Member Page

Dr. Sami Hassan Elsayed Taglawi

Assistant Professor

الهندسة المدنية

Faculty of Engineering

  • كلية الهندسة - مبني رقم 4 - مكتب رقم 2720
  • Faculty Member
  • Personal site
  • Visitors: 1741

Dr. Sami Tagalwi has achieved a professional experience in different aspects of the field of civil engineering like Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics, Water Resources, Hydrology and Engineering Hydrology, Water Supply Engineering, Wastewater Engineering, Waste solids Disposal, Groundwater Engineering, Water Harvest, Engineering Economy, Irrigation Engineering, and Hydraulic.



Moscow State University for Environmental Engineering (MSUEE) Moscow-Russia, Russia

PhD, Water Resources and Environmental Engineering (Hydraulic and Engineering Hydrology)




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