- University Members /
- Nami Alsulami
Assistant Professor
Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
- College of Engineering Building # 4 Civil Engineer floor #2 Room #2710
- Faculty Member
- Personal site
- Visitors: 552
Dr. Nami Alsulami is a transportation professional and Assistant Professor with a Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering from the University of Central Florida, ranked among the top five U.S. universities in Transportation Engineering. His expertise includes shared mobility, traffic safety, and urban transportation planning, with a focus on big data analysis and policy development. Dr. Alsulami teaches Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Transportation Planning, Geometric Design of Roads, and Pavement Design courses. He actively participates in leading international conferences, including the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting and the International Conference on Transportation and Development. He is dedicated to advancing safer and more sustainable transportation system
University of Central Florida, United States
PhD, Transportation Engineering
University of Dayton, United States
Master Degree, Transportation Engineering
Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia
Bachelor Degree, Civil Engineering
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