building2, first floor
  • Faculty Member
  • Personal site
  • Visitors: 4506

Twenty-two years experience in tutoring and introducing courses in the field of Clinical Microbiology, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Immunology, Molecular biology, Biotechnology, Infection control and Public health. I have worked with and mentored undergraduate and graduate students, I was a supervisor for already granted eighteen post graduate master and doctorate students. My current research focuses on diagnosis, monitoring, and screening for disease. *Master / Ph.D. - Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt My Ultimate objective as an instructor is to provide students with the necessary experiences and skills to make them ready for life after graduation.



Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Egypt

PhD, Microbiology & Immunology




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